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Space Inspiration - Any One Has Comments On Them?

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I have decided to skip the expo exhibition after reading all the posting. Can't stand hard-selling and I don't we are the type who will make decision on the spot. :deal: Prefer shopping around.


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I just read a very insightful posting elsewhere in this forum which says that the kinds of ID firms we are discussing here are not really trained or qualified designers at all. Most of them are O Level educated chancers and cowboys who just coordinate sub-contractors for you and work with a limited palette of design options in their "package". This was borne out by my experience with Space Inspiration who were useless at the design aspect and couldn't come up with anything nice or original. Certainly nothing like those pleasing interiors that you see in Homestyle or Forms or any of the other Singapore ID magazines, where clearly some design flair has gone into the interiors, together with an understanding of colour and materials. All Space were good for was making phone calls to send their contractors to show up, un-briefed, and do shoddy work at my place, then not bothering to quality control the result (until I forced them to take notice of all the bad workmanship that was going down). I think at this end of the market, unless you are spending $100k+ on your home reno, this is the kind of cowboy you are going to get, unless you are fortunate to find someone with an actual understanding of Design. I really hope other people do not get tricked by Space Inspiration as I was.


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I'm unfortunately was conned into Space Inspiration 3D digital design, and has commenced work with them since May 2008. It has been a nightmare since. I'm stepping into my 10th month of renovation, and yet the works are incomplete! And I barely just do up 2 bathrooms, living room, and TV feature wall and cabinets.

One of my friends just completed his 8months construction having torned down 3 levels of house and rebuilt from scratch to 3.5 levels with imported marbles etc.

My experience were totally identical to everyone else. They folks work for 1 week then went missing for 2 weeks. And then, disappeared for a month, and when chased fixed 1 or 2 items, and deferred all the rest indefinitely. Deception and lies that the 3D diagram needs 2-3 weeks to generate as one day can only generate 2 diagrams!?

As we were staying in, Space was piling on the debris at the corner of our house and refused to shift them until they have garnered enough volume to remove. Our kids were literarily living in the debris and playing with them! Space took 2 months to do each bathroom. 2 weeks to re-lay the tiles for a mere small bathroom, then 1.5 weeks to do the bathroom cabinet, and another 1 week for the solid top to arrive. And Plumber couldn't come another 1 week later. Works could have been done in parallel, were stacked up sequentially.

While they rushed to send my kitchen cabinets, the shelves were laid at the side for 4-5months, refusing to install. And that render the cabinets not useable, and my kitchen items were strewn all over the place.

The project management is absolutely lacking... The contractors come at strange hours, nobody told us when they are coming. The electrician from Johor comes at 11am (after the causeway jam). then just setting his toolbox cited condo forbids drilling at 12pm. Then, they have to leave at 2-3pm! And, they left part of my house without a circuit and absence of lights. They don't return until another 2-3 weeks later, coz they have to accumulate enough works to worth the trip!

While the electrician drew on the wall a powerpoint, and pulled a wire. He came 3 weeks after puzzled as the wall was hecked away and the Space didn't inform them.

In addition, they were helping to resolve a window which wall is moistened with seepage issues. After their resolution, my window was literary leaking when it rains. And my place flooded since Aug. While I have continuously asked for a resolution, they cited not available. Busying with Changi expo exhibition. And also with other renovation sites. And I have to stayed in such half done environment for past 9-10months.

Not only folks from SpaceInspiration had promised us dates after dates of delivery which they keep missing. The product quality provided are also a mismatched to the specs given. Now, my floor tiles have fallen off. My TV feature wall were wrong specs, drawers wrong size, shelves were cracked. TV feature wall with drawers which are too small for DVDs. And concealed wall tic-tac doors just can't close. And now, they are left in my house unattended and unsolved. Window settee that come for 2-3 months but they cushion not delivered. Laminate came in wrong colors. I have to take regular briefing to help resolve the challenges, and I must say they seem to be doing these items for the first time. They were unsure, uncertain...

The Directors came by in October promised me delivery in Oct, and confidently said in 10days they will deliver the rest. But they missed the deadline. Before I went overseas, they said that everything will be done beautifully. After my 2 weeks of business trips, the house was same condition.

As I've told them that I've a party session on Christmas, they said they will deliver so that I have a peaceful gathering. Boy! My colleagues, friends who came in curiousity of the palace which was supposed to be completed in 10months were appalled. Not only they didn't complete the works, the TV feature wall was

peeling off with nail holes. And the concealed wall door were stripped with scotchtape for opening and closing. While, I'm totally embarassed by Space's action. They were attempting to meet the New Year deadline but there again missed.

As I have been spending my past festive seasons, National Day, Deepavali, Vesak Day, Christmas, New Year, amidst debris, in flooding environment when it rained, and perpetually in a semi finished environment.

