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Retrospectrum Meets Modernisation!

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have finally signed on the dotted line with uncle ah soon. i will be updating my first post with regards to all the ppl i met in the process. although i did not sign with them, they are still worth a shot if u are looking for friendly IDs who dont frown upon and disappear at a budget of $20k. :)

back to uncle ah soon, we are all set to start on Monday, 4th May. he's given us a better timeline to work with now, so we have more time to look around for the necessary stuff for our kitchen.

our final quote was $23k with more stuff thrown in for me! now, FOC blum runners unless i am doing a lot. yet to be confirmed at this stage, have to speak to jason first to conceptualise the kitchen. he is also throwing in 15M oven switch for me FOC (he previously quoted $120 for that) & also FOC the T5 lights for me. So nice of him! :) on top of the FOC he also rounded the figures off for me to $23k. he did say he can give me a rebate of $400 since we rented the house next door and he can work in an empty house and work can be complete in a faster and convenient way. dunno how that will go. :)

all in all, very pleased with him, no complaints. :)

Aubrey, thot you are marrying uncle soon...just kidding... :P

Glad that you can start your reno soon after some hiccups along the way. Hope that your reno will be smooth sailing, looking fwd to your updates.


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have finally signed on the dotted line with uncle ah soon. i will be updating my first post with regards to all the ppl i met in the process. although i did not sign with them, they are still worth a shot if u are looking for friendly IDs who dont frown upon and disappear at a budget of $20k. :)

back to uncle ah soon, we are all set to start on Monday, 4th May. he's given us a better timeline to work with now, so we have more time to look around for the necessary stuff for our kitchen.

our final quote was $23k with more stuff thrown in for me! now, FOC blum runners unless i am doing a lot. yet to be confirmed at this stage, have to speak to jason first to conceptualise the kitchen. he is also throwing in 15M oven switch for me FOC (he previously quoted $120 for that) & also FOC the T5 lights for me. So nice of him! :) on top of the FOC he also rounded the figures off for me to $23k. he did say he can give me a rebate of $400 since we rented the house next door and he can work in an empty house and work can be complete in a faster and convenient way. dunno how that will go. :)

all in all, very pleased with him, no complaints. :)

Hi Aubrey,

Congrats! Finally you can start your reno and found a temporary place....

Staying-in during reno is very inconvenience although mine is just small effect. I have to mop bedroom floor eevryday -after work :P

Btw, my reno has almost done - only solid-surface work-top left. Hope can finish by next Mon :)


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gd for u aubrey! finally signed on the dotted line, now u can look forward to the start... n then to shifting back to a newly renovated old house! :dancingqueen:

I think Uncle's really nice to throw in BLUM for u. So envy... but i'm happy with my soft close since uncle threw in other FOCs for my miserable reno budget too, cannot be so picky liao. :)

Anyway i realised i forgot to reply u on the WC thingy. Baron's flushing is quite ok, its the 1-pc package i bought at the Geylang shop recommended by Pinkpetter. Clayton half-flush is really weak, full flush still ok. As for soft close, i realised i dun really like it now that my Baron WC has it. Maybe becos i like to lift up the seat to jetspray the underneath of the cover every night, so its quite irritating for me when i have to 'wait' for the seat to slowly come back down.

heh I think since the others asked for BLUM, Uncle could have purchased it in bulk and can afford to give some FOC for the time being ba. I guess for a contractor it'll always make sense to buy in bulk. mm

I laughed when I read your last part. A teeny but funny imagining you waiting for the lid to go down :P

Edited by pinkpetter

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Actually is BLUM really necessary ah? (Ok, I'm sour grapes. :P)

But Audrey, yours is free, no issue, so nice of him.

One of the ID firms I contacted wanted to use BLUM, but she said it costs a lot more, I don't have any slamming habits, so decide to do without. But I played around with that at a friend's place, it's actually quite neat. It raises the classy look of the overall carpentry.


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I think having BLUM is a nice touch, just like that little dust trap strip below doors, hydraulic soft closing for main doors, soft closing for toilet bowl. windows "fur" dust trap by the sides, silicon rubber by window sides to trap noise, "fur" dust trap on wardrobe doors or removal plastic edges on glass. These little feature will cost extra and may look redundant. But it enhances the value of things they do, it delivers an important message, "we are willing to go the extra mile."


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ok catching up on replies and updating after a very tiring move that started on 1st May. :P


1st May: Moved both altars over, stuffed everything into the rented flat and uncle's eldest bro tore down all the wardrobes and other furniture in the house already. its a big mess now and we barely straighten stuff in my house.

4th May: Hacking has started! the painter ah heng is here as well as a team of 3 hackers. 2 chinese nationals and 1 that seems like a malay. the tilers who came earlier on sat to load off their stuff told me to tell those who are hacking to hack bigger yet tighter holes so that they can stick the wall tiles on better. :) a peeve with singtel: i called them to enquire if it's possible to shift my land line from my address to my temporary address. its possible but to shift there and back will cost $30 per shift. total to pay is $60. to suspend the service, they will still charge a full month's fee. :( so i decided only to connect my cordless phone base at night to make calls and use the cordless phone here, remove in the morning and repeat when needed. since i need to pay for the service in any case. :P


haha ok im so gonna close all the toilets to see the soft closing! do a symphony of closing. lol! and ya i think uncle brought BLUM in bulk hence he can afford to give it to us FOC. but still, its not exactly what i call cheap. perhaps the top up for the existing one to BLUM is not too significant.


