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Help On Black Homogenous Tiles

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:help: Ok here is the story ..

My whole house inc guest and MBR are homogenous black shiny tiles (600by600). At first I wanted to have the clean look like the Changi T3 type..

However now after the reality and dust settles, discovered that its very tedious to mantain. I have tried to vacuum and subs mop my whole house but once dried there are white lines (stains) here and there...

Tried to enquire and was infd by a Karcher sales person that the lines are actually caused by bacteria...IS THIS TRUE ??? (Further infd by them to get rid of the stains is by using a steamer)--->at the same time promoting their product.. :deal:

Any kind souls out there who have these kind of tiles and advice on how to clean them... Would really appreciate?

I do welcome any feecbacks...

Thanks. :bow:


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Hi Member,

Black Polish Homogenous tiles are very reflective to Dust and Foot / shoes mark.

Appreciate if you could post your pics, then I will be able to look into it.

(White line here and there, happen only after you mop or is already there?)

Maintain this tiles.

1. Use a dry flat mop or use a dry cotton cloth, collect all the dust.

2. Use a good neutral cleaner (rinse with plain water till no chemical residue)

suspected line?

1. Solvent Polymer wax used in factory, after installation some of this wax is very obvious.

2. Chemical residue ( dilution ratio 1: 128 or 30ml per half pail of water)

If Bacteria, can be seen by our naked eye? it must be very bad? Think about it.

You can build a surface tension on the tiles surface, it will definitely ease your maintenance. Done by Applicator only.

Best regards



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Hi Master..

Thanks for the tip..

FYI, The stains are there after mopping.

Usually i would Vacuum my whole house first and after 2-3 rounds of mopping using AJAX floor cleaner, the stains would be visible. I would then have to wipe my entire whole all over again with a cloth on my knees...SIANNZZ..

will upload pics soon..

Edited by muhdfathullah

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:help: Ok here is the story ..

My whole house inc guest and MBR are homogenous black shiny tiles (600by600). At first I wanted to have the clean look like the Changi T3 type..

However now after the reality and dust settles, discovered that its very tedious to mantain. I have tried to vacuum and subs mop my whole house but once dried there are white lines (stains) here and there...

Tried to enquire and was infd by a Karcher sales person that the lines are actually caused by bacteria...IS THIS TRUE ??? (Further infd by them to get rid of the stains is by using a steamer)--->at the same time promoting their product.. :deal:

Any kind souls out there who have these kind of tiles and advice on how to clean them... Would really appreciate?

I do welcome any feecbacks...

Thanks. :bow:

in the first place u should ask yr designer for help .. ie where yr designer buy the tile from... den ask the tile supplier for solution to clear away the so cal line ....

(Solvent Polymer wax used in factory, after installation some of this wax is very obvious.) this so call wax is a way of protection during installation.. to clear the wax, try using dry acid mix with water and use 180 sandpaper gentle clean the tile surface... this cleaning is more for all other colour except black... black colour gloss homogeneous tends to hv reaction after acid is applied on the surface .. ie acid wash..

black tile gloss or matt always hv this line or white cloudy affect which is more common..

PM me i might be able to help... cheer...


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hi master, my office homogeneous tiles floor got cigarette stain, any chemical to recommend?

Hi Member,

Cigarette Stain, you can use Hydrogen Peroxide, only few drops. ( wear rubber gloves)

let it set for few minutes, you will see it lighten. repeat process and rinse with water.

You can buy from most Pharmacy or drugs store, very dilute content.

Best regards



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My toilet floor got black stain, used bleach to scrap but still there, anybody know what acid can remove the stain?


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Don't ever try to use ACID, it will worse the situation, check with you..those tiles from CHINA ???

matt or glossy surface, if can't remove the stain, use the kiwi (liquid) to darker the tiles ..or try to use Metal Cleaner from ANWAY......HOPE u can give it a try.........


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hi master, this Hydrogen Peroxide comes in what size like how many litre & normally cost around how much?

Hi Member,

Have you try buying from Pharmacy Store, if no sucess you can call Vince @ 97222250, probably he can sell you small amount ( 100ml), it will not cost much.

Best regards



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another source of hydrogen peroxide 3% is from pharmacy..

also ur contact lens solution oxysept 1 step and aosept plus are both hydrogen peroxide 3 %..


1 bottle of oxysept usu around $12 240ml

1 bottle of aospet plus is $14 360ml


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another source of hydrogen peroxide 3% is from pharmacy..

also ur contact lens solution oxysept 1 step and aosept plus are both hydrogen peroxide 3 %..


1 bottle of oxysept usu around $12 240ml

1 bottle of aospet plus is $14 360ml

Recently, our contractor changed our toilet bowl and after thet we found that our black homogenious tiles are stained with white silicon and white stains. It was a black homegenious tiles-matt finish. Any idea what is the best floor cream or polisher to remove the white stains. Thanks in advance.


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Recently, our contractor changed our toilet bowl and after thet we found that our black homogenious tiles are stained with white silicon and white stains. It was a black homegenious tiles-matt finish. Any idea what is the best floor cream or polisher to remove the white stains. Thanks in advance.

Buy stain remover from DIY shop.

Its a red solution and the brand is Sunshine.

Just apply over the stain

leave for a few minutes

Use a brush to scrub

then wipe it clean with a cloth.


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Dear all,

After one year, some of my matt black homogeneous tiles are starting to lose their 'blackness'. There seem to be greyish patches on the tiles and only those that we commonly walk on are affected. Normal mopping can't seem to get rid of them.

May i check if this is normal? And if there is any way of restoring the colour?

Many thanks in advance!

Edited by Ic35

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