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big orange

Bedok Central

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Hello, Residents of Linear Green @ Bedok Central. New Dental centre opened next to 24 HR clinic. Please drop by to have your teeth checked for free. Other charges apply.


courtesy of effie

Dedicate to fellow Singaporeans who finally got their dream HDB unit. Lets form a neighborhood.

Congratulation to (BOLDED nicks) 73 over 73 families who had already gotten their key.

219A - DSA, yuan05

219B - sidney93, jeaniebaby, tyrix, snow_bell, dogslover, nastro, Calculator

219C - big orange, LimeGreen, snowman, Bubbly, s_mario, eipsy, shells, happyhouseowner, jason.koh, xiaoxiao1234

219D - mscupid11, Mozaith, Ah Gon

220A - hihihi, herbman76, spidey, kid_79, oscarr, fayewes

220B - 2BeMe, nuggets, raayn, effie, mocchi(blurer23), yokoyoko, pandaz, Archetype, Ideasmiths, riesling, ^Nana^, y0ke, applegirl

220C - seraphinee, lovelee, lazurite, soojin, jiazhen, Shor, jsin, kenlew8, SoS, chiang, Irissistible

221A - isc90152, crookedheart, frederick_chia, lucky896, simplelives, Hong, Daphn3

221B - sheppy, cohiers, darcbleu, cacky, wkyong, its_fate(its_fate_htb), elstrial, rainsnowz82. imouto222

221C - tfujiwara8, xiaoair29, Iman, kelvinkhee, peikee18

*Note* Members' reno blogs are hyperlink onto their nicks (if applicable), GREEN nick = member move into Linear Green.

Useful Informations (Links)

1. Defect List- couresty of Diva79

2. Aircon Blog

3. Bedok Mall by 2010 - couresty of LimeGreen

4. Bedok Public Transport Hub - couresty of LimeGreen

5. LG Flats Supply Vs Application Received on Jan BE - couresty of LimeGreen

6. HDB push out 2 LG units on Oct's Half Yearly Selection

7. Model agreement on home renovation by CASE.

Useful Images/Photos/Layouts

1. Layout of Linear Green estate

2. Construction of Linear Green @ Bedok

3. MP Lee Yi Shyan welcome you!

There are qty:199 4rooms & qty:95 5rooms available for selection for 2008 Jan BE. I suppose most of our members are from 2008 Jan BE. Thanks everybody for making this thread - Bedok Central successful!



Special thanks to effie for her great effort in community banner and sig banner.


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hmm any police report made?

Yup... made e police report.. incase uncles and aunties kena conned...

Btw notice that there is a massage parlour among the chain of shops beside ka fei chai that looks indecent... suspect doing illegal services.. :P

Anybody notice oso?


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Discover the best variety in shops and eating outlets among HDB heartland shops.
Locate them here at Where2Shop@HDB where you can search for shops located at any of HDB towns directly by their town, address, trade or shop name.
Edited by DSA

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Although there are massage parlours which continues operations till 2 am - there's one at 709 East Coast Road,

I concur the conjectures on & observations of 欧亚按摩 posted above. There is a certain level of intuitive logic basis for casting aspersions on this particular massage parlour.

HDB ought to be informed expeditiously so that a case of inquiry can be convened and an undercover investigation can be taken to attempt at unearthing concrete evidence of 欧亚按摩 providing unlicenced and thus illegal sexual services on a HDB commercial premise.

The lease of 欧亚按摩 can then be terminated with immediate effect and a police report lodged with the anti-vice branch of CID's Specialised Crime Division after a case against the operator of 欧亚按摩 is established beyond reasonable doubts.

This could take months & months.....


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Btw notice that there is a massage parlour among the chain of shops beside ka fei chai that looks indecent... suspect doing illegal services.. :P

Anybody notice oso?

pls file FR and report damage. :D


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Think they quite hardworking.. lolz

Although there are massage parlours which continues operations till 2 am - there's one at 709 East Coast Road,

wow.. DSA u oso into this ah.. lolz

pls file FR and report damage. :D

wat is FR n damage? lolz.. u try den let me noe? muhaha

i onli suspect from their operating hours, parlour structure(conceal) and cheena ladies(no offence) inside.. i might be wrong.. think need one of us to volunteer.. muhhaha :P


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LOL! I like to think that I do know my neighbourhood rather well. :)

Suspiciously shady, cramped LC joints of the likes such as 欧亚按摩 are & will never be my cup of tea.

Apart from the natural rationale decidente of such illegal activities are just not me, I have my lovely loving wife who easily shines all of them to shame simply with her poise & presence.



So why do I have to even pay such LC & crass joints for blah whatevers when I have one rare beauty to amour & to hold? :D

Thus I highly recommend you check out the address physically I stated above before your pun turns out terribly not ticklish at all. :D

That will be the foot in the mouth for the day :rofl:

PS: Their $46k salt-water aquarium is quite a sight & a great centre piece. Probably from Atlantis Aquatic Lifestyle, I guess.

Edited by DSA

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Just out of curiosity did anyone hear a bunch of noise makers on Monday night (1 Feb)? I was totally knocked out from exhaustion, but my hubby said there were some people making alot of noise until someone got fed up and threw a waterbomb at them. Peace prevailed thereafter. :P

I was totally amused when I heard about it.


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anyone hearthe continuous dog barking from blk 220B...i think its 5room...or the 4 room cos it jus bark non-stop from 1130m till close to 12am!!! so fed up and i believe its a mature dog..cos of the barking sound...young pups dun bark till like that de...


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by the way guys, should i change my WC to rigel newer model 9707 with stronger flushing pressure (accordingly to SPIM)?

I feel there might be other problem surface out after i change.

What your views.


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Did anyone hear any quarrelling like around 2am till 3am last night from one of the unit? I'm losing an hour of my needed rest... argh!

They are simply so inconsiderate.. They didn't realised that they are making so much noise which is loud enough to wake their neighbour who is staying in the unit right below them...

Not the 1st time that they are quarrelling at night...

Do you happen to have neighbours like that?


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Ok lo.. ya it will get dirty but for the new dual flush.. i don mind.. haha.. just spray them away lo..

of cos can ask to change... cos in the 1st place they issue us with low quality stuff so it is their responsibilities to rectify it.

hi yokoyoko, any specific person whom I can email to?

it's been sometimes since i read back on the forum... do you think they will still fix up the new dual flush for us?


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