Anyone of you can let me know how I can end this perpetual Nightmare on Elm Street scenario. I really need my peace and it is affecting my family, works, as we are staying in...

Now, I'm at the edge of my tolerance and endurance. My attorney has advised that I get replacement contractors and bill them for the remaining uncomplete works. As 10 months is beyond mind-boggling comprehension and reasonability. And the incompetence is apparent. Their inability to commit and deliver is also evident.

I have already 3 quotations and given them an ultimatum by 10th Jan to finish, else, they ought to absorb all the costs of the completion works by a 3rd party.

I just read a very insightful posting elsewhere in this forum which says that the kinds of ID firms we are discussing here are not really trained or qualified designers at all. Most of them are O Level educated chancers and cowboys who just coordinate sub-contractors for you and work with a limited palette of design options in their "package". This was borne out by my experience with Space Inspiration who were useless at the design aspect and couldn't come up with anything nice or original. Certainly nothing like those pleasing interiors that you see in Homestyle or Forms or any of the other Singapore ID magazines, where clearly some design flair has gone into the interiors, together with an understanding of colour and materials. All Space were good for was making phone calls to send their contractors to show up, un-briefed, and do shoddy work at my place, then not bothering to quality control the result (until I forced them to take notice of all the bad workmanship that was going down). I think at this end of the market, unless you are spending $100k+ on your home reno, this is the kind of cowboy you are going to get, unless you are fortunate to find someone with an actual understanding of Design. I really hope other people do not get tricked by Space Inspiration as I was.

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Anyone of you can let me know how I can end this perpetual Nightmare on Elm Street scenario. I really need my peace and it is affecting my family, works, as we are staying in...

Now, I'm at the edge of my tolerance and endurance. My attorney has advised that I get replacement contractors and bill them for the remaining uncomplete works. As 10 months is beyond mind-boggling comprehension and reasonability. And the incompetence is apparent. Their inability to commit and deliver is also evident.

I have already 3 quotations and given them an ultimatum by 10th Jan to finish, else, they ought to absorb all the costs of the completion works by a 3rd party.

Dear Autumn Swirl,

Your experience is completely consistent with my own nightmare with this so-called "ID company". My commiserations. I understand 100% what you must be going through.

I am curious, how much % downpayment have you paid to Space Inspiration already? Have you paid 50-60% cash down with them and how much remaining to pay?

Only if you still have a substantial amount still to pay will you have the 'leverage' to withold payment which you have had to spend with your own contractors on correcting their bad workmanship. If you have already put down 80-90% with them you would probably stand little chance of "billing them" and expecting to receive reimbursement from them. Not unless you perhaps took them to court and sued them.

I hope someone will sue these people, and soon. I considered this myself but fortunately I did not put down such a hefty deposit, and when they walked off the job right at the time when I needed them most to be "on the ball" and completing stuff before my big move-in, they kissed goodbye to receiving any o/s balance of payment from me. So luckily for me, despite the big headache over three months, I came out of the debacle better off than them I think. Besides, because of them I lost at least 3 months worth of income because I was neglecting my own business in order to supervise their mess. But that's another story.

My advice to you would be to cut your losses immediately and get a competent contractor to make good the various jobs still outstanding. And just don't make any further payments to them at all. You might think of engaging a lawyer to advise you on the best course of action.


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Hi Francis

There are several ways where damages may be claimed in addition to the contractors remaining billing. And the billing may include tearing down their entire furnitures and rebuilding new ones. In addition, while the other subcontractors will to take over, my entire family might shift a temporary place like a hotel, service apartments. Such accommodation fees are also claimable against the rogue renovator. Down right to substituting all the sub-standard materials which they have provided (like rigid Irex hinges, cheap glass vendor, thin plywood, poor quality polyester table top for top range, good quality materials.

As a customer, frankly, I need absolute quality completion and not this mind-boggling, ludicrous 10months renovation works.

My contractors are standing by 10th Jan, ready to take over. I've no qualms in tossing all the sub-standard items which they installed to rebuilt in good solid quality again. Interestingly, I've received emails from fellow forum writers who shared my same view of Space.

Perhaps, aggregating everyone who had suffered may be able to initiate a class suite to make justice to all the wrongs which they have done.

For one, a 10 months uncompleted project!

Dear Autumn Swirl,

Your experience is completely consistent with my own nightmare with this so-called "ID company". My commiserations. I understand 100% what you must be going through.

I am curious, how much % downpayment have you paid to Space Inspiration already? Have you paid 50-60% cash down with them and how much remaining to pay?

Only if you still have a substantial amount still to pay will you have the 'leverage' to withold payment which you have had to spend with your own contractors on correcting their bad workmanship. If you have already put down 80-90% with them you would probably stand little chance of "billing them" and expecting to receive reimbursement from them. Not unless you perhaps took them to court and sued them.

