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Our New Place @ Clementi

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this tiles looks nice wow!!! :o

Very nice tile!

Oooh, that tile is very nice, was it just patterned or textured as well?

Thanks folks.

Lawry, it's a little wee bit textured but not too rough.


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I wanted a similar textured tile or pebble wash in the toilet also, it can be a foot reflexology or pumice stone feature. Can be quite nice.


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hi ivy, remember to ask them to protect your windows frame throughout the reno else definitely will have scratches.


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Ivy, I just realised today I can see your house from my dining room windows/kitchen windows.

Saw the same guy who hack my house... hee..hee.. I can spy on them for you. My house exactly in the same 'panel' as yours. Your kitchen and dining 'window-less' now, right?


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hi ivy, remember to ask them to protect your windows frame throughout the reno else definitely will have scratches.

thanks fondue for the tip. After running thru my colour scheme and all.. I still think black will suit my place better... I will inform uncle to change it back to black.

Ivy, I just realised today I can see your house from my dining room windows/kitchen windows.

Saw the same guy who hack my house... hee..hee.. I can spy on them for you. My house exactly in the same 'panel' as yours. Your kitchen and dining 'window-less' now, right?

yah yah no window now!! hahahah great great! if these guys do funny things in my house during my absence tell me!


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Uncle Soon was ambushed by me! I "caught" him at my place unexpectedly just now. On my way back I spyed a dark green van parked at one corner of the carpark and thought that van looks familiar. Thus after parking my car, I half pulled half dragged my slow couch boy up to our unit and bingo! got uncle! He was surprised to see me! hahaha I told him I saw his van so I guessed he must be up there. He joked that next time he'll park far far away so that I cannot catch him...... :rolleyes:

I got a pleasant surprise up at the unit. I thought there will be nothing done until Fannie's tiling is up. That was the impression I got. To my surprise, my walls are hacked and my tiles were delivered already. Uncle say since I'm there, might as well go through the tiles. So we did.


My boy squatted right next to the pile of sand thinking that he can start building sandcastle in the house lor. Been a long time since his last visit to the beach.


All my tiles


My enlarged kitchen entrance which will be glassed up.


MBR toilet entrance. On the right is the old entrance, which will be sealed. On the left is the nearly created entrance.

Uncle say my tiling work will start tomorrow!! Yippeeee!!!


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Looks like good progress! Your boy's so cute. Then Uncle told him not to touch the sand? haha

uncle was busy with the workers :P

After seeing Smallboy's place, the man now wants wall tiles for kitchen........ i thought women are fickle minded... now i know men can be equally fickle minded.... I called uncle to ask about the additional cost and he told me:" very difficult to quote u leh... cos cannot "tok" u.. becos u all give me so much biz, let me calculate and call u back tomorrow."

hopefully uncle can quote me a good price for the additional work. if it is just a few hundred bucks, will probably top up and get it done, but if it is 4 figure, will probably give it a miss... cos overbudget liao lah...


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wow...looks so familiar..........hee..hee...goood to hear things are moving! :)

So, did you manage to change the colour of window/grilles?

Edited by Smallboy

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wow...looks so familiar..........hee..hee...goood to hear things are moving! :)

So, did you manage to change the colour of window/grilles?

hahah after cracking my head over the colours, I decided to keep the white frames after all... I choose black glass to go with the white frame so that it'll match with my colours. Lucky my aunt gave me the idea of black glass. I keep thinking about green glass and thought green glass will look very out for my colour scheme though it is nice. So now my windows will look like a pair of white Oakley sunglass, white frames with dark lens. hope it will turn out ok.

hahaha omg! uncle actually said cannot tok u? wth!! :lol:

yah man! he actually use the word "tok"! i told him of course u cannot tok me!!! u can charge material/labour and a little profit but pls dun tok me hahahah


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I very kay poh... will pop by your place later......... when I go over to mine to see the feature wall.........

Oh.. thanks for the 'strrong' pair of eyes.. my box up wall very slanted........ but Uncle said due to the original wall. It is like that. I agree... old houses like ours wall slanted. This also happen to one of my rooms.


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