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phew ..............after spending more than 2 hrs reading both your blog n renoblog ... i just only managed to finish renoblog .. like apple jie .. gave up on your blog ... too many things le~

1st Congrats to you !! !! !! Love your new house layout ....

2ndly Wishing you all the best and have smooth smooth ride thru the whole reno process ....

3rd Hoping to see more pics !! !! Can see the actual process n transformation..

must say that old flooring is very arty faarrty wor .. good to say bye forever n forget ...

Welcome the new tiles !! !! :wub: :wub:

there is always next time to redo your house if time n money allows ...

Huat ar for Toto n 4D !! !!

lastly I must pat on your shoulders wor .. you deserve it .. as you've dealing with everything very well ...

:yamseng: to Girl Power !! !! it's not easy to do the whole reno planning n oversee yourself .. coz been thru it myself ... :dancingqueen::dancingqueen:


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phew ..............after spending more than 2 hrs reading both your blog n renoblog ... i just only managed to finish renoblog .. like apple jie .. gave up on your blog ... too many things le~

1st Congrats to you !! !! !! Love your new house layout ....

2ndly Wishing you all the best and have smooth smooth ride thru the whole reno process ....

3rd Hoping to see more pics !! !! Can see the actual process n transformation..

must say that old flooring is very arty faarrty wor .. good to say bye forever n forget ...

Welcome the new tiles !! !! :wub: :wub:

there is always next time to redo your house if time n money allows ...

Huat ar for Toto n 4D !! !!

lastly I must pat on your shoulders wor .. you deserve it .. as you've dealing with everything very well ...

:yamseng: to Girl Power !! !! it's not easy to do the whole reno planning n oversee yourself .. coz been thru it myself ... :dancingqueen::dancingqueen:

Hi Ranval!! Thank you! I'm also surprised that you took time to go and read my blog wor. I have so many entries. haha :)

Definitely going to update almost every single day with all the buys we have and every step of the reno. Tomorrow we start tiling cos today the tiles were delivered to my house! :)

And after the house is renovated we'll do it up slowly as money comes in. heh heh.

Thank you so so so much... my family helped la but mainly i deal with the contractor and drawing of stuff. :) They can decide about stuff. And as of now they are PACKING the old house! hehe Hope to 'see' you more often!


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:) I will have a table lamp. This will be quite bright wor with 20 watt bulb. There isn't any cover over it... just that wire-holey thing. haha

Arh.. Icic.. cools. Good planner. :P:good:


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Ya I agree with ranval too. (I can't catch up with reading personal blogs, too time consuming & it takes time to backtrack everything just to get a sequence of the story in the end)

Your blog is however entertaining though. I read a few of your postings before & the name brainy bimbo is very catchy as well. You could be an editorial editor of some magazine given your flair for your expressive entries.

Oh yes, your room light is very special with the wire hole part. Gives me the feeling that your bedroom is going to have a partial gothic-victorian theme or style like that. Think white bed, black bedsheets with abstract patterns, striking rug, bedside table lamps that have a distinctive victorian style patterns. :P

Edited by BunBun

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Ya I agree with ranval too. (I can't catch up with reading personal blogs, too time consuming & it takes time to backtrack everything just to get a sequence of the story in the end)

Your blog is however entertaining though. I read a few of your postings before & the name brainy bimbo is very catchy as well. You could be an editorial editor of some magazine given your flair for your expressive entries.

Oh yes, your room light is very special with the wire hole part. Gives me the feeling that your bedroom is going to have a partial gothic-victorian theme or style like that. Think white bed, black bedsheets with abstract patterns, striking rug, bedside table lamps that have a distinctive victorian style patterns. :P


Thanks BunBun. haha but my blog updates have slowed down since reno started. But that was very encouraging. Will write more when I have the time.

hahahaa mm White bed is right...and black sheets is a maybe. :) And I'm working on the decorative stuff now. :) Digitally editing some stuff to put onto my wall. You guys can check out the final product when it's done *hope it turns out ok* hehe


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:) no need to thank me, I just say the truth. hehe.