I hope someone will sue these people, and soon. I considered this myself but fortunately I did not put down such a hefty deposit, and when they walked off the job right at the time when I needed them most to be "on the ball" and completing stuff before my big move-in, they kissed goodbye to receiving any o/s balance of payment from me. So luckily for me, despite the big headache over three months, I came out of the debacle better off than them I think. Besides, because of them I lost at least 3 months worth of income because I was neglecting my own business in order to supervise their mess. But that's another story.

My advice to you would be to cut your losses immediately and get a competent contractor to make good the various jobs still outstanding. And just don't make any further payments to them at all. You might think of engaging a lawyer to advise you on the best course of action.


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10 months!!!!! it will kill me if it happens to me. i am gettign my keys march and needed to move in by may for wedding. lord bless me not to meet these kind of company

Autumn Swirl. You did not mention the name of the ID director (or sales designer) you are dealing with. Is it Marcus Tham?

That will help other suckers (sorry customers) from having the same experiences if they know who to stay away from.


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Autumn Swirl. You did not mention the name of the ID director (or sales designer) you are dealing with. Is it Marcus Tham?

That will help other suckers (sorry customers) from having the same experiences if they know who to stay away from.

SPACE is not longer active.....another company has resurfaced using the same address, same person as above. ....... the new company name is START IDEAS.

Just FYI....stay clear!


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SPACE is not longer active.....another company has resurfaced using the same address, same person as above. ....... the new company name is START IDEAS.

Just FYI....stay clear!

I am looking for current client of Start Ideas TM.

Facing the same problems with Marcus Tham.

Have made police report to alert his scam.

The company staffs as follow;

Registered Company Director - Wong Mun Har

Managing Director - Marcus Tham

Sales - Shawn Tan, Victor Tan, Derrick Pow, Felicia Ho, Denise Lee, Douglas Tang, Zaf Chen, William Chua, Zone Koh, Sebastian Chen, Patrick Poh



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I am looking for current client of Start Ideas TM.

Facing the same problems with Marcus Tham.

Have made police report to alert his scam.

The company staffs as follow;

Registered Company Director - Wong Mun Har

Managing Director - Marcus Tham

Sales - Shawn Tan, Victor Tan, Derrick Pow, Felicia Ho, Denise Lee, Douglas Tang, Zaf Chen, William Chua, Zone Koh, Sebastian Chen, Patrick Poh


hi henry

i having problem with marcus tham. i m one of the current customer of start ideas TM.

if u dont mind, can i contact with u regarding about the problem. pls give me ur contact no, if dont mind .



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I am looking for current client of Start Ideas TM.

Facing the same problems with Marcus Tham.

Have made police report to alert his scam.

The company staffs as follow;

Registered Company Director - Wong Mun Har

Managing Director - Marcus Tham

Sales - Shawn Tan, Victor Tan, Derrick Pow, Felicia Ho, Denise Lee, Douglas Tang, Zaf Chen, William Chua, Zone Koh, Sebastian Chen, Patrick Poh


Understand the massive walkout is caused by Marcus Tham, not paying the above sales victims' salary. Hope the above victims could provide more information on Marcus Tham.


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hi henry

i having problem with marcus tham. i m one of the current customer of start ideas TM.

if u dont mind, can i contact with u regarding about the problem. pls give me ur contact no, if dont mind .


Hi Zawwro,

Please contact me at 91441168.


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Wow so shock to find out these things really happened mind you guys state it out ,

if this really happens i would skip this company

Beware the name of Marcus Tham, he could be the one behind all this scam. The sales reps are helpful in contacting him especially my id Patrick.


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I'm unfortunately was conned into Space Inspiration 3D digital design, and has commenced work with them since May 2008. It has been a nightmare since. I'm stepping into my 10th month of renovation, and yet the works are incomplete! And I barely just do up 2 bathrooms, living room, and TV feature wall and cabinets.

One of my friends just completed his 8months construction having torned down 3 levels of house and rebuilt from scratch to 3.5 levels with imported marbles etc.

My experience were totally identical to everyone else. They folks work for 1 week then went missing for 2 weeks. And then, disappeared for a month, and when chased fixed 1 or 2 items, and deferred all the rest indefinitely. Deception and lies that the 3D diagram needs 2-3 weeks to generate as one day can only generate 2 diagrams!?

As we were staying in, Space was piling on the debris at the corner of our house and refused to shift them until they have garnered enough volume to remove. Our kids were literarily living in the debris and playing with them! Space took 2 months to do each bathroom. 2 weeks to re-lay the tiles for a mere small bathroom, then 1.5 weeks to do the bathroom cabinet, and another 1 week for the solid top to arrive. And Plumber couldn't come another 1 week later. Works could have been done in parallel, were stacked up sequentially.

