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big orange

Bedok Central

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How could someone hack open the metal gate, lift it up and bang the door till it open? i still think...

how to lift the metal gate? its heavy. bet must have 2 big men to lift it up and carry it off.

most of the break-in is not by using wat the Mr Kor's method.. is quite impratical..

Jovi story to me just now:

There are 5 Burlgar cases so far in linear green!!!

one of the cases is at Blk 220C.. and guess who the suspect is??? Mr KOR or the uncle that provide wielding services!!

The unlucky 220C owners refused to accept the offers and said that if the gate is unsafe, they will get HDB to rectify. Some commotion/unhappiness happened.. and that night or after which, the owner's unit was break in.. padlock sawed not by incredible hulk's strength to lift the gate... The lock was placed in de middle of the table in the unit W/O anything been taken away!! So the owners suspected is MR KOR or ETC!! and told de police... don noe hw is the investigation went after that... maybe 220C residents noe?

Lesson to us... any gates/doors are vulnerable.. cos the owner's lock according to jovi is those gd n exp 1..

Sh*T!! i decline his offer and his face is so black!.. might be the nxt target!! :(

Fri, Jovi n cO will invited MR KoR to demo.. lets wait for the news... anyway Jovi mentioned that the RC informed the MP cos safety issue.. not sure true a nt... :dunno:

She also mentioned ADT - security firm might be starting a security exhibition at the void deck.. waiting for approval.. den LG resident can consider using the alarm.....

Edited by yokoyoko

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Fred, did u saw Mr Kor removing the whole gate?

Yup, both me & my wife saw. Just very simple to whack the studs. But I do not know my strength is as powerful as Mr Kor. Ha Ha. Anyway I'll give Jovi a call tomorrow to see if I can help her out in any ways lor.

Edited by frederick_chia

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The unlucky 220C owners refused to accept the offers and said that if the gate is unsafe, they will get HDB to rectify.

gosh... i also rejected him TWICE... but both time when he came, our unit still under renovation... the only comfort i have is our neighbour moved in already...

Fri, Jovi n cO will invited MR KoR to demo.. lets wait for the news...

She also mentioned ADT - security firm might be starting a security exhibition at the void deck.. waiting for approval.. den LG resident can consider using the alarm.....

can keep us updated about this two?

oh my parents' place near Kallang MRT just had CCTV installed in all the lifts... 2 in each lift... guess too many robberies took place in 2008...


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guess wat... i mayb also his target.

2 weeks ago, Mr Koh went up to my unit asking me to weld the gte, then as i was on the phone shouting at my contractor, i shouted at him tell him to go away, im not going to have his service and continue my converstation with my contractor as im fed up with my reno status.

last week, he came up again. this time, we also tell him dun need his service. jialat, like this we kana aim liao.

just wan inform you all that regardless of wat lock we buy, so long as u get a locksmith, they can easily open up any, ANY lock. so end of the day, the answer is:

we payfor the unit including the gate but we did not get the quality that we deserve to. even the old basic flat in old estate have a better gate than us. do we deserve this kind of treatment after spending so much timen $$ in going after LG unit? NO! we deserve something even better as we are the new batch of Bedok residents, we will bring a brighter life to this estate and we will contribute to the bedok estate.

Yokoyoko, can assist to PM Mr Lee in your facebook? reli need to highlight tohim about this. buy a unit here and not one feel safe at home. how? how will he feel if he is the one who stays here? why should spend another $$$ to install alarm? the contractor should do something about it. if not i suggest to bring it up to news forum, be it the Straits times, the new paper and the kapo "Xin Min Wan Bao". 8|

things will alwas be done when its publish in newletter. :deal:

guard your safety, care for your family. :yamseng:


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I think I know what you wana ask. The gate provided by the HDB is supposed to have interlocking slots which people cannot open the gate even though they are locked. These interlock slots are the silver latches @ the side of the gates. With these 2 slots locked (1 to the top of the metal gate frame & 1 to your floor tile or kerb), even if the hinges are whacked, they prevent the gate from being pulled out of the frame. If there 2 slots are not locked, once the hinges are whacked, even an Abloy lock cannot prevent the gate from being pulled out of the frame.

yah that's what i wanted to ask... how about if I only latch up the top slots? do you think the gate can still be removed after knocking out all the bolts? hmm...


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yah that's what i wanted to ask... how about if I only latch up the top slots? do you think the gate can still be removed after knocking out all the bolts? hmm...

If you just latch up the top slots, it's as good as you don't latch up any slots at all. You can easily pull out the portion of the door connected to the'bottom hinge'. Try looking at your door hinges & you will know what I meant.


