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Our 2 Storey Abode

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fannie, saw in Rune's blog u mentioned abt chging the electrician. Seems hard leh, they just fired 1, engage another 2, plus the original uncle (jason's god-bro, but equally bad IMO). Seems like they having a bad time with all the electrician. :(

Ya...seems like some of u have bad experience with electricians...like breaking lights lah, smallboy had a smiling face on his tile due to "mis-drill"...

hey!! was at ashes place today...guess i missed you by abit...she told me you are coming..

see you at smallboy's place next sat....

haha! fannie din turn up, she flew my aeroplane... must be influenced by Uncle! haha! *kidding hor*

sigh...i wana go! but didn't realise Hubby wana bring my SIL + niece and nephew + MIL + my 2 kids and us, I really do not want to scare ashes...and paiseh to bring one whole troop of people there lah


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Ya...seems like some of u have bad experience with electricians...like breaking lights lah, smallboy had a smiling face on his tile due to "mis-drill"...

i think u feedback to him u heard a lot of pple commenting on his electrician's work, even the "Jason's god-bro" also like not very pro. That probably will stress him to put a little more effort on monitoring his electrician? Last time electrician was outsourced, tts y pinkpetter had to pay quite a bit for electrical works on the VO. For mine, uncle didnt add a single cent to my additional points. So gd n bad lor....

I told him b4 i heard some of his clients got tile problem so he say that one is becos tiler not skilled, will allocate a gd tiler to me and i got it! :)

Anyway, get ur 水平尺soon hor, u'll find it handy when ur reno starts! esp on the electrical portion!


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i think u feedback to him u heard a lot of pple commenting on his electrician's work, even the "Jason's god-bro" also like not very pro. That probably will stress him to put a little more effort on monitoring his electrician? Last time electrician was outsourced, tts y pinkpetter had to pay quite a bit for electrical works on the VO. For mine, uncle didnt add a single cent to my additional points. So gd n bad lor....

I told him b4 i heard some of his clients got tile problem so he say that one is becos tiler not skilled, will allocate a gd tiler to me and i got it! :)

Anyway, get ur 水平尺soon hor, u'll find it handy when ur reno starts! esp on the electrical portion!

NOT A SINGLE CENT?? lol ya ya last time it was outsourced so my electrical plans with Uncle was VERY VERY weird. If the point is shifted but on the same wall as the old point, I needn't pay for labour. But if it's a brand new point on another wall, I have to pay for labour. All that + the covers cost $2000++ which uncle split half with me :) so I paid $1000.


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NOT A SINGLE CENT?? lol ya ya last time it was outsourced so my electrical plans with Uncle was VERY VERY weird. If the point is shifted but on the same wall as the old point, I needn't pay for labour. But if it's a brand new point on another wall, I have to pay for labour. All that + the covers cost $2000++ which uncle split half with me :) so I paid $1000.

really no VO leh. Not a single cent, that's y my initial $21400 ended up with $20900. He also tell me shift point no need money, plus will chge the covers for me FOC. Then additional 5 double points FOC, more than that will have to charge $50/double point. i think in the end i exceeded a few double points, n was still wondering how can he possibly rembr which were original, which were additional. So in the end, he nvr charge me any extra at all. :good:


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really no VO leh. Not a single cent, that's y my initial $21400 ended up with $20900. He also tell me shift point no need money, plus will chge the covers for me FOC. Then additional 5 double points FOC, more than that will have to charge $50/double point. i think in the end i exceeded a few double points, n was still wondering how can he possibly rembr which were original, which were additional. So in the end, he nvr charge me any extra at all. :good:

see. So he hiring his own workers is really beneficial to us and him. I'm sure he earns. BUT things will be a little haywire until he gets reliable workers. I wonder if he'll be able to do that nice nice doorbell that Zonkkie has. haha


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i think u feedback to him u heard a lot of pple commenting on his electrician's work, even the "Jason's god-bro" also like not very pro. That probably will stress him to put a little more effort on monitoring his electrician? Last time electrician was outsourced, tts y pinkpetter had to pay quite a bit for electrical works on the VO. For mine, uncle didnt add a single cent to my additional points. So gd n bad lor....

I told him b4 i heard some of his clients got tile problem so he say that one is becos tiler not skilled, will allocate a gd tiler to me and i got it! :)

Anyway, get ur 水平尺soon hor, u'll find it handy when ur reno starts! esp on the electrical portion!

pardon me...what is 水平尺? I tasked my dad who used to be HDB's contractor to go jagar the work for me, especially the flooring...so he will be my QC Officer for the reno works...I just pick up a bit here and there from him as we go along...

As for the elect works, I will remind himto give me a beeter worker, else bobian I will get the same electrician who does my previous house to do it for me.., :unsure:


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Wah then with your dad it'll be enough already!!! :)

the "ruler" mrspiglet is talking about.. is this little water thing which you can place on top of paintings all that to see if they are slanted... :P


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icic...my Dad has that!!! He says he will use it when the flooring is done and all the drillings are done too!

Yah pet, but my Dad is working lah...he is only off on wed and sunday so he can only pop by on these 2 days only...other days it depends on my Hubby...I am too far away liao


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yaya! ask ur dad to exercise his eye power to scrutinize details for u! i dun think u'll need another electrician lah, additional cost for u. The electrician he has is ok, just a little prone to mistakes and slanted sockets. Not a big deal, just a little hassle to keep having to paste masking tapes all over to remind them to rectify.

Flooring i tested with water, just kept flooding my wet areas to make sure the water drains to the hole.


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Brought my sis up to see the vacant flat yesterday and we saw the reno permit stuck outside our unit!!! Yayyyyy! :dancingqueen:

SO excited...

Today uncle confirmed that he is going to start the "soft works" for the house...the "dong tu" and also dismantling the wardrobes and cabinets. Hacking starts MONDAY!!! So excited about this whole thing!

But he also mentioned he lost his files (abt 7 - 8) on the cab where he had worked out the quotes...hope the nice cabby can return uncle his files...else we may still have to wait for our quotes.


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