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3ds max?? That's some serious drafting tool there. It's from autodesk, the guys who publish AutoCAD, the main computer aided design tool for engineers across many discipline =p. But got to say that autodesk products usually very newbie un-friendly 1. So good luck and have fun learning. =)

WAH I didn't know it's that PROFESSIONAL... lol I taught myself some software la but this one... haha Will tell you guys if I pull out all my hair for it. :P


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WAH **** angry with the HDB woman...

I had a good HDB technical officer who was very prompt in answering all my emails. I emailed her on Sunday to tell her that my electrical and water meters were all done because she said she needed to take photos of them.

On MOnday (early in the morning) she replied, ccing the email to another colleague, telling me that the colleague was in charge of the photo-taking.

I waited until last night... I have no idea if the person came cos the person needn't come into the house to take the photos ma. So I waited... then last night I finally decided to drop the person and email asking her when she was coming... She said she would come today.

WAH LIAO if I didn't ask her, she was never going to come???? so angry. :curse: Just come and take photos only ma. If she want I can take 50 from all sorts of angles and send to her! :P


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i believe the SOP is not so fast in stat board :x until u keep chasing, else they will be hibernating! haha...i know I am mean especially after my delay from them :P


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Pet: Don't angry lah, sometime also depend on individual.

I still remember my case when I went down to HDB to expedite some processes. If I don't do anything, they will take a even longer time. So we got to keep bugging them to move things faster.

Maybe can ask for the person tel or hp and check with her what time she is coming. If she didn't turn up at the agreed time, call again.


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i believe the SOP is not so fast in stat board :x until u keep chasing, else they will be hibernating! haha...i know I am mean especially after my delay from them :P

haiz and they got some efficient award recently.... haiz..

Pet: Don't angry lah, sometime also depend on individual.

I still remember my case when I went down to HDB to expedite some processes. If I don't do anything, they will take a even longer time. So we got to keep bugging them to move things faster.

Maybe can ask for the person tel or hp and check with her what time she is coming. If she didn't turn up at the agreed time, call again.

She suddenly and quietly appeared outside... and didn't tell us she was there.. our door was open. Luckily my mom went out to water her plant a little and she saw a woman outside looking at our meters. Then we knew she came. I guess the least she could have done was to tell us she was here.

well at least that part's done. :)


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I agree chasing HDB Officers is a headache.

I chased mine every then and now for updates regarding the keys to my place. All fast withdraw cpf money but when it comes to action very slow leh.


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efficient for delaying? or efficient for wasting tax payers' money?? Opps!

haiz.. seriously no idea..

I agree chasing HDB Officers is a headache.

I chased mine every then and now for updates regarding the keys to my place. All fast withdraw cpf money but when it comes to action very slow leh.

haha take money will definitely be fast ma... :P

i detest all the govt procedures. and the ppl are so comfy there. paid to take their own sweet time.

mm but i think it could be just my side.. Zio had his reacting very fast about his recess area. haiz


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i think its officer dependent! my officer for resale also took ages to reply me on 2nd appt date... in fact... only replied 1wk before the actual 2nd appt after chasing her for weeks!

Gah-men..... :bangwall: :bangwall: :bangwall:


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i think its officer dependent! my officer for resale also took ages to reply me on 2nd appt date... in fact... only replied 1wk before the actual 2nd appt after chasing her for weeks!

Gah-men..... :bangwall: :bangwall: :bangwall:

Govt take ages to reply... ;)


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i think its officer dependent! my officer for resale also took ages to reply me on 2nd appt date... in fact... only replied 1wk before the actual 2nd appt after chasing her for weeks!

Gah-men..... :bangwall: :bangwall: :bangwall:

Govt take ages to reply... ;)

yaaaa but one person brighten up my day.... would never expect him to call.. UNCLE SOON! hahha he called to tell me that he received news that the water and electricals are done and he can submit the renovation plans already! Which he will be doing soon. Uber happiness. :)


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WAhhh! He called! u gotta go buy 4d or toto liao. Haha! I need him to settle my outstanding too, but i dare not call him leh... :(


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WAhhh! He called! u gotta go buy 4d or toto liao. Haha! I need him to settle my outstanding too, but i dare not call him leh... :(

haha ya seems like i really can. Think Uncle's Saturdays are better. try tomorrow? :)


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Hi pinkpetter, need to ask a question since I see you quite seasoned already...

My place is a 12 yr old condo. Wondering if it is necessary to do rewiring of the whole place? If don't need, I will only do wires for new lighting points etc. Can save a lot of money!



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