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Stepping Into A New Challenging Life

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Well, here's my 'crocodile skin' kitchen floor. dsc00377.th.jpg Dunnoe whether you guys can see the wavy patterns on the tile.

well jule, I guess our kitchen is dark cos no sun shining in. Mine facing south and the 2 panels of window not enuff lol.

sakae sushi, I sure have 2 lights in the kitchen since the lighting points already provided. DUn waste :P As for task lighting at wall cabinet bottom, self installed or get contractor to do for you? Cos I see Giant have those long 3 LED lighting with 12 bulbs for self-installation for $20 plus using 6 AAA batteries. Then hor you have to walk all the way to the sink to turn on the light when you can do it at the entrance isn't tat tiring? I mean both my familes never have tat kind of practice of having lights under the wall cabinets. So really useful?

i asked my electrician to do a power point near the washing for me and the wire is down from the kitchen cabinet. only use it when washing dishes or when just need a small light source. its in T5 light. personally i like the area i work to be brightly lighted so its good for me.

my kitchen is seperate into 2 section so its not a hassle for me to walk to the sink and on the light. LED light is good for wardrobe, maybe you might want to consider :)


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I went to look at my electrical works. dsc00400.th.jpg dsc00401.th.jpgdsc00399b.th.jpg

The whole house seem to be flooded with these 9 PLCs and my contractor still say not bright! Initally ask me to add another 3 more spotlights (which I rejected her suggestion in the end).

Hope listening to her idea to have so many PLCs for my so-called "Long" living room is really ok and not overly bright and waste too much electricity since already buying energy saving ones.

Edited by Kari

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The whole house seem to be flooded with these 9 PLCs and my contractor still say not bright! Initally ask me to add another 3 more spotlights (which I rejected her suggestion in the end).

Hope listening to her idea to have so many PLCs for my so-called "Long" living room is really ok and not overly bright and waste too much electricity since already buying energy saving ones.

U can always ask ur contractor to wire alternate lights together, so that you need not switch on all at the same time. Eg: Light num 1,3,5,7 & 9 together to one switch, and 2,4,6,8 to another switch. :)


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U can always ask ur contractor to wire alternate lights together, so that you need not switch on all at the same time. Eg: Light num 1,3,5,7 & 9 together to one switch, and 2,4,6,8 to another switch. :)

Angel81 points a very good point =)

here's a sketch on my lighting pt that i did for my home, different colors denotes different switch control


hope this info helps


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Thanks Angel81 & CybNoX for the tip. CybNoX you seem to have alot of lights! Mine is like tis. Dunnoe how to alternate the lights so just do as contractor advise.


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that's a lot of lights man. why your contractor wanted u to put so mani? the PUB is staggering considering the lights factor

lol. My contractor asks me to trust her that 9 PLCs is not alot as my living room is long. Well i already given her aot of problems. SInce she say trust, I guess I have to or else how to continue smoothly.


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For light 6-9 seems alot to me. As the dining light will also be bright enough for tat area.

3 should be enough le, but since she said trust her than u must have some confidence in her lor.

Wow got motion sensor somemore, so gd.. never think of tat haiz..

For control wise, depending on ur location of the TV console as light above TV is gd as its wont strain ur eye,

for me i would chose combination of :

Light 2 and 6 = 1sw

Light 3 and 4 = 1sw

Light 7 and 8 = 1sw

Light 5 and 9 =1 sw

so tat both side u can chose to put ur tv console.


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For light 6-9 seems alot to me. As the dining light will also be bright enough for tat area.

3 should be enough le, but since she said trust her than u must have some confidence in her lor.

Wow got motion sensor somemore, so gd.. never think of tat haiz..

For control wise, depending on ur location of the TV console as light above TV is gd as its wont strain ur eye,

for me i would chose combination of :

Light 2 and 6 = 1sw

Light 3 and 4 = 1sw

Light 7 and 8 = 1sw

Light 5 and 9 =1 sw

so tat both side u can chose to put ur tv console.

Yeah better dun make her angry. haha. So jus do as she suggest lo. My TV besides the window, so cant do light 5 & 9. With jus one light on each side, think may not be bright enuff.


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I think ur ID's suggestion is fine. The downlights are about 5ft plus apart from one another. There are pple who do 3-4ft apart. So ur ID is actually saving u abit of $$. :)


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Thanks Angel81 & CybNoX for the tip. CybNoX you seem to have alot of lights! Mine is like tis. Dunnoe how to alternate the lights so just do as contractor advise.

don't mention. as for my lights - itchy backside lor, want to do clove lights ma but not bad if u're designate diff switches for different lights. spend a bit more upfront to install more switches so no need to on many lights at one time, save $$$ in long term


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Hi Kari, I am reading your thread and realise you don't use a ID but a contractor. I have ideas on what I want for my place so am looking for a contractor. Can you PM me his contact, please?


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dsc00469x.th.jpgThe pile of sand seem so little. I was hoping to see mountains but then less sand means less :deal: so ok la I save $$ :notti:

My tiles arrived the day before the uploading of the sand. dsc00474g.th.jpg. So the workers can start tiling the next day. So fast :dancingqueen:

Ok Tiling works done :dsc00478muj.th.jpg

I was given Ah Seng and Chong to do my tiling. Chong cleaned that long stretch of tiles before he proceed to do the next one dsc00484j.th.jpg.

I was even asking him why he cant wait until the whole place is tiled before he wiped off the sand and cement. SO tiring to clean everytime you do one stretch. LOL.

But do they really do 1 tile by 1 tile? :jawdrop: In anycase, how to check their workmanship?

Edited by Kari

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Er.. check tiling maybe u can use ur bare foot going over the tile join to make sure no cutting leg feel.

And also check to see if the gap are even width.

If have any cut leg feeling, just tell them so believe they will rectify for u.

Thought no matter how much sand u use also same charges?? :dunno:


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