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Home Sweet Home For Ranval ~

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hee~ thanks .. we hit the max for the criteria , coz i still have false ceiling ...

ran loves the cozy feeling but to me .. it's very scary to stand by the windows :dancingqueen:

Oh wow... I'm also doing tt... hope that the height is tall enough... else platform not nice liaoz... :furious::furious:

No issue on windows... I can stand and look down, but will not dare to hang clothes outside. Odd hor? :dancingqueen:


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Oh wow... I'm also doing tt... hope that the height is tall enough... else platform not nice liaoz... :dribble::dribble:

No issue on windows... I can stand and look down, but will not dare to hang clothes outside. Odd hor? :furious:

hmm.. after having the platform, I can't stand by the windows, need to knead down to close the windows.

coz the height of the wall below the windows has changed and it seems so easy to fell over.

But i ever climb out onto my aircon ledge to pick up my clothes bamboo poles from my below neightbour.

I stay at 2nd highest storey ... no issue abt hanging out clothes - (well trained by my mum).

love donut's shorthair look

and oreo is so :dancingqueen: :dancingqueen: :furious: when he was younger, now looks cheeky liao :yamseng:

I love donut's short hair too but doesn't look like shin tzu wor

I think so too ... i realli wonder why .. but i ever tot oreo might not be the same puppy i got in the 1st place,

then again can't be ... coz he loves to get my attention wor .. ran likes his cheekiness ...

only slight annoyin problem , oreo would pee n flee for his cage when we shout for him after realising he did something wrong ...


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hmm.. after having the platform, I can't stand by the windows, need to knead down to close the windows.

coz the height of the wall below the windows has changed and it seems so easy to fell over.

But i ever climb out onto my aircon ledge to pick up my clothes bamboo poles from my below neightbour.

I stay at 2nd highest storey ... no issue abt hanging out clothes - (well trained by my mum).

:dancingqueen::dancingqueen: Power!

Clothes hanging... erm... I cannot ah... gotta spend $ on the ezziliving thingy le. :furious:


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I love donut's short hair too but doesn't look like shin tzu wor

I think so too ... i realli wonder why .. but i ever tot oreo might not be the same puppy i got in the 1st place,

then again can't be ... coz he loves to get my attention wor .. ran likes his cheekiness ...

think the typical shi tzu look is too hot for singapore liao lah

i prefer the short hair look coz he looked so cool and happy :dancingqueen:

Edited by applefreak

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only slight annoyin problem , oreo would pee n flee for his cage when we shout for him after realising he did something wrong ...

think oreo pee out of fear rather than rebellion

he is still considered puppy right? so bladder control not so good

my friend's westie always pee a little (when she was a puppy) when she sees me, too excited liao :dancingqueen: :dancingqueen:

Edited by applefreak

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hmm.. after having the platform, I can't stand by the windows, need to knead down to close the windows.

coz the height of the wall below the windows has changed and it seems so easy to fell over.

But i ever climb out onto my aircon ledge to pick up my clothes bamboo poles from my below neightbour.

I stay at 2nd highest storey ... no issue abt hanging out clothes - (well trained by my mum).

I love donut's short hair too but doesn't look like shin tzu wor

I think so too ... i realli wonder why .. but i ever tot oreo might not be the same puppy i got in the 1st place,

then again can't be ... coz he loves to get my attention wor .. ran likes his cheekiness ...

only slight annoyin problem , oreo would pee n flee for his cage when we shout for him after realising he did something wrong ...

Fifi does this recently as well.. simply refused to do it on newspapers despite coaxing/reminders (she was 100% accurate on newspapers last time) and just pee on floor, and dash to cage immediately when we raise our voice. Haiz... need to find a solution. :(


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my baileys pee out of fear and excitement all the time.. lol..

until nowadays i find it amusing.. lol...


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Mine is also the same, 'inherited' it cos its actually my hubby's dog. Since he shift here from my parents in law place, he's been rebelling at every rules we set for him as part of his training. Too spoilt by my parents in law. :( I wonder what else can I do too.

Btw, ranval, my own dog which is with my parents now is a cross breed of a shih-tzu(father) and a cockeral spaniel(mother) Don't have a current pic of it as the only pic of it was in my old phone before I changed phone. :(

Can tell you the temperaments of a shih tzu. The shih tzu is an excitable one, extremely noisy and too friendly at times. Believe all small dogs are like this except for the doberman pincher and chihuahua. They make up more in the power of their barks in compensation for their sizes. But if comparing to a JRT, the JRT is more excitable than a shih tzu that is.

