zhong 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2008 Hi guys, Last month, my solid surface top came and I was there when the contractor brought it in It's an L shape and as the contractor with his workers were installing it, the L joint snapped He got all panicky and started to rectify I called my ID and he said he will change a new piece for me unknowingly, I returned a few days later and couldn't see the crack thus, I assumed it is a new piece, as I didn't t see the joint which cracked The cooker hob has been installed and as a good gesture to prevent the dust from getting to the hob, the hob has been covered by the cardboard box Last week, as I had a bit of time, I decided to give the top a good scrub To my horror, I discovered the patchy corner which clearly indicates it's still the old cracked piece I was annoyed that my ID claimed that it has been changed when it obviously isn't I called him and he said he will get the contractor to come in to polish it up THEN, I removed the cardboard to clean the hob and to my horror again, I discovered that there is a line by the side which obviously, when they were cutting the hole to fit the hob, they have accidentally overshot the cut I decided I've had enough No way am I gonna accept this I called my ID and he said the contractor refuses to change for us insists that the over cut line can be patched back and that the corner crack which he repaired definitely can last he also said this kind of repairs is common I thank God I've yet to hand over the flat Now I am going to check every corner to ensure everything is in place Tomorrow, I am going to meet the contractor with my ID I was just wondering what consumer rights do I hold at this point What do you guys think? Do I have the right to insist to change a new one? I am just worried for the weak L joint whether it can withstand heavy items, and whether it will last a long time I paid 4 figured sum for this slab, I'm kinda refusing to budge if they insist on repair What should I do if they insist on repairing? p.s. The ID is from one of the popular firms on this forum. I shall see what is their course of action. And then if things turn for the worse, I won't hesitate to flame Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
porkypig 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2008 Hi guys, Last month, my solid surface top came and I was there when the contractor brought it in It's an L shape and as the contractor with his workers were installing it, the L joint snapped He got all panicky and started to rectify I called my ID and he said he will change a new piece for me unknowingly, I returned a few days later and couldn't see the crack thus, I assumed it is a new piece, as I didn't t see the joint which cracked The cooker hob has been installed and as a good gesture to prevent the dust from getting to the hob, the hob has been covered by the cardboard box Last week, as I had a bit of time, I decided to give the top a good scrub To my horror, I discovered the patchy corner which clearly indicates it's still the old cracked piece I was annoyed that my ID claimed that it has been changed when it obviously isn't I called him and he said he will get the contractor to come in to polish it up THEN, I removed the cardboard to clean the hob and to my horror again, I discovered that there is a line by the side which obviously, when they were cutting the hole to fit the hob, they have accidentally overshot the cut I decided I've had enough No way am I gonna accept this I called my ID and he said the contractor refuses to change for us insists that the over cut line can be patched back and that the corner crack which he repaired definitely can last he also said this kind of repairs is common I thank God I've yet to hand over the flat Now I am going to check every corner to ensure everything is in place Tomorrow, I am going to meet the contractor with my ID I was just wondering what consumer rights do I hold at this point What do you guys think? Do I have the right to insist to change a new one? I am just worried for the weak L joint whether it can withstand heavy items, and whether it will last a long time I paid 4 figured sum for this slab, I'm kinda refusing to budge if they insist on repair What should I do if they insist on repairing? p.s. The ID is from one of the popular firms on this forum. I shall see what is their course of action. And then if things turn for the worse, I won't hesitate to flame Since he promised to change a new piece, he should honour it. But when you said he would changed to a new piece, i doubt he would do it. Coz SS cracks and scratches can be easily buff/polish over...He would want to save his commission and just give you back the same old piece.. Then hold back the last payment and get him to rectify everything before settling the last payment.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hihihi 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2008 I don't see the need why u need to meet the contractor at all. Your ID is your interface person, he's in charge of the project. U only need to issue your command and he needs to fulfuill it. the contractor is 95% at fault, your ID is 5% at fault for covering it up and trying to pull a fast one on you. Withhold the final payment if necessary. No matter what he has to give u a new piece. Worst case, you can goto Small Claims Tribunal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites