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Ideal Design Interior

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3d drawings wise..... it is done based on the ID's input and the in-house designer's visualization, so to be fair to ideal design, and all other ID firms out there, could variate from what we have in mind the first round thru... but after sitting down with the ID and going thru the choice of laminates/paint colours/concept, it should be more in line with what we want (cbearai, hope its the case for you, and for us!)

Oh so meaning, besides the ID, there is another in house designer helping with the design....?


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Wow...I am in the midst of appointing Ideal Design....

But seems like the last few posts seems to mention they are not so pro in their perspective designs, and bringing customers to expensive lighting shops...?

Can more people comment on Ideal Design, regarding their perspective designs and bringing the customers to purchase lightings or other accessories?


3d drawings wise..... it is done based on the ID's input and the in-house designer's visualization, so to be fair to ideal design, and all other ID firms out there, could variate from what we have in mind the first round thru... but after sitting down with the ID and going thru the choice of laminates/paint colours/concept, it should be more in line with what we want (cbearai, hope its the case for you, and for us!)


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hi cbearai, where is ur place? is it a 4 or 5 roomer? we'll be meeting up our id later... hope can iron out and make changes to some details on the house design, then get the revised drawings... and hope things can really go smoothly. *cross fingers* :paint:

hope ur revised 3d drawings will turn out great too.... after all, all of us here r just hoping for our new places to turn out nice and to our liking after having placed our faith (& financials) with ideal design :)

hi beanny, is a 4 room flat. hw about urs? yup, nw is hope everything turn up nicely. when u start reno? who is ur ID?

hi marvin,

perhaps those already done their reno can commend on ideal design.

but for 3D, if 10 is full mark, i'll give 2.5 mark.

so far we only cross finger after reno everything turn up as wat we expected.


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Wow...I am in the midst of appointing Ideal Design....

But seems like the last few posts seems to mention they are not so pro in their perspective designs, and bringing customers to expensive lighting shops...?

Can more people comment on Ideal Design, regarding their perspective designs and bringing the customers to purchase lightings or other accessories?



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Hi Beanny,

Already signed up with them, our ID is shawn. Got 3D before choosing tiles. Is not as what we expected, quite disappointed coz the drawing and home layout proportion is not match.

Now we hope after choose tiles, revise 3D drawing will turn up better.

hi cbearai, where is ur place? is it a 4 or 5 roomer? we'll be meeting up our id later... hope can iron out and make changes to some details on the house design, then get the revised drawings... and hope things can really go smoothly. *cross fingers* :paint:

hope ur revised 3d drawings will turn out great too.... after all, all of us here r just hoping for our new places to turn out nice and to our liking after having placed our faith (& financials) with ideal design :)


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Hi Beanny,

Already signed up with them, our ID is shawn. Got 3D before choosing tiles. Is not as what we expected, quite disappointed coz the drawing and home layout proportion is not match.

Now we hope after choose tiles, revise 3D drawing will turn up better.

Hi Jayden,

Can you show us your new house pic? may i know who is your ID?


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Hi Benny,

Thanks for your advise.

Means your ID ask you went to choose lights and toilet accessories before give u 3D drawings?

i think our ID should be bring us to same shop, like tat i can expect should be wasting our time since you said the prices are too high compare to others. Had you choose your tiles already?

yup, we have chosen our tiles :) Picked some which are higher than the limit set in the quotation, so waiting for the cost of the revised tiling. we chose ours from balestier.

how about you? have u signed up with ideal design studio? who is ur id? has he brought u light shopping? haha. would be good if we could all share our experiences here


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Hi beany0811,

Thanks for your reply. I contacted Ideal Design and I spoke to Shawn. I'll be meeting him this Friday to discuss further. Will see if he's able to fit our requirements. Thanks again... :)



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we're now waiting for the 3D drawings from ideal design. hoping that it will turn out nice, and be able to bring out the flavour of the theme we want.

we did go to the lights n toilet accessories shop which our id brought us to, but didn't buy anything, as we found the prices too high for comfort. we had gone looking around before, and the lights which were sold @ that shop could go up to 3 or 4 times tt of what we saw in other shops. sourced for the same items elsewhere, and got them for much more reasonable pricing.

Hi Benny,

Thanks for your advise.

Means your ID ask you went to choose lights and toilet accessories before give u 3D drawings?

i think our ID should be bring us to same shop, like tat i can expect should be wasting our time since you said the prices are too high compare to others. Had you choose your tiles already?


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we're now waiting for the 3D drawings from ideal design. hoping that it will turn out nice, and be able to bring out the flavour of the theme we want.

we did go to the lights n toilet accessories shop which our id brought us to, but didn't buy anything, as we found the prices too high for comfort. we had gone looking around before, and the lights which were sold @ that shop could go up to 3 or 4 times tt of what we saw in other shops. sourced for the same items elsewhere, and got them for much more reasonable pricing.


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got any1 not choose the lighting that ideal design bring u to? i found tat lighting.com.sg at balestier is very cheap but ideal design bring us to another shop.

what i knw from ideal design is their 3D is not nice, they hv to bring u go n choose tiles and redo the 3D and let you c. this is 1 thing we dun like about them.


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Hi Everyone,

I'm a newbie here as i just got my 4rm Resale flat a month ago. I'm currently looking around for IDs to do up my place. I've been reading around Renotalk and it seems that Ideal Design Studio is well recommended.

Appreciate if someone can PM me the contact of their recommended ID from Ideal Design so that I can contact him directly and make an apointment with him. Many Thanks in advance... :)



Edited by beany0811

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Hi Everyone,

I'm a newbie here as i just got my 4rm Resale flat a month ago. I'm currently looking around for IDs to do up my place. I've been reading around Renotalk and it seems that Ideal Design Studio is well recommended.

Appreciate if someone can PM me the contact of their recommended ID from Ideal Design so that I can contact him directly and make an apointment with him. Many Thanks in advance... :)




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Superbear, thanks for your reply! :)

Btw, how's the carpentry works coming along?

Any pix to share?

Hey, i have another question with regards to payment... may i know how is their payment terms like? is it negotiable? I can ask my ID la but i lazy to sms him... :P So... please help to answer me here.... thanks alot!

they provide us with one Prospective drawing & Layout,before we confirm! After confirm they give us Whole hse Drawings :P

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Hi ALL, i have a question with regards to 3D drawings.

Am i right to say that your Ideal Design IDs came back to you with 3Ds only after you signed the contract?


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