Edited by BunBun

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but hor, donut is the only friendly shih tzu i've ever met leh

used to frequent pet safari at simei and all the shih tzu there super unfriendly one

all display the typical one-owner character - sweet and coy to the owner but snapping at everyone else :(


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Mine is also the same, 'inherited' it cos its actually my hubby's dog. Since he shift here from my parents in law place, he's been rebelling at every rules we set for him as part of his training. Too spoilt by my parents in law. :( I wonder what else can I do too.

Btw, ranval, my own dog which is with my parents now is a cross breed of a shih-tzu(father) and a cockeral spaniel(mother) Don't have a current pic of it as the only pic of it was in my old phone before I changed phone. :~

Can tell you the temperaments of a shih tzu. The shih tzu is an excitable one, extremely noisy and too friendly at times. Believe all small dogs are like this except for the doberman pincher and chihuahua. They make up more in the power of their barks in compensation for their sizes. But if comparing to a JRT, the JRT is more excitable than a shih tzu that is.

must show me the pic hor .. coz i love to see how your dog look like ...

cockeral spaniel is very charming while shin tzu is cutie ... :):wub:

just saw some puppies earlier ...

haha .. my donut is always excitable , super duper friendly yet quiet ... only when after oreo arrived , then he started to bark again .. super duper loud .. from far i can hear him liao ... coz he would bark at oreo for running too fast from him / hiding some where while playing / fighting etc ...

oreo always bark or wince whenever he wants my attention or get out from the cage ...

place them together .. very noisy .. after awhile they got tired and roll up together n sleep

haha .. will try to get their pic in the cage someday :no:

soon or later my neighbours would complaint abt us !!

but hor, donut is the only friendly shih tzu i've ever met leh

used to frequent pet safari at simei and all the shih tzu there super unfriendly one

all display the typical one-owner character - sweet and coy to the owner but snapping at everyone else :notti:

:P :P

donut is like this lor ... always behaving friendly to anyone and guai guai wor ...

my friend ever mentioned that donut is too friendly that he would show the burgular to my hidden treasure wor ..


hmm.. i believe the puppies over there are behaving like this coz they are there too long and only one person been takin care of them ...


Edited by ranval9

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Ranval : No prob. When I go back to my parents' place, I take a pic of my dog. Cockeral spaniel is similar to those hush puppies dog mascot. Can't remember the breed type but it should be an english breed if im not mistaken. Cockeral spaniel is very gentle and charming but a bit smelly though.

My parents' neighbour used to have several cockeral spaniels and they kept mating that they had to give away the puppies & the dogs too. Think they cannot afford to keep too many dogs and it was where I got my dog from. I bought it from my good friend who's also my parents' next door neighbour. My dog has a body with short legs like its father, the face like its mother except the snout is smaller but not flat like the shih tzu's snout. So you can imagine a very unusual cross breed between a shih tzu & a cockeral spaniel cos cockeral spaniel has longer legs than the shih tzu. LOL

Shih tzus are very friendly by nature. It's just that it takes time for dogs to get adjusted in a different environment with human company. Can you imagine the pets being in a cage or behind glass compartments looking so forlorn and sometimes dao type? It's the environment that changes even a human not to mention animals.


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the hush puppies dog is a hound right?

remember a trivia about the dog - the original pix dog has the longest ears for the particular breed until he became old, then his grandson overtook him and took the title for the longest ears :notti:

hmm, my friends' shih tzu all not friendly one leh

got one friend's lagi worst, she and hubby stay together but her dog only eats the food prepared by her

if she not around and the hubby prepare the food, her dog will just turn up her nose and walk away !!


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Hmm im not sure, it sorta reminds me a bit of the basset type.

Your friend's dog is really dao one. :no: Wonder what did your friend do to 'chain' the dog exclusively to her? !!

the hush puppies dog is a hound right?

remember a trivia about the dog - the original pix dog has the longest ears for the particular breed until he became old, then his grandson overtook him and took the title for the longest ears :notti:

hmm, my friends' shih tzu all not friendly one leh

got one friend's lagi worst, she and hubby stay together but her dog only eats the food prepared by her

if she not around and the hubby prepare the food, her dog will just turn up her nose and walk away :notti:


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so far shih tzu owners i know all say they are one-owner dog

i.e. they'll be loyal to only one owner

my bf used to have a shih tzu, same same only loyal to him nia !! :notti:

yup the hush puppies dog is a basset hound :notti:


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Hmm then it must be why my own dog is the one-owner type. Ie; always coming to me and staying by my side