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False Ceiling Lights To Which Switch?

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my ID ask us to go think abt how we want to run our Lbox lights.. me still abit unsure what are the best or possible combinations..wondering if anyone has good suggestions?

I want to have lots of control over the brightness and cosyness of lighting when watching tv/dvd..btw, how many combination can we have? the switch is limited to any no. of combi?



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Best if you can provide the floor plan, just to make sure the light is enough to cover the area.

From the box that you draw.

Since you want to have full control, you can have switch for each light.

Sofa & TV you can use those 6 in 1 switch.


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AFAIK, those are downlights, and are either ON or OFF.

I would suggest the sofa area that row, where u place your sofa, That row has 1 switch controlling that entire row.

the remaning 3 rows, use another switch to control. Coz u'll be seldom switching on the other 3 rows, unless u feel electricity is free.


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quite headache part cuz i not very good at visualising and i dun really like those 6 switches type. and I dont want to control all 10 lights very confusing. i duno if my decision is ok, i decided on 5 switches :P 2 lights per switch.







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Is your Sofa and TV that length soooo long until u need to place 3 downlights?? If not, install 2 downlights is enough.

Commenting on your placement....

(1,3) normally u sit at sofa to read newspaper, you will want the lights there to be ON. If only ON (1,3), then (2) is OFF, looks abit funny... will look like (2) is spoiled.

(2,7) If I looking at TV, I find (7) disturbing my view of the TV. Unless all lights are OFF during TV time... but that means u got no lights for newspapers.

I would therefore suggest:

1,2,3 (two lights is enough?)



6,7,8 (two lights is enough?)


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my actual layout:


actually its rectangular not square shape as what i free hand drawn earlier. :P

the reason i didnt want 2 to on is i afraid of glare frm the lights directly on top when i reading newspaper or book. i always find lights glaring when i read directly under it.

my fren's house with false ceiling n downlights seems rather glaring thats why i chose this combi.

so i tot if i needed lights for reading while watching tv i will on 1,3 and 4,10.

if got gathering at hme and need alot of lights then will turn on all 8 or 10 lights(2 and 7 i dun wanna turn on unneccessary if its not too dark). save myself 2 lights worth of electricity :P

hmm me think very very very long then come out with this combi. hope is it a bit too dark or weird like what u said hahha..

wonder if we are still able to change it after the electricity guy done his job with the false ceilings and lights up and sway sway discovered it is not really feasible?

Edited by lxiul

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