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Guest sugarmeg

Tau Interior

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Guest careBnet
Finally, my reno is over. I can give a brief summary (abit long winded) of my experience..

Pior to the Reno.

Request for Quotation with Winson.

- What i want and what i need to be done. Like what walls to remove and what floor need to be re-tile changes to concrete sink and stove, ...toliets..etc...I have initially request that he meet up with me at my new place 1st for him to see and quote.. However Winson said that to be more efficient, visitation of the place will be done after we are happy with the initial quotes...(which i find to be logical)

Winson revert back to me with 3 working days. Its on above average range. . Nevertheless I request to have him meet me at my new place in the weekend...

PS: I have request for Quotation from HoBee/ SpaceDefine/SPRIPES/DARWIN.

Visitation of my new place..

- I with Winson who brought along his copy of my floor plans and initial quote and began to walk through the tasks i need to be done from the entrance to every room.... After all discuss, he said he would revert back to me an updated quote in 3 working days..which he did. The new quote did not defer much from the original quotes.

After getting his quote i said that I need to review and compare before making any commitment....and would get back to him ASAP... However due to my work commitment, i need to travel oversea. I have request for him to hold the "price" (thinking that the price might increase) for ard 4-5 months which he agree even though i have not made any commitment....

Discuss with Winson on Quotation and Final quotation

Due my trip i have did my homework and compare...etc and decided to go with Winson ...By the time i return is ard 4+ months later..I arranage for another meeting in the weekend. During my discussion, i made a few minor changes to my inital design and changes to the item we want to do. Winson make some suggestion and alternation to the quotation on the spot. After i review the quotation.. and decided to start on 14 Dec..

14 Dec 2009:

Reno Starts. Actually, it earlier as by 13 Dec... all the fixtures like lights/ sink/ build-in cupboard are all being removed..(My reno is a overhaul of the flat...every wall/ceiling/ door/ floor are to be touched)

The summary process in order.

- Tile selection.

- Toilet accessories/Sink/ HOB/ Hood Selection.

- Air con installation

- Lighting purchase.

- Paint Color selection

- Position of the plugs. and Lighting

- Design and color of the cupboard

Tile Selection

During the one of the weekend (when the wet work is almost done), Winson brought us for tile selections.(Personally I thought that tile selection is done after the paint colors selection is done) It was explain that there are more color in paint then tile so it is easier to match the color of the paint to the tile then the other way round.

The tiling are relative smooth with minor hiccup. (I drop by every other 2 days to monitor)which are quickly rectified. The hiccup include the use of the wrong tiles. and alignment problems. Overall the wet work are quite professionally done. .. the worker are also very friendly esp when i request for some minor changes.

Toilet accessories /Sink/ HOB/ Hood Selection.

Once the toilet wet work is completed, Winson brought us to a shop for Toilet accessories /Sink/ HOB/ Hood Selection. Installation is done once the wet work is done... it is smooth but once again we need to know where each item to be placed.

Air con installation

He also recommended his long time friend/partner in the aircon industry (I request for air con to be installed). The Prices are around average. However given that the coordination of the installation and the rest of the reno can be easier and i find him to be rather professional friendly and nego. I request that his friend (Uncle Chan) proceed with the installation.

Lighting selection

Winson brought us to the shop that he felt to be trust worthy (He have lots of story on it)..the prices are quite competitive.

Paint Color Selection

We have an idea of what theme/ color that we wanted so its easier. We went to his office in Tampines for the selection.. which took us ard 3 hours to select the color....

Position of Lighting and Plug

Once the painting is done (before touch up). We meet up with winson at our house to draw X for all the lighting/sock/svc/tel/heating points.


We meet up at his office again the discuss in detail the design of the cupboard and color of all the carpentry. My carpentry include the wardrobe and kitchen cabinet. During the selection, Winson would make comment/advise to our selection.

As for the workmanship, there are slightly more issue..

There seem to be around 2 groups doing it. 1 of them is doing my wardrobe while the other are doing my kitchen.

My Kitchen workmanship quite good and nice.. not much complain there. Screw are flushed and nails are organized/ hidden. Missing a bit silicon gel on some of the joints but that is quickly rectified. One of them got a cut on his finger while installing the hood.

My wardrobe workmanship need some improving. example

- the screw are not flush to the cupboard... it nearly cut my hand.

- holes of the nails are quite apparent and messy.

- some of the laminated wood are chipped off/ tore off.

Look like a rush job.

These issues need to be rectified by the workers from the kitchen carbinet after i made the complaint.


There are is few changes during the process of the reno. Like initially i request the kitchen window to remain.. However due to misunderstanding with the company that sell those retractable hanger, the size of the window is too small.. I have to change it else the hanger could not be used.

However the kitchen is 90% done. Winson went and request assist from his workers to determine if the window could be replace without damaging the surround tile and sink. Within 3 days of verification and confirmation, the window is changed, no damage to the surround tiles/ sink.. phews!!......The additional cost are not marked-up in any way.

Once the reno is finished, basic cleaning is done.

Overall feel

Winson is a straight talker... sometime in your face type of person. which might seem to be fierce might even appear to be rude to some people..(my wife was afraid of him at the beginning).. However as the days when by, we get warm up with him (including my wife) ... he is a trustworthy, friendly guy who tell it as it is. There is no maybe. Yes is yes. No is No. which i think is good esp in the reno industry.

He is often on time for appointment which is quite rare..

As far as i can determine, the reno work is overall quite smooth. Any hiccups and issues found would be rectified asap.. it is rectified quickly. usually on the same day or next day...The process/flow are quite guided . in the sense the Winson will call / arrange a few days before hand to meet up for purchase of tile/ lighting/ color selection...etc

As highlighted by a num of people, Tau is more of a contractor then a ID so. one would need to know more or less what need to done...There is no 3d perspective diagram/ pic to see / visualised what will happen after the reno (except for the carpentry).. one would need to imagine it in his/her mind.

Would i be a returning customer if i have another place to reno. YES.

cool man

share pict.heehee



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Guest careBnet
hi everyone,

i am alice here, before i go on, i can say kevin is good plus responsible id and helpful.Understand that for the previous post that we got to read on bad remark.at first me and hubby will be the same with other reader here, feel uneasy to have tau as our renovator.Why we sign up with kevin. To be fair,at that time after some bad remark post up, we can see kevin is in a more difficult position to convince us or his clients.BUT he have convince us, not because of his sweet talk but his presentation of his work and attitude. He have hand over our to us last weekend.every thing look great and excellent workmanship.i feel very happy with the process alt got some delay on the date of hand over. kevin is very hardworking and we can see the true shell of him.he have bring us joy and good memory for our first renovation.some however the comment of unhappy post for us now, is not more existing in our mind.it didnt happen to us. there might be a story behind the wall for the past post of unhappiness.Tau id is not that bad after all.

tau id is not that bad

guys out there take my words, we have put a step out to test on tau id.

tau id have pass our test with excellent result

best regards

alice neo



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after handing over by kevin, every thing is good and no worries on defect problem. happy moving in. good comment after my house warming.



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Anyone have the mobile no. for Kelvin or Uncle Winston?

Tried calling the mobile but the no. no longer in use and office line, always no one picks up.

can pm me?



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hi ppl.. i'm still in the midst of shortlisting ID for my new flat reno.. so wanna ask if tau ID is more of a contractor or ID?


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Saw quite a bit of enquiries. Haf you all got your no?

If not can pm me i will reply you with the number.


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