While they rushed to send my kitchen cabinets, the shelves were laid at the side for 4-5months, refusing to install. And that render the cabinets not useable, and my kitchen items were strewn all over the place.

The project management is absolutely lacking... The contractors come at strange hours, nobody told us when they are coming. The electrician from Johor comes at 11am (after the causeway jam). then just setting his toolbox cited condo forbids drilling at 12pm. Then, they have to leave at 2-3pm! And, they left part of my house without a circuit and absence of lights. They don't return until another 2-3 weeks later, coz they have to accumulate enough works to worth the trip!

While the electrician drew on the wall a powerpoint, and pulled a wire. He came 3 weeks after puzzled as the wall was hecked away and the Space didn't inform them.

In addition, they were helping to resolve a window which wall is moistened with seepage issues. After their resolution, my window was literary leaking when it rains. And my place flooded since Aug. While I have continuously asked for a resolution, they cited not available. Busying with Changi expo exhibition. And also with other renovation sites. And I have to stayed in such half done environment for past 9-10months.

Not only folks from SpaceInspiration had promised us dates after dates of delivery which they keep missing. The product quality provided are also a mismatched to the specs given. Now, my floor tiles have fallen off. My TV feature wall were wrong specs, drawers wrong size, shelves were cracked. TV feature wall with drawers which are too small for DVDs. And concealed wall tic-tac doors just can't close. And now, they are left in my house unattended and unsolved. Window settee that come for 2-3 months but they cushion not delivered. Laminate came in wrong colors. I have to take regular briefing to help resolve the challenges, and I must say they seem to be doing these items for the first time. They were unsure, uncertain...

The Directors came by in October promised me delivery in Oct, and confidently said in 10days they will deliver the rest. But they missed the deadline. Before I went overseas, they said that everything will be done beautifully. After my 2 weeks of business trips, the house was same condition.

As I've told them that I've a party session on Christmas, they said they will deliver so that I have a peaceful gathering. Boy! My colleagues, friends who came in curiousity of the palace which was supposed to be completed in 10months were appalled. Not only they didn't complete the works, the TV feature wall was

peeling off with nail holes. And the concealed wall door were stripped with scotchtape for opening and closing. While, I'm totally embarassed by Space's action. They were attempting to meet the New Year deadline but there again missed.

As I have been spending my past festive seasons, National Day, Deepavali, Vesak Day, Christmas, New Year, amidst debris, in flooding environment when it rained, and perpetually in a semi finished environment.

Anyone of you can let me know how I can end this perpetual Nightmare on Elm Street scenario. I really need my peace and it is affecting my family, works, as we are staying in...

Now, I'm at the edge of my tolerance and endurance. My attorney has advised that I get replacement contractors and bill them for the remaining uncomplete works. As 10 months is beyond mind-boggling comprehension and reasonability. And the incompetence is apparent. Their inability to commit and deliver is also evident.

I have already 3 quotations and given them an ultimatum by 10th Jan to finish, else, they ought to absorb all the costs of the completion works by a 3rd party.

So sorry about your bad experience, how confident you are for claiming back the claim you're going to bill them?

my advise to you, just hire another contractor to complete your job with a very minimum and affordable cost, i don't want to disappoint you, you will get 0 cents for your claim in the end. This guy is very experience in closing company, your attorney has no way for him, trust me.


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Beware the name of Marcus Tham, he could be the one behind all this scam. The sales reps are helpful in contacting him especially my id Patrick.

He is the head of the two company mentioned, he is going to shift to another one and more victim will get into his trap,

the best way to discontinue his repeating tactic is to post his face and name on the public like what forum bro posted AS brother Jason.. this will help new owners and prevent Marcus Tham from going on cheating.

I am sure your sales representative Patrick is able to provide Photos of Marcus Tham.

I'll suggest any bro here to start a new thread- Bad contractor/id Chart, to post face of these contractor/id

to warn new house owners, you may print the head out to throw dart :D

Of cause you may want to start another thread- Facebook of Best contractor/id too :P


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He is the head of the two company mentioned, he is going to shift to another one and more victim will get into his trap,

the best way to discontinue his repeating tactic is to post his face and name on the public like what forum bro posted AS brother Jason.. this will help new owners and prevent Marcus Tham from going on cheating.

I am sure your sales representative Patrick is able to provide Photos of Marcus Tham.

I'll suggest any bro here to start a new thread- Bad contractor/id Chart, to post face of these contractor/id

to warn new house owners, you may print the head out to throw dart :D

Of cause you may want to start another thread- Facebook of Best contractor/id too :P

Beware of Marcus, please visit www.startideas.biz for more information.


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