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Mr Lim's New Family

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pinkpetter, u made a gd recommendation to come here n read JGH's works.

Mafia, ur kitchen is nice! I nvr like red, so i insisted no red in my house. I better not let my FH sees this post, he's crazy abt having red/black/white living room. Post more pics of ur living room!!


Are u also considering engaging JGH?


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Oh man!!! Finally we reached 4 pages!!!!!!! :notti:

Hahaha... Thanks thanks mrspiglet...... I love it when I first saw Ikea red kitchen lo..... So I say..... I want my kitchen to be red, black and white....

Somehow, my family don't quite like leh.... But..... Its our house... So nvm la....

Oh.. Pinkpetter... We will only be moving in on 17 Jan 09... Hee...


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Are u also considering engaging JGH?

Ya, i went down to their office yday! I'm amazed, off hand the price that i was quoted was already way way lesser than ALL the ID firms! Even the cheapest ID firm i met w yday was a gd 7k diff!!

But their carpentry finishing like not very nice leh.. tts wat making me n FH in quite a hard situation to decide. How's ur carpentry finishing?

April said u gave her and the aircon company a lot of biz!!

Oh man!!! Finally we reached 4 pages!!!!!!! :notti:

Hahaha... Thanks thanks mrspiglet...... I love it when I first saw Ikea red kitchen lo..... So I say..... I want my kitchen to be red, black and white....

Somehow, my family don't quite like leh.... But..... Its our house... So nvm la....

Oh.. Pinkpetter... We will only be moving in on 17 Jan 09... Hee...

actually i must admit the black/red/white combi is nice. But pple say kitchen cannot have too much red, else w v easily quarrel.. so better not. Cos i'm always screaming at my FH.. :notti:


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Ya, i went down to their office yday! I'm amazed, off hand the price that i was quoted was already way way lesser than ALL the ID firms! Even the cheapest ID firm i met w yday was a gd 7k diff!!

But their carpentry finishing like not very nice leh.. tts wat making me n FH in quite a hard situation to decide. How's ur carpentry finishing?

heh... :) Good for you mrspiglet :)


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i just read from a magazine on how to avoid 3 parties..ahhahaha....

one way is to avoid red sofa!

then when u rare fish avoid 3 fishes in a tank e.t.c.

dono how true!? :unsure:

applies to fish only or...?? i've got 3 cats at home leh :dunno:


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item added to the house.....

picture308ln5.th.jpgthpix.gif picture309iv3.th.jpgthpix.gif


May i know where you get this item? How much is it? I'm looking some similiar item to be in MBR but seem to easy to find it. :dunno:


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Ya, i went down to their office yday! I'm amazed, off hand the price that i was quoted was already way way lesser than ALL the ID firms! Even the cheapest ID firm i met w yday was a gd 7k diff!!

But their carpentry finishing like not very nice leh.. tts wat making me n FH in quite a hard situation to decide. How's ur carpentry finishing?

April said u gave her and the aircon company a lot of biz!!

actually i must admit the black/red/white combi is nice. But pple say kitchen cannot have too much red, else w v easily quarrel.. so better not. Cos i'm always screaming at my FH.. :notti:


Her aircon company was twin city. me and 4 other friends got air con from him. The air con contractor, Mr Tan is quite a honest and reliable person, we have no complains abt the aircon system. April does not earn a single cent from the air con purchase, we go direct and bargain with the aircon company.

As for my carpentry, till now we have no complains, later today, we would me making a trip down to check for defects. Will update if i find any problem with the carpentry. If u wan to view april's work, u can come over to my place to take a look.

As for red, black and white, it seems to turn out well. In the beginning, we were scare that it will be too late. but we were quite happy with the color combination.

The flat should be ready to hand over latest next week and we can start to clear up the house.



May i know where you get this item? How much is it? I'm looking some similiar item to be in MBR but seem to easy to find it. :dunno:

This item we got it from renotalk. We got it for $65 bucks. We will putting it beside our shoe rack, so that we can sit on it to wear shoe.



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i would love to visit.. if not for the **** rain today. Keep raining n raining! When will u be at ur house again? Post pics of ur carpentry ok?


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i would love to visit.. if not for the **** rain today. Keep raining n raining! When will u be at ur house again? Post pics of ur carpentry ok?


yah lor. It have been raining the whole day. Next time i will be there is next sat 13 Dec 2008 in the morning for the mounting of the mbr tv brackets. We will be starting to clear up the house too..

Posting of carpentry pics will be done by mafialim. she is holding onto the camera..

hee hee



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