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keke. ur contractor n his man are really comical lo. if i were there. i tink i sure squat one corner n laugh liao =p

ya. once i set my eyes on de curtains at mgl, really nothing else catches my attention liao =p

heh tmr shall try to video them from afar (so that their faces wun be clear) lol


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For those who don't know what are all these.... It's town council trying to cover paint sprayed by loansharks. The *O$P$* msg left by the loanshark is for a unit on the same floor as mine but luckily it's on the other side. They were very "siong" very fierce, sprayed on EVERY level all the way up to my floor. One of the neighbours' plants had blue paint on it even.

People who are hunting for their flats or are interested in ANY flat... PLS PLS PLS always remember to walk down the stairs nearest to the flat to check for such things on the wall! esp now when people might be more hardup and if the owners really seem very desperate to sell.

Even if the owners seem ok, you should also check, in case it's the owners' neighbour who have such problems. It's well-known for loansharks to harrass the borrower and those nearby.

In the course of buying my unit I viewed so many flats... more than 10 I've viewed had this problem... be careful ok?

Yes, good advice. I did something similar too when my hb and I went to recce the various units that wer available for balloting. Instead of just looking at the unit and the floor it was on, I walked up and down at least 3-4 storeys of the unit's floor to check if neighbours are ok... some "horror scenes" i saw at various units:

1. Neighbour used the space in front of the empty flat as as extension of his storeroom-cum-rubbish area!

2. Ah long's drawings all over the walls

3. Neigbour used the gate of the unused flat to prop up laundry poles for their laundry

4. Nearby units that were sub-let out to foreign workers (most likely illegally) cos I saw at least a dozen half naked men inside and outside the flat smoking, drinking or watching tv.

5. Dirty neighbours who simply throw their rubbish at the common corridor or near the lift landing instead of taking it to the rubbish chute...hoping that the cleaner will clear it away for them

6. Loud and quarrelsome neighbours like typical scene you see on Channel 8 drama.

I could list some more but I think you get the idea...haha...

Anyway, Angel, I also getting curtains from MGL thanks to Mwerks and Rdnest recommendations....argh... Pinkpetter, don't kill me hor...hehe :P


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So today got to my unit there wasn't anyone there at first then... suddenly a chinese man appeared carrying plenty of stuff... he totally ignored us and kept moving stuff in. My sis and I examined his stuff and tried to guess what he is suppose to do...

Then our contractor arrived... and the "friendly quarrels" begin. In loud voices and in Hokkien, they started discussing about how to lay the tiles, how this should be done, what else needs to be done....


They ushered us to the toilets and asked us how the tiles are to be placed... even used pipes to make a "mock up shower screen" and pretended to shower inside and said "那么小” and complained " 门这么开??“ lol They argued about how the mosaic was supposed to be placed...

When I told them where we wanted the fridge to be... MORE discussion ensued... that involved a lot of snatching (of measuring tape), making TONS of markings on the wall.... Finally after ten minutes of arguing, they quietened down and turned to us... "不可以啦“ (cannot la)..... LOL and proceeded to explain why cannot... then started to walk ard the kitchen and offered other places for our fridge.

IT was such a comical 2 hours... I should have videotaped it and put it up on Youtube... :P

haha some things is liddat one la. once you fix on something ah very hard to "see" other things liao :P

So funny!! i was even wondering if they noe u were the owner of the house...till the part on they turned to u n say "不可以啦“!!!!! :good:


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Hee.. mwerkz, thanks again! Heheeh.. glad to hear from actual users that their curtain prices are good.

:good::good: MGL service is good, look for May, she offered good ideas and matching curtains to go with your wall colours. Bring along your paint catalogue, but i think they do have also..



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Eh dunno why dun let me Quote and reply.. mmmm

mmycheng>> Yups we did that also. And that's what deterred us from buying a few units. Walking to recce is super important... Sometimes it's also easy to see when neighbours are not on good terms with each other. :P haha and no need to apologise la. That's what renotalk is for :)

risis>> haha hope you will have such drama to watch when it's your turn! :)

porky>> wah everyone also recommend... make me a bit sad I didn't go MGL also. :P

some people PM me to ask about what exactly we bought at S&C and the prices... mm

1 King sized storage bedframe

1 queen sized storage bedframe

1 single divan bedframe

1 4 piece bedroom set (queen bedframe + wardrobe+dresser+bedside)

1 full height wardrobe

2 75" high wardrobes

1 80" high wardrobe

1 coffee table

1 TV console

1 bedside table

All for less than 6k.

