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Water Filters

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people were queueing up for the novita ionizer at 50% off (after less is 1199.50)

filter cost $260 and can last more or less for a year depending on consumption

hmm was tinking to get that too but limited sets la and i see it as like a gimmick promo leh

actually which brand of ionizer is more popular?

i also email jupiter about the cost and they quoted me:

1) Mavello Ionizer MX

Price: $1688

2) Jupiter Alphion Ionizer

Price: $1888

but i dun like the model leh, tink this is good :dribble: but should be very exp!


oh 1 more nerdy qns, can the ionizer dispense warm or hot water? i check the specs but dun find any

The fact that they advertisment mentioned it as a new model.. after 1 1/2 years... is interesting.

My take is that nobody bought it due to lack of interest or awareness at the original price. The advert was meant to get those who are already looking for water ionizer to buy but found cost too high.

However the recurring cost such as filters are alarming. I remembered that 1 single filter was needed and am not sure if 1 filter cost $260 or 2 filters were needed to complete 1 year.

I am not totally sure about the warranty period of novita as well. Water ionizers are not your typical electronic systems. They will need certain filter change and the occasional servicing. Not knowing the after sales support is abeit like walking into the unknow, however since its like 50% off why not? Still I feel funny about this promo... again I might over think this... they could be rolling new products out or slowly phasing out the range of ionizers...

As in which water ionizer is popular, I trust the longer the system is in the market the more mature it will be. My mom used the 1st generation Mavello in 2001 while i used the 3 generation mavello in 2005. So far there has not been any issues on the system.. in fact my mavello was "hijack" by my PIL during confinement (read my earlier post). Now I am settling with my jupiter.

Just to let you know the Jupiter Delphi is S$2888 (saw it in the papers a couple of day ago). Not cheap if you consider it the most expensive in Kemp showroom. However if you make comparisions like i have... you might think this price would be comparable to other competitors in the market but so much more chioer <--- (if there's such a word)

Water ionizers do not have hot or cold water as far as i been using them. The quality of ionized water is at its best when freshly produced. But upon heating up... it will lose some of the effect. However its still better than using tap water to boil etc.

Hope that helps!


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hi ya tats wat i tot about the novita 1 also

okie, the sales told me:

warranty 1 year

made in korea

machine is self cleaning, so no other form of maintenance cost except for the filter which cost $260 and can last 1yr or so depending on consumption

i like the jupiter delphin man, really chio!! :dribble:

1) but hor few qns that pop again:

reason for asking about hot water, cos need to make baby's milk ma, so if not warm, meaning i got to take purify water to boil?

2) mentioned abt different PH level, which got 1 is best for making coffee/tea right? so not hot also need to bring to boil?

3) estimated how much are your yearly maintenance?

4) if i get this, meaning i would have to ask my ID to make 1 more hole for the tap? so to say i have 2 taps?

5) water from the ionizer can also used for washing? but mean that filter will have shorter life span?

6) 2288 quite steep leh, they got any credit card promo?

sorry for loads of qns, thanks in advance :yamseng:


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hi ya tats wat i tot about the novita 1 also

okie, the sales told me:

warranty 1 year

made in korea

machine is self cleaning, so no other form of maintenance cost except for the filter which cost $260 and can last 1yr or so depending on consumption

i like the jupiter delphin man, really chio!! :dribble:

1) but hor few qns that pop again:

reason for asking about hot water, cos need to make baby's milk ma, so if not warm, meaning i got to take purify water to boil?

2) mentioned abt different PH level, which got 1 is best for making coffee/tea right? so not hot also need to bring to boil?

3) estimated how much are your yearly maintenance?

4) if i get this, meaning i would have to ask my ID to make 1 more hole for the tap? so to say i have 2 taps?

5) water from the ionizer can also used for washing? but mean that filter will have shorter life span?

6) 2288 quite steep leh, they got any credit card promo?

sorry for loads of qns, thanks in advance :yamseng:

Wow 1 year warranty.. thats smart. since its cheap.. they dun really have to care about it spoiling. If it does too bad so sad... so have to pay to fix. Nowadays the warranty should be more than that. I bought my TV at 3 + 2 years warranty. My Jupiter is 2 years.

As for the cleaning functions... every water ionizer has them... does not need to be novita. lol

My filter cost is now S$120 0.01M filter... Checked market prices for such stuff... at least $200 and above. Filter is used for 1 year or 6000L of water, this translate to 16L odd a day to use up 6000L. My family of 3 with 2 kids rarely finish it as well.

