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wahhh!! tt's scary leh. Imagine if u had an appt with Citygas on the same day, then u'll be mistaking this dubious person for the right man! Gd that u warn everyone abt this...


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our door lock :rolleyes:


booy, cya tmr too!!!

Wah nice lock !!!

I was planning to get 1 too but my exisiting Main door lock is those old type 1.

The lock is on top and handle is below ZzZZZZz So if i change it with Samsung ezon 5120 there will be markings of old locks......

Haiz..... thus i thinking to forgo the beautiful lock you have it on your door now :(


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Wah...no time to read your thread due to work...and now already expand to page 42. "Powdeful". haha. This Samsung lock is so attractive. :P Who is the one who intro this lock har.... Argh... I want to kill him. hahaha. *I shall not look at this thread till this samsung lock pic disappear!" haha :P


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Family of Four

i wonder how the dubious guy knows, or mainly trying his luck coz he sees your place Almost finish reno... scary...i better warn my hubby.. i also blur blur type.. was only told yesterday, my next door block downstairs has this massage murder case last year... oppss...


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Wah nice lock !!!

I was planning to get 1 too but my exisiting Main door lock is those old type 1.

The lock is on top and handle is below ZzZZZZz So if i change it with Samsung ezon 5120 there will be markings of old locks......

Haiz..... thus i thinking to forgo the beautiful lock you have it on your door now :(

hmm...the lock best installed on a new door...wana change a new door to fit the lock? keke...so far we all love the lock including my mom :)

Wah...no time to read your thread due to work...and now already expand to page 42. "Powdeful". haha. This Samsung lock is so attractive. :P Who is the one who intro this lock har.... Argh... I want to kill him. hahaha. *I shall not look at this thread till this samsung lock pic disappear!" haha :P

haha...can see this eveywhere when u go shopping for ur hse :P so i just bring this up and trashley came telling me the deal and BINGO!!! haha...want me to tempt u futher?


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as for the gas thingy hor...i was also thinking if they pick up from forums too...hmm....

Got such thing happen ah. Lucky on the 2nd appt day the ex owner tell us to take over their elect & gas supply so that we dun need to pay the SP Power supply a fee to "Open" the elect & gas.

The ex-owner say that they last time dun know hor so let the goverment earn the extra S$.


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Ok...updates for delivery from La cafa. The logistics person called and say my chairs arriving only next wednesday. No apology from them for the delay at all! Service lousy as usual!

as i am going into the lift and the signal is bad, didn't argue...

HN, no calls, no sound no picture...will call them again this evening and bug them! Super sianz...

On Uncle's side, I have to say that he really tried his best for me on the rectifications. Some miscomm to his workers, but end of the day, most things were done. I paid my VO, the amount is much lesser than my expectations as i added many things...mostly small things he says it's ok. But still a cost...so I told him don't like that...I will buy him kopi another day.

small hiccups in the reno, overall am still a satisfied customer of Uncle if you ask me :)

Aubrey, I owe u my main door pics, I know...and I remember...really been busy and the packing is like 85% completed all thanks to my dear Mommy who really helped me ease my load heaps!

Will try and upload some stuff when I can...especially live in pictures and the transformation of the house :)


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really looking forward to your pics. Mummy is the best right? My mum also helped me unpack and pack everything nicely. She cleared so many boxes in one day. Very guilty as now she's doing all the housework n I get home to a nice tidy house with yummy yummy dinner everyday :P


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yah...Mommy is the best!!! She didn't mind doing it tho sometimes i paiseh and also don;t want her to over work too...she says I come back from work also tired liao...since she is free, she just help lor. so touched... :~

and yummy dinner!!! I will start having them next week!!! Gas finally turned on today! Yippee!!!


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