My apologies for not being able to give individual pricing as it isn't quite fair to S&C... cos if buy more they can give more discounts as can "cover".... :)

We're thinking of getting another coffeetable that comes with 4 hidden stools from them... heh heh


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pinkpetter, for roller blind hor.. u measure the window den go down ask for quote ?? measure the whole window frame is it ?? heehee.. i dunno.. :P


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pinkpetter, for roller blind hor.. u measure the window den go down ask for quote ?? measure the whole window frame is it ?? heehee.. i dunno.. :P



Measured the length then the height of the window... noted them on a paper like this:

Bedroom 1: 3050 x 980

Bedroom 2: 3050 x 980

and handed it to the guy for him to give us a quote. He said that since we took the measurements right down to the millimetre he could give us an accurate quotation :)

hope I helped. :)


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wah... u still draw for me to see.. THANKS !!!! :sport-smiley-018::sport-smiley-018::sport-smiley-018:

haha welcome :)


we started drawing the layout of our rooms after buying our furniture ytd...


I drew mine and I realised that my space for my study table will be very small. Haiz. Need to get a smaller table then the one I wanted. sian.

My parents and sister got it EVEN WORSE.. :P After drawing out their layout they realised that they didn't have enough space for the bedside tables they ordered so I called to cancel 3 out of 4 tables today. :P

Guess those of you who have IDs prolly wun have such trouble. heh. :)


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u r putting your bed right beside your window?

isn't it v troublesome for getting to your window?

my son also wanted his bed there, but I said no, cos I'm afraid it'll be difficult to open/close/clean windows, or if rain and the windows are open


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u r putting your bed right beside your window?

isn't it v troublesome for getting to your window?

my son also wanted his bed there, but I said no, cos I'm afraid it'll be difficult to open/close/clean windows, or if rain and the windows are open

:) For the last 3 yrs in my current place I've had my bed by the window.. I guess having the bed by the corner frees up more space as compared to it being in the centre. :)

It's ok having to close/open windows..

However there WAS one occasion when I forgot to close my window and it RAINED heavily... hahahaha my mattress was wet for DAYS.... Mom really killed me that time. :P But that was the only time and thereafter no more. :)


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So today got to my unit there wasn't anyone there at first then... suddenly a chinese man appeared carrying plenty of stuff... he totally ignored us and kept moving stuff in. My sis and I examined his stuff and tried to guess what he is suppose to do...

Then our contractor arrived... and the "friendly quarrels" begin. In loud voices and in Hokkien, they started discussing about how to lay the tiles, how this should be done, what else needs to be done....


They ushered us to the toilets and asked us how the tiles are to be placed... even used pipes to make a "mock up shower screen" and pretended to shower inside and said "那么小” and complained " 门这么开??“ lol They argued about how the mosaic was supposed to be placed...

When I told them where we wanted the fridge to be... MORE discussion ensued... that involved a lot of snatching (of measuring tape), making TONS of markings on the wall.... Finally after ten minutes of arguing, they quietened down and turned to us... "不可以啦“ (cannot la)..... LOL and proceeded to explain why cannot... then started to walk ard the kitchen and offered other places for our fridge.

IT was such a comical 2 hours... I should have videotaped it and put it up on Youtube... :P

haha some things is liddat one la. once you fix on something ah very hard to "see" other things liao :P

Haha.. this scene sounds familiar to me too!! :dancingqueen:

Cos my fridge couldnt place at the original position that we wanted so we shift to opp side. Haha..

Then when we talk about the washing machine and the sink base, they start to take out measuring tape, and aruged how to do it. After that u will see the contractor's hair getting messier n messier!! :bow:


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Wah.. So many pple using MGL ah? Mmycheng and porkypig, thanks for letting mi know. heheh... So many pple using them, so should be good and reasonably priced liao. :D I told my hb abt the recommendation yest, and yeah, we'll be gg there to get a quote when it's our turn.

Edited by Angel81

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i got my roller blinds from holly interior cos they carry de material there at the cheapest price. place like mgl curtain carry it for 6.50, holly interior carry for 5bucks only =p

but curtain wise, mgl got more materials. so i got it from them. 2curtains night only cost me 900bucks. but mine is huge. one curtain is 5m width X 2.8m height, de other is 3.5m widht X 2.8m height =)

holly interior abit ex to do curtain. cos on top of material cost, there's worksmanship cost of additional 4bucks per meter. so it makes it close to 1200 if i do de same curtain there. n cost of material choosen is only 16bucks, while de material i choose from mgl cost 19.80bucks. suppose to be 1089 at mgl. but they discount, den become 900 =p

Oh... Thanks thanks... Probably I will go Geylang Serai to take a look..... Btw, where is mgl?


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Oh... Thanks thanks... Probably I will go Geylang Serai to take a look..... Btw, where is mgl?

195 Lavender Street, Eminent Plaza, #01-02. Tel: 6392 0373 :)


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