dont know how to put it but i miss my old before renovation place already!! :( i asked for BLUM since a renovation is for a long long time to come so i might as well opt for something a little better and pay a little more now. i've tried fondue's soft closing that uncle provides but its a little tight when it comes to opening the drawers hence i opted for BLUM. uncle FOC it for me cos i dont have lots of drawers. but actually i dont know about it cos till this day i still have not met jason to discuss carpentry. :( i hope it works out ok given all the stories i heard about jason doing things his own way. :P

for WC, maybe I will get TOTO or something. hope i meet nice sales people today. im confused, after jet spraying why do u need to watch it close? why dont u leave it as such and let it dry on it's own?


oooo i get it! ok i will check for rinnai. i hope it sure works if not im dead! imagine buying 1 only to find it doesnt work. i can kiss my money goodbye! and ok i will discuss with uncle to see where is the best height to mount it. btw, do u have a tblog?


really?? i sound like that? im just really happy that its finally starting, or rather, started! picture updates in the evening cos im going to jalan besar (again)!!


actually in the initial stages i wasnt too worried about BLUM no BLUM. i asked uncle bcos i wanted to know about price difference to top up for BLUM, turns out he wants to FOC it for me so i happily accepted. and i am a big believer that its the small things that makes all the difference, the details etc. but that will be undertaken by me no less. dont really expect uncle to note these little details for me. and lawry what happened to your blog! if the mod thinks it helps with your leaked info, they're wrong! they should remove your ID's post as well as anyone who has quoted her post so as to remove all traces. now it reeks of a conspiracy that starts with W. :bleah:

Edited by aubrey

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heh I think since the others asked for BLUM, Uncle could have purchased it in bulk and can afford to give some FOC for the time being ba. I guess for a contractor it'll always make sense to buy in bulk. mm

I laughed when I read your last part. A teeny but funny imagining you waiting for the lid to go down :P

Dun laugh! i really 'waited' for the lid to come down lor... :(

u know when its 十万火急, its irritating that i still have to wait that fraction of second for the lid to come down slowwlllyyy. ;)


dont know how to put it but i miss my old before renovation place already!! :( i asked for BLUM since a renovation is for a long long time to come so i might as well opt for something a little better and pay a little more now. i've tried fondue's soft closing that uncle provides but its a little tight when it comes to opening the drawers hence i opted for BLUM. uncle FOC it for me cos i dont have lots of drawers. but actually i dont know about it cos till this day i still have not met jason to discuss carpentry. :( i hope it works out ok given all the stories i heard about jason doing things his own way. :P

for WC, maybe I will get TOTO or something. hope i meet nice sales people today. im confused, after jet spraying why do u need to watch it close? why dont u leave it as such and let it dry on it's own?

haha! dun worry, i felt that guilt hacking the seemingly fine kitchen away, sort of 'miss' the original look. The sense of guilt lasted till i saw the final product! i'm sure u'll be loving the new house when its done. :)

Ya, since Uncle willing to throw in free, take it! Maybe its a little effort to compensate the lack of reno-mgmt recently, since his biz is getting so gd. Doesnt really matter since u stay next door anyway! Jason is just a little more proud of his own ideas, if anything doesnt sound right, go to Uncle and all will be fine. Uncle has the final say over Jason, hohoho! *evil evil*

the toilet seat thingy ah, not saying that straight after washing. But since its up after washing, i need to let it come down when its time for me to do my biz? :( *sorry ah, if i sound a little bimbo talking abt the toilet seat*

Edited by mrspiglet

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aubrey, how long will your whole reno take?

So cool to just stay next door, but the packing and unapcking also jialat...I hate the unpacking part of it... :(


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actually in the initial stages i wasnt too worried about BLUM no BLUM. i asked uncle bcos i wanted to know about price difference to top up for BLUM, turns out he wants to FOC it for me so i happily accepted. and i am a big believer that its the small things that makes all the difference, the details etc. but that will be undertaken by me no less. dont really expect uncle to note these little details for me. and lawry what happened to your blog! if the mod thinks it helps with your leaked info, they're wrong! they should remove your ID's post as well as anyone who has quoted her post so as to remove all traces. now it reeks of a conspiracy that starts with W. :bleah:

BLUM is nice! But it costs like $200 for each drawer. Uncle Soon is very nice to you for giving them free.

How much per/ft was he charging you for the kitchen carpentry, convenient to reveal? I will do up free advertisement for him on my blog. hehe.

I'm like a wandering spirit now, locked out from my own place.

But now I've time to visit all the tblogs and make comments. :D :D

I've no idea what the mods are doing either since they didn't give any explanation, they didn't reply me even after I PM them.


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Lawry, I reply on beha;f od aubrey. I think uncle charges like $150pfr. But then he gives good discounts and freebies... ;)

Wonder they lock up yours is it because Weiken complained or probably the unethical disclosure of your personal info?


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Lawry, I reply on beha;f od aubrey. I think uncle charges like $150pfr. But then he gives good discounts and freebies... ;)

Wonder they lock up yours is it because Weiken complained or probably the unethical disclosure of your personal info?

Hm, if the kitchen is small, throw in discounts & freebies, it will end up quite a good bargain.

All the fanciful stuff like black glass, aluminium handles, soft closing, blum systems.

I've no idea actually, WK knew of this a month ago, they would have closed it back then.

If it were closed because of personal info, then perhaps they should have censored her links there.


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Your PM is full.

I don't have a t-blog. Instead, i have my own blog. You can find my blog at:


Btw, the tilers came to your place on sat? They didn't appear at my place at all. I'm starting my hacking tomorrow. Hope Uncle remembers.

Will PM you my h/p so easier to contact / communicate. Not convenient for me to go to RT all the time. Cheers.


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aubrey you're funnier on the toilet cover symphony. lol :P

I'm sure you'll be extremely happy once you see the finished product! :)


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