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Kitchen doodle


I kiasu... scared not enough storage, so mainly full height cabinets :x


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aiyoh people, i kanna "scolded" by Jason liao. He say he die liao cos now everybody is asking from him Ba Chang, including the one at Toh Yi. Who is that??? and who else asking for Ba chang?? :P

He ask me why i go and advertise :P So hor I gave up 2 of my "ba chang" I say ok lor, my fault, I'll just take 1 and whoever ask for ba chang u also give 1 lor. like that not so siong. hahhahah good things must share mah hor??!! He ahhh drama lah, pretend to scold me but was laughing away at the other end of the phone the whole time.

Those who not yet ask, plss dun ask liao if not he'll bash my head with ba chang on monday when he sees me. hahhaha

Oh ... so Jason went over to your place after mine? He was there to inspect the carpentry. Ended up the subcontractors have to do more rectification. Can only revert by next friday.

Toh Yi is me me me :)

Jason said he's not working tomorrow as he need to wrap ba chang.


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When you're planning for the shelvings and pull out racks, please ensure that you tell the carpenter what sort of design, etc you want. For my case, they used their own initiative. In the end, the shelves' legs part are inside, some flushed, like cha pa lang ...


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no he didn't come my place, he called me. orhhhh so he "yue wang" me!! He is the one that bijia his own bak chang lobang not me lah. hahahhaha

Hey growler, show us pictures of ur carpentry leh. update in your blog, we'll hop over to see.


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When you're planning for the shelvings and pull out racks, please ensure that you tell the carpenter what sort of design, etc you want. For my case, they used their own initiative. In the end, the shelves' legs part are inside, some flushed, like cha pa lang ...

ohh i thought these are pretty standard. ok ok. Share share more details on your blog so that we can learn.


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low cabinet for boys' room


Not sure whether the actual width of room will be sufficient to accomodate the above layout of the cabinet... Initally it was just all plain casement cabinets all for toys. After that I thought it will be good if some books are within easy reach of the kids. Then yesterday evening, Yamaha called to advice us to get a keyboard for the boy to practice at home... so now needs to give up some storage area to do a build in tray to hold his keyboard. He can then also use the space above the keyboard as study table since now got leg room..

Hope this will work

Hi ivy,

Pardon me to kaypoh a lil here.

It is always good to have a study table. Are the boys sharing this room and for the study table?

We have to think long term for them - that they will grow and this study table will be added with more things in future, example PCs.

I would have this study table stretched wall to wall. Based on your drawing, I would omit the end support [it will save some width]. However, doing so, there must be a good leg support for the top to balance. The 'balance' or the legs can be your storage. One end storage for each boy.

You may also want to consider having a top shelf for them to put their books. Maybe, for your case, you can have two shelves nicely spaced out. When I constructed a shelf for my study table, I also get the electrician to fix a hidden T5 bulb.

At the same time, do think about electrical points. Study table, in future, can be full of electrical gadgets and to have points stacked nicely will avoid messy electrical wires in future.

Just some idea how I hide all the electrical points for my study table:

Wire for T5 at top shelf:


The many electrical points for electrical devices hidden on study table:



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hey Reiki thanks for the pics!! I like the idea of the hidden powerpoints! will see if the carpenter can do that.

Thanks for highlighting the issue of study table.

Both boys will be sharing a room. As you can see, I only put in a section with leg room as study space. This is becos I have another room that will be converted to a proper study cum computer room in a year's time. Currently the 3rd bedroom will be temporary used by my sis. She'll be shifting out end of next year.

The younger boy is only 18months now. I've got a set of Ikea table and chair to let the younger boy use first.

I've seen ur T-blog and love how your place is being done up!! I especially love your kitchen. Will take your design as reference when I can do up my study room


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Wa.. your kitchen got lots of storage. I like!

The part of corner (what are you gonna do with that?) ....... easy to access??


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Wa.. your kitchen got lots of storage. I like!

The part of corner (what are you gonna do with that?) ....... easy to access??

yah loh i kiasu, my last flat, we short of storage... so this time i'm gonna make sure i got enough!! hahaha

Initially, I wanted to have a L door for that corner so that i can access the corner, however i just realise the tall unit beside the oven is suppose to house my row of 5 drawers inside... so it is not feasible for L shape door, as such I will have to live with a difficult to access deep corner. Howeer Jason assured me that it won't be too deep cos I got a protruding column at that corner which **** need to wrap up.


Electrician should be finishing the electrical today, latest by tomorrow. Tomorrow, the L boxes and boxing up works will start. Air con guy will come in these 2 days to run the pipe first. After the ceiling works complete, painting will start.

Met Jason at 4pm.. (suppose to be at 3.. but when i called at 3.30 he's at toh yi - growler! I think your place). He told me his computer repaired liao and he can use his computer to draw for me. I wonder how his computer drawings will look like. I'll meet him again on Wednesday.

Our carpentry discussion was fast cos I've done my own doodling and the whole thing ends in an hour. I just realised I forgot to plan how I want the internal of my wardrobes to be lor!!! sigh.. I asked Jason to propose for me..


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he didn't come. I didn't call him to come either. Cos Jason kept saying he'll meet me first afterwhich Ah Wei will call me later..


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