On alkaline water I take the water, boil them and put it into a vaccum flask to keep it hot, mix it only when needed. This hot water is for my 2 babies :)

The higher the level.. the better for the extraction of nutrients from tea,coffee, soup etc

I dun know about the ID part. check with them. credit card promo sure have like any other retail outlets... think like 0% installent... If you have cash back... this is a good option can save somemore.



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The fact that they advertisment mentioned it as a new model.. after 1 1/2 years... is interesting.

My take is that nobody bought it due to lack of interest or awareness at the original price. The advert was meant to get those who are already looking for water ionizer to buy but found cost too high.

However the recurring cost such as filters are alarming. I remembered that 1 single filter was needed and am not sure if 1 filter cost $260 or 2 filters were needed to complete 1 year.

I am not totally sure about the warranty period of novita as well. Water ionizers are not your typical electronic systems. They will need certain filter change and the occasional servicing. Not knowing the after sales support is abeit like walking into the unknow, however since its like 50% off why not? Still I feel funny about this promo... again I might over think this... they could be rolling new products out or slowly phasing out the range of ionizers...

As in which water ionizer is popular, I trust the longer the system is in the market the more mature it will be. My mom used the 1st generation Mavello in 2001 while i used the 3 generation mavello in 2005. So far there has not been any issues on the system.. in fact my mavello was "hijack" by my PIL during confinement (read my earlier post). Now I am settling with my jupiter.

Just to let you know the Jupiter Delphi is S$2888 (saw it in the papers a couple of day ago). Not cheap if you consider it the most expensive in Kemp showroom. However if you make comparisions like i have... you might think this price would be comparable to other competitors in the market but so much more chioer <--- (if there's such a word)

Water ionizers do not have hot or cold water as far as i been using them. The quality of ionized water is at its best when freshly produced. But upon heating up... it will lose some of the effect. However its still better than using tap water to boil etc.

Hope that helps!

Hi gkbt,

actually I've been reading your informative posting & decided to purchase the Jupiter Alphion last weekend.

I saw the novita promotion & decided to take a look before making a trip down to kemp trading. That promotion is indeed a new model NP9932, with touch screen and more sleek & modern looking than NP9930. Both retailing @ $2388, the other model with the flexible water dispenser cost $2688. All models use single filter, either 7 stage ($180) or 8 stage ($230). At this pricing, Jupiter is definitely a much better option.

I did my sum on the spot to compute 7 years ownership cost with the assumption of 1 filer replacement annually, and replacing the ionizer after 7 yrs....novita with the 50% discount will be cheaper than Alphion. So, i did not make a trip down to kemp, purchased the novita at Robinson on sat. There were only 10 units allocated, I'm the 7 in the queue :rolleyes: The promotion comes with 8 stage filter (0.01m), hope I will not regret making this hasty decision...


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Hi gkbt,

thanks for all the great info you've provided. It has surely enriched my knowledge on alkaline water and the type of brands available in the market.

I recently chanced upon this company called Chanson Water (www.chanson.com.sg), any idea or feedback on them?



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Hi gkbt,

actually I've been reading your informative posting & decided to purchase the Jupiter Alphion last weekend.

I saw the novita promotion & decided to take a look before making a trip down to kemp trading. That promotion is indeed a new model NP9932, with touch screen and more sleek & modern looking than NP9930. Both retailing @ $2388, the other model with the flexible water dispenser cost $2688. All models use single filter, either 7 stage ($180) or 8 stage ($230). At this pricing, Jupiter is definitely a much better option.

I did my sum on the spot to compute 7 years ownership cost with the assumption of 1 filer replacement annually, and replacing the ionizer after 7 yrs....novita with the 50% discount will be cheaper than Alphion. So, i did not make a trip down to kemp, purchased the novita at Robinson on sat. There were only 10 units allocated, I'm the 7 in the queue :rolleyes: The promotion comes with 8 stage filter (0.01m), hope I will not regret making this hasty decision...

Hi Mcc,

Nice that you managed to purchased the novita alkaline water ionizer. At that price I believe that is really a steal if the system last for 7 years or more as computated. A water ionzier is the best investment a person can buy for the family in my opinion.

However the computation is somewhat basic... there are other things to include such as warranty period which will deal its fair share into the recurring cost.

