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Abusive Child Care Teacher

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Hi all..

I need advise on what to do regarding this topic.

My 6 yrs old son has been complaining that his teachers are kinda abusive.

His been with the same day care since he was 3 yrs old.

Everyday , without fail I'll ask him how his day was in school , besides the usual routine , he'll sometimes tell me that his teacher wld punish him , like he'll get shouted upon or a slap on the arm or legs.

I always try to reason with my son and tell him that maybe he was misbehaving or was not listening and always remind him everyday to behave in school so the teachers won't punish him.

I try to give the benefit of the doubt to the teachers, as I understand it's a very stressful job.

But time and again ,my son wld come home and tell me that he was punished yet again for something very trival.

He told me when he's not able to sleep , the teachers wld pull the mattress off from under him while he's still lying down and wld send him to K1 , telling him that he's behaviour is like a small child, so they'll put him in the younger class.

I did ask him , that perhaps he was disturbing other students or was making noise, and he'll cry and tell me that he wasn't. That he knows what will happen if he misbahaves.

My son is not an angel but I know that he doesn't misbehave , esp in school. And I always try not to back him up when he is punished in school, as I want him to learn to take responsiblities for his actions.

What I want to know is , is it ok for childcare teachers to slap kids around ? On several occasions , my son wld demonstrate to me that he was slapped on the shoulder , arms or legs. Sometimes with hands or rulers.

And he'll tell me that other students get slapped around too.

What can I do and where do I go to make a formal complain ?

I've tried talking to the supervisor once, and she seems to back up the teachers.

I feel like making a formal complain , but where do I go and who to I speak to ?


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whoa... this is serious.

Firstly, it is NOT ok for teachers of any level to slap/hit the children.

However I'm glad you are asking here and that you asked your son to demo to you what was done so you want to clarify. I guess that means that you're a very reasonable parent who understands that children might exaggerate things or mistake some things. Moreover you even try NOT to back him up...

That said... I guess there wun be smoke if there's no fire right?

Since you have tried to speak to the supervisor but to no avail then I'd say you'll have to "gather" evidence.

1) Speak to other parents. Either you go down when it's school's out time and approach the parents of the kids your boy is friendly with OR try to get their phone numbers. I'm sure after so many years he would have made quite a few friends and you probably know a few of them already. It'll help if more children say the same thing.

2) Try to go down 5-10 minutes earlier before school's out. Watch from outside. If you can do it for 1-2 weeks continuously I'm sure you can catch something. However, taking photos will be a big no-no cos the tr might turn defensive and say it was out of context etc. Just take note of what happens and write down in a notebook what you saw and when it happened.

3) If your boy comes home with marks, take photographs and date them. You might also want to write down the days and the various complaints he had that day. So that when you are presenting this "evidence" to the sup, you have detailed accounts and not just plain "heresay". To prevent baseless complaints, you might want to only write it down when your boy is out of sight. So that he will not think that he can just complain every single day whether or not it really happens.

4) Once you have gathered enough parents/evidence, arrange an appointment with the parents involved, the supervisor and the teacher herself. Present evidence. Remember to take note of what the supervisor says and when she is going to do it. If she says the teacher will be counselled, ask her when. Give deadlines. Like the situation must improve by December or something.

The bottomline is .... if they don't do anything about it, send a photocopy of all evidences from every parent to MCYS. I believe childcare centres, private or govt are under them as they need proper licensing.

I believe you can get the contact here.


At the end of the day, the easiest will be to switch childcare centres. But as it is, there are long waiting lists at centres now so trying to look for a vacancy might not be easy. Good luck!


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Hi PinkPetter ,

Thank you for your advise.

But like what you've suggested , I've tried some methods that you've suggested.

Like sometimes I'll pick him up at odd hrs when I'm on leave or have taken time off from work ,to see if I'm able to catch the teachers doing something inappropriate , but so far to no avail. The windows will be shut with curtains , so I won't get to see what's happening from afar

Once I saw the teacher slap a 4 yrs old gal right across the face , just becoz the girl took a pencil. I was standing behide her , when she saw me , she acted like nothing happened. There were other teachers around too , but most of them wld just ignore it. ( This was about 2-3 yrs back )

Plus it's hard for me to speak to other parents as I normally pick my son and rush back to cook dinner or have an appointment. And I don't mingle with other parents. So it's hard for me to 'collect" evidence

I have tried transfering him to another school , but they don't provide all day childcare around my area. And even if it's 3-4 hrs of school , the timing is not convienient.

I'm at my wits end of what to do. It's just 3 more mths till my son gets outta that school, but I shudder to think about what the other children will go through


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bring your son meet the teacher, only three of you(on e one room) and ask the teacher isit true what ur son hv told u.

if the teacher said that is not true,

but if ur son really got slap...then he absolutely will protest...

so u will know who is wrong who is right


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poor clockwork. But collecting evidence is the only way lor. then in that case you detail what your son tells you and bring it to MCYS liao. Whatever you observe also.

I would put them out of business really get their license revoked since it doesn't seem to be one teacher only...


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what a dilemma.. putting them out of business might mean you don't have a place for your boy to go to also. haiz. But your boy could really be suffering as with other children and things might/might not get worse.

*wish I could help you more*


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Hi all,

Thank you so much for your help and advise. :D

Esp PinkPetter :D , thk for the link.

I have spoken to a gym m'ber who is a childcare teacher and she has advise me to go to MCYS to make a complain. She said I don't need other parents back up and can straight away go to MCYS.

As of this morning , I have called MCYS to make a formal complain regarding the issues , and was assured that I will remain annoymous. I will be awaiting the officer in charge call today or tomorrow.

Hope everything will be resolved.

Will update you guys again...

Thks again :)


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Have you ever tried popping in suddenly into the child care to check on your son. I usually do that. Since there is a abusive teacher there ,why dont you consider changing your son to another school ? I will never tolerate my child being hit by someone else, whether he is naughty or not.

This is the age for kids to be naughty ,if they dont enjoy themselves now,when will they do so ? boys are always boys.


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