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Reno Before 2nd Appt Feasible?

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hi all,

will be going for my 1st appt on 28th aug. according to agent (who is oso de power of attorney) of de house, he will give me de keys after 1st appt. but according to him, he say cannot start reno cos he thinks it's illegal. but all ID says can ask him sign indemnity form that i can go ahead with reno.

abit worried, cos during the period from 1st to 2nd appt, i believe agent still have a set of keys. so if i start reno, wat if my things go missing in de house?

wat r de implications? and anything i need to take note?

thanx all. =)

Edited by mwerkz

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Hi, my 1st appt 25thaug, I also thinking of starting reno before completion but after careful thoughts better dun take the risk. What if the completion dun do thru and it's illegal anyway. So better do things the proper way. Me also very urgent to move out of current place coz lease expiring. Dun listen to your id coz he got nothing to lose what!


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  lauahkua said:
Hi, my 1st appt 25thaug, I also thinking of starting reno before completion but after careful thoughts better dun take the risk. What if the completion dun do thru and it's illegal anyway. So better do things the proper way. Me also very urgent to move out of current place coz lease expiring. Dun listen to your id coz he got nothing to lose what!

erms. but in hdb website, dere is an indemnity form for signing if u wan start wk before 2nd appt, so i dun think it's illegal.

secondly, according to my contract, actually my ID gets nothing if de whole deal din go thru. dere is a clause tat states, if i do not get the house for any unforeseen circumstances, all deposit n money paid will be refunded to me.


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is legal lah, i did my reno before 2nd appt.. but u have to take note other than the idemnity form hor, try to make sure that the resale transaction is approved in principle by HDB..

although i started before 2nd appt but i make sure that i received the IPA from HDB 1st...scali say house cannot sell or i cannot buy watever lah..

if your appt 28 Aug then you can start like 1st-2nd week of sep cos usually HDB send out the IPA quite fast if everything in order..my agent doesnt hold my house keys and during reno all the locks will be hacked liao...ID will use their chain lock 1, nothing will go missing unless your agent want to keep the debris :sport-smiley-004:


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  babytan said:
is legal lah, i did my reno before 2nd appt.. but u have to take note other than the idemnity form hor, try to make sure that the resale transaction is approved in principle by HDB..

although i started before 2nd appt but i make sure that i received the IPA from HDB 1st...scali say house cannot sell or i cannot buy watever lah..

if your appt 28 Aug then you can start like 1st-2nd week of sep cos usually HDB send out the IPA quite fast if everything in order..my agent doesnt hold my house keys and during reno all the locks will be hacked liao...ID will use their chain lock 1, nothing will go missing unless your agent want to keep the debris :sport-smiley-004:

so am i right to say tat once i get the IPA, i m save to start with all the hacking n renovating?

did u sign de indemnity form n give a copy to the owner? cos i know de indemnity form is to protect the owner.


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  mwerkz said:
so am i right to say tat once i get the IPA, i m save to start with all the hacking n renovating?

did u sign de indemnity form n give a copy to the owner? cos i know de indemnity form is to protect the owner.

btw, IPA = in principle approval? hdb sends this out? usually from 1st to 2nd appt, wat will make de sale not go thru?


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  mwerkz said:
so am i right to say tat once i get the IPA, i m save to start with all the hacking n renovating?

did u sign de indemnity form n give a copy to the owner? cos i know de indemnity form is to protect the owner.

in my opinion, yes i think safe enough as only impt thing is to make sure the resale transaction MUST go thru..if not you hack liao then how??

indemnity form is to protect the current owner as flat still under his name (cos haven complete the resale but you want to start reno liao) i didnt give owner a copy leh and he didnt ask for it as well...

ID will have a copy of the indemnity form and you provide the info needed and ID will follow-up from there lor...

just noticed from my timeline that owner passed me keys 2 weeks after 1st appt (should be around that time receive IPA) cos owner doesnt want to pass key before IPA, reason being afraid that the resale transaction doesnt go thru, so i think still fair enough la..

Edited by babytan

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  babytan said:
in my opinion, yes i think safe enough as only impt thing is to make sure the resale transaction MUST go thru..if not you hack liao then how??

indemnity form is to protect the current owner as flat still under his name (cos haven complete the resale but you want to start reno liao) i didnt give owner a copy leh and he didnt ask for it as well...

ID will have a copy of the indemnity form and you provide the info needed and ID will follow-up from there lor...

just noticed from my timeline that owner passed me keys 2 weeks after 1st appt (should be around that time receive IPA) cos owner doesnt want to pass key before IPA, reason being afraid that the resale transaction doesnt go thru, so i think still fair enough la..

so how to make sure resale transaction has gone thru? once we get IPA means transaction have gone thru? ya. i oso dun wan do free reno for owner -_-"

so after 1st appt takes approx. 2 wk to receive IPA? so basically even if agent allows to pass me key straight after 1st appt, i shuld still start wk only after i get the IPA to be on de safe side?


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  mwerkz said:
erms. but in hdb website, dere is an indemnity form for signing if u wan start wk before 2nd appt, so i dun think it's illegal.

secondly, according to my contract, actually my ID gets nothing if de whole deal din go thru. dere is a clause tat states, if i do not get the house for any unforeseen circumstances, all deposit n money paid will be refunded to me.

I dun think you can doing hacking or any major work, only touch ups.


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  lauahkua said:
I dun think you can doing hacking or any major work, only touch ups.

erms. but it seems like there are a few others who have done it.

anyway i'll check with hdb on my 1st appt to c if it's legal =)


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