The other thing that bugs me currently is recurring cost, the filter is only able to filter out 3600L of water which would translate to 10L a day. This 10L of water should be translated to an average of 60 - 70% in alkalinity and 30 - 40% acidity. So actual usage of water is about 6 - 7L of alkaline water a day only. If its a small household... its good...... if not changing that filter 2x a year is more of a norm than exception. Holding out changing the filter is also not possible as the micro-chip prevents you from using the filter beyond the lifespan.. so you will be "forced" to change.

Your computation at 7 years for jupiter alphion is S$2608 while novita 9932 is S$2580, so not including other differences such as jupiter has a 2 year warranty while novita is a 1 year warranty is not really correct. Throw in the jupiter filter is 6000L while the novita is 3600L into the works. (Jupiter filter is 50L/dollar while Novita is ~16L/dollar at 0.01M filtration.) This is extremely important as u have to use alkaline water sparringly from a novita system while the jupiter is almost doubled in volume. Anything more than 1 filter the next 7 year for the novita will allow jupiter to catch up by 1 1/2 years in break even costing, anyting more than 2 extra filters... you might as well buy the jupiter. I was really trying not to say gimmicky... but the more I am typing... the more it sounds like it... Hope I am not bruising egos here.

What I do like is that the system seem kinda pretty at the display. It has a solid feel about it as well. So eventhough I have raised some serious concerns up there... its a good system at sub 1K...

The manufacturer is relatively new in the market. started in Dec 2002, and only had its iso 9001 and 14001 in 2008 and 2004 respectively. The models you see in novita is their 1st 3 of 6 systems. If novita is buying from them... they will bring the latest 3 models into singapore soon.



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Hi Mcc,

Nice that you managed to purchased the novita alkaline water ionizer. At that price I believe that is really a steal if the system last for 7 years or more as computated. A water ionzier is the best investment a person can buy for the family in my opinion.

However the computation is somewhat basic... there are other things to include such as warranty period which will deal its fair share into the recurring cost.

The other thing that bugs me currently is recurring cost, the filter is only able to filter out 3600L of water which would translate to 10L a day. This 10L of water should be translated to an average of 60 - 70% in alkalinity and 30 - 40% acidity. So actual usage of water is about 6 - 7L of alkaline water a day only. If its a small household... its good...... if not changing that filter 2x a year is more of a norm than exception. Holding out changing the filter is also not possible as the micro-chip prevents you from using the filter beyond the lifespan.. so you will be "forced" to change.

Your computation at 7 years for jupiter alphion is S$2608 while novita 9932 is S$2580, so not including other differences such as jupiter has a 2 year warranty while novita is a 1 year warranty is not really correct. Throw in the jupiter filter is 6000L while the novita is 3600L into the works. (Jupiter filter is 50L/dollar while Novita is ~16L/dollar at 0.01M filtration.) This is extremely important as u have to use alkaline water sparringly from a novita system while the jupiter is almost doubled in volume. Anything more than 1 filter the next 7 year for the novita will allow jupiter to catch up by 1 1/2 years in break even costing, anyting more than 2 extra filters... you might as well buy the jupiter. I was really trying not to say gimmicky... but the more I am typing... the more it sounds like it... Hope I am not bruising egos here.

What I do like is that the system seem kinda pretty at the display. It has a solid feel about it as well. So eventhough I have raised some serious concerns up there... its a good system at sub 1K...

The manufacturer is relatively new in the market. started in Dec 2002, and only had its iso 9001 and 14001 in 2008 and 2004 respectively. The models you see in novita is their 1st 3 of 6 systems. If novita is buying from them... they will bring the latest 3 models into singapore soon.


yes it is, my computation is basic as I'm making hasty decision on the spot while on the queue. There were only 10 units allocated, & there were more than 10 ppl on the queue, I got to make the call within minutes else I'll miss it.....

I've failed to notice the filter for novita only last for 3600L... Learn something new today :good: I did notice novita does not use the latest mesh titanium plates..Was looking at the cost and the design. Frankly speaking, I really like the novita water dispenser design that can be kept and concealed, really very neat and sleek. The normal flexible water dispenser kinda spoil the overall look....Ya, I'm kinda going more for the look than specs...The other thing I like abt novita is it is available in most big electrical stores, easy to get filter ( prefer to do it myself) provided novita is still in business...kekeke

Well, already paid up, shall move on and not think it over again. Installation will be next friday...

I've a 0.01M pre filter to the existing Elken RO water which to be replaced by Novita. Think I shall retain the pre filter and opt for the 7 stage filter in the future to lower down the maintenance cost. The 8 stage filter comes with 0.01M filter and cost $50 more. It cost lesser to replace my existing 0.01M pre-filter & it is an easy job.