If you do work on along the decor parts I mentioned before, you should consider the colour of the wall which the bedhead is going to rest against. 1 wall in a specific colour works better for more drama (For eg; olive green. Its a subtle colour.) while the rest of the walls are better off in white. Can even hang a clutter of pictures on them.

Hehehe Im thinking too far out but if your budget allows, you can try playing with ideas to get your concept right. And bedsheets part, pampering yourself is a must! Check out the designs as well. I sort of acquired a tendency to look at bedsheets ever since I got my current place. Too cosy already. :sport-smiley-004:


Thanks BunBun. haha but my blog updates have slowed down since reno started. But that was very encouraging. Will write more when I have the time.

hahahaa mm White bed is right...and black sheets is a maybe. :) And I'm working on the decorative stuff now. :) Digitally editing some stuff to put onto my wall. You guys can check out the final product when it's done *hope it turns out ok* hehe

Edited by BunBun

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:) no need to thank me, I just say the truth. hehe.

If you do work on along the decor parts I mentioned before, you should consider the colour of the wall which the bedhead is going to rest against. 1 wall in a specific colour works better for more drama (For eg; olive green. Its a subtle colour.) while the rest of the walls are better off in white. Can even hang a clutter of pictures on them.

Hehehe Im thinking too far out but if your budget allows, you can try playing with ideas to get your concept right. And bedsheets part, pampering yourself is a must! Check out the designs as well. I sort of acquired a tendency to look at bedsheets ever since I got my current place. Too cosy already. :sport-smiley-004:

Morning BunBun! hehe I did think of having those painted a very neutral melodramatic colour like a warm grey sorts but decided against it after much thought. I prefer to keep it simple with black and white and my multi coloured art work which I'm going to put up. haha :)

Sadly really no budget to do much now cos spent so much on reno. But will buy bits and pieces along the way to add them in :)

I know what you mean man. I will definitely get good sheets. But before that I need a good pillow. *backache*

Edited by pinkpetter

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Remains of our Light Shopping at A Lighting along Geylang Road also.


Two of these for the living room.


One of these where the balcony used to be.


Last but not least the light for my room!!!


Pinkpetter.... LOVE your ex-balcony and bdrm lights!... very creative.. looking forward to see the light-up effect :good:


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Hi pinkpetter, saw your shopping buys for lights. I like the balcony one the most...too bad I dun have a balcony...sighz...

Anyway, also spotted in your bought list that you got 2 side tables from Kartell... what did you buy if you don't mind me being kaypoh...hehe :notti: Today's paper has a large ad saying that SPACE is having sale up to 70%... I love the Kartell ghost chairs and the gnome stools but they're really ex... I'll prob check out how attractive their sale price is first...hehe :P


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Hi mmycheng! It's vin13 who bought!! :)

Me no budget to buy such nice designer things hehe :)

EVERYONE loves the balcony one the most also.... :)

hehe Thanks vin13!!!

Edited by pinkpetter

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Went to check out the flat today!!! Oh yes I realised that I've never shown you all this.....


It's in my void deck heheheh :)


Tiles delivered and downstairs, waiting for the workers to bring up.


We asked the worker to help scrape the door frames... gave him some coffee money :P


Completely hacked and cleared toilet.


My balcony which will be levelled up to combine with the living room.. mMMmM


Ultra Messy Kitchen!


Then we started to take measurements for the curtains....


Went furniture shopping a bit. Saw this very nice bed... queen sized for $999 including the bed cover and 4 cushions. Sister went bananas over the bed. :P


As for me I liked this table that comes with 4 chairs... about $600 after discount I think.

MmMm But tomorrow will be out to find more bargains so... hopefully can find stuff like this at better prices! :)

Meanwhile after all the running about during the day... we pack at night... our house is now officially a mess.




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haha very weird hor. A few blocks ard Simei have this... I asked people why but they dunno. LOL

Yup it does look nice... but initially they were thinking of a storage bed. so deciding between the two. Hopefully can get a combi of both. LOL


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