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oh my parents' place near Kallang MRT just had CCTV installed in all the lifts... 2 in each lift... guess too many robberies took place in 2008...

YES! this is a good recommendation!! like this we can minimise the insecurities and don need to spend $$ on the alarm system.. will suggest to JOVI..

guess wat... i mayb also his target.

2 weeks ago, Mr Koh went up to my unit asking me to weld the gte, then as i was on the phone shouting at my contractor, i shouted at him tell him to go away, im not going to have his service and continue my converstation with my contractor as im fed up with my reno status.

last week, he came up again. this time, we also tell him dun need his service. jialat, like this we kana aim liao.

just wan inform you all that regardless of wat lock we buy, so long as u get a locksmith, they can easily open up any, ANY lock. so end of the day, the answer is:

Look like i injected some fears into u all.. my apologies.. my previous post is actually trying to pass a message that we must look out for one n other.. like u said.. wat lock, gates n doors.. they can still access if they wan to..

The Mr Kor's target might not be true la.. haha.. the owner just suspect is him.. :) but 5 cases leh we must highlight and pester them to tigthen the security before they moved out!!

I did emailed Mr Lee.. but JOVI mentioned that the RC had highlighted to him cos this is a safety issue and the gate engineers are studying the gate design.. n now they need evidence.. there is Mr KOr to demo on hw he can remove the gate by smashing all de pins..

If you just latch up the top slots, it's as good as you don't latch up any slots at all. You can easily pull out the portion of the door connected to the'bottom hinge'. Try looking at your door hinges & you will know what I meant.

Quite true.. but most of the contractors will not drill holes for the bottom unless owner requested.. so another suggestion is to ask yr contractor to drill the bottom holes..

now is not abt the gate thingy anymore.. is the safety of our living area.. flasher, molester n thefts occurred within 6months.. WTH.. wats nxt... Security must be tighten.. when the home team cannot do the job well.. is ours!!

Edited by yokoyoko

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i called jovi and she cfm that blk 221C kana buglary before. owner losing ard 22k of stuffs.

guess what?! the insurance that we buy from HDB(if you rem) is only on fire, nt on burglary. even if u bought, the price is only very little.then today my neighbour said that the police and construction company only replace the metal gate foc. nothing else.

then we ask, if this is the case, i ask Mr Koh to come and weld my gate then shouldnt u reimburse me the amount for the gate as we paid for the gate? she replied saying no, unless we let her do the welding first as she is also waitng for the higher management on the metal gate report and examination. The higher management will be coming to LG today, Tuesday. Welding will be done at my place on wednesday. no other dates. so bo bian, take loh.

This metal gate issue hasalready been brought up to the higher management. The same matal gate is being used in Sengkang, punggol and Bedok. all 3 places have buglary before due to the metal gate. you know lah, government sector where got do things so fast wan?? all super duper snake leh. wait and wait. hope reli 1 day, its their turn to worry and scare for their flat.

Hmmm.. wonder if our MP is looking at this blog.....


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Hi, I'm from 219B and manage to find this forum.

77 pages.. I just manage to read the past few pages and saw some of your posting. There is this welding guy who came to approach me last month, however I rejected him also, not too sure if is the same guy "Mr Kor." How is that Mr Kor looks like? I'm feeling unsafe too.


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YES! this is a good recommendation!! like this we can minimise the insecurities and don need to spend $$ on the alarm system.. will suggest to JOVI..

I would prefer it to be like my current place just across the road whereby only pple with access card can enter the HDB block. Of cos, visitors can call upstairs for us to grant them access. Also got CCTV too.

Why not install an alarm system....for $38/mth u'll feel safer.

Well, if this is a common problem, then it should be a public good instead.


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Mr Lee ah Mr Lee, please see our plead on this. Read about our worries.

Please Do something about it! we also want to live in peace. Guess we are quite unite in this.

Safety for all.

Yokoyoko,can forward him our link for him to see? let him see with his own eyes bah...


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I would prefer it to be like my current place just across the road whereby only pple with access card can enter the HDB block. Of cos, visitors can call upstairs for us to grant them access. Also got CCTV too.

Well, if this is a common problem, then it should be a public good instead.

i saw the building too.. cool.. must highlight to them if anyone meeting them.. tell them!!

Yokoyoko,can forward him our link for him to see? let him see with his own eyes bah...

forwarded le.. must have evidence.. hahah


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evidence of buglary? aiyoh.. 8|:furious:

faint ah....

Hmm, theres still our thick fireproof wooden door right? Isnt it very noisy to do all the sawing and knocking when the area is already occuppied?


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