BTW, where is the novita manufacturer? In china?


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Hi gkbt,

thanks for all the great info you've provided. It has surely enriched my knowledge on alkaline water and the type of brands available in the market.

I recently chanced upon this company called Chanson Water (www.chanson.com.sg), any idea or feedback on them?


Hi Doulian,

Chanson is the largest taiwanese company that makes water ionizers. However since they do not have endorsement like water ionizerss from Japan or Korean, in my opinion the product will be lower in standing because of that compared to Japan or Korean system.

I chanced on 1 recently which was the Chanson Miracle M.A.X (latest in design) It looked very different from the pictures in the web which was egonormic, classy etc. The main issue is that the filter they had inside the machine is actually so small I could hide it with my palms covering it. Because of this "issue" there is a 3 set filter on the external which is recommended to filter out more stuff because the lack of it inside the system.

There was a supplier here a while ago.. but I am not sure if they are still in business...

Overall appearance can be deceving... so pls see the actual product before deciding.



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yes it is, my computation is basic as I'm making hasty decision on the spot while on the queue. There were only 10 units allocated, & there were more than 10 ppl on the queue, I got to make the call within minutes else I'll miss it.....

I've failed to notice the filter for novita only last for 3600L... Learn something new today :good: I did notice novita does not use the latest mesh titanium plates..Was looking at the cost and the design. Frankly speaking, I really like the novita water dispenser design that can be kept and concealed, really very neat and sleek. The normal flexible water dispenser kinda spoil the overall look....Ya, I'm kinda going more for the look than specs...The other thing I like abt novita is it is available in most big electrical stores, easy to get filter ( prefer to do it myself) provided novita is still in business...kekeke

Well, already paid up, shall move on and not think it over again. Installation will be next friday...

I've a 0.01M pre filter to the existing Elken RO water which to be replaced by Novita. Think I shall retain the pre filter and opt for the 7 stage filter in the future to lower down the maintenance cost. The 8 stage filter comes with 0.01M filter and cost $50 more. It cost lesser to replace my existing 0.01M pre-filter & it is an easy job.

BTW, where is the novita manufacturer? In china?

Hi mcc,

Actually having too much filters will cause poor water pressure. Furthermore this will have more bacteria accumulating in all filters causing the water quality to be moer acidic thus worse than actually better. Because of the ionizer ability to make alkaline water.. you will be prevented from drinking bacteria waste.... but then the acidic side of the water will now not be recommended to be used.

Btw the manufacturer is Korean.

Hope that helps!


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Hi mcc,

Actually having too much filters will cause poor water pressure. Furthermore this will have more bacteria accumulating in all filters causing the water quality to be moer acidic thus worse than actually better. Because of the ionizer ability to make alkaline water.. you will be prevented from drinking bacteria waste.... but then the acidic side of the water will now not be recommended to be used.

Btw the manufacturer is Korean.

Hope that helps!

thanks for the infor.

I'm looking for a suitable water container to collect the acidic water.... how u guys do it? or discharge away?

Edited by mcc

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thanks for the infor.

I'm looking for a suitable water container to collect the acidic water.... how u guys do it? or discharge away?

Use a good plastic container to contain the acidic water. I prefer a BPA free container.

Acidic water is used for many external purpose. You should ask novita how high their acidic water go to.. and what it can be used for.

If I am not wrong, different pH can be used for different situation.



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Hi gkbt

After so many discussions and looking at your thread, what is the personal benefit of this ionize water since u drink it so many year?

Can enlightened us on your personal experience not literature ?


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Hi gkbt

After so many discussions and looking at your thread, what is the personal benefit of this ionize water since u drink it so many year?

Can enlightened us on your personal experience not literature ?

Personally its more stamina & less aches / pains during exercises or training.

I personally see that alkalinity in the water will help remove left over lactic acid that was not purged out during warming down / stretching. Could be a placebo but there is an article I found that seems to indicate that as well.

Preventing aches & pains that develop due to inflammation of muscle tissue by the lactic acid. I have little ache to none at all after exercise when I consume alkaline ionized water. I tested by reverting back to non alkaline water drinking to test effect n I felt some more ache than before. Again could be placebo but anything to past fitness test right?

Been drinking for years n seriously I really feel it works. But u have to try it yourself.



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hi, i've recently chance upon Jupiter under sink water filter and am keen on getting one. Does any one noes where can i get it at low cost as $2888 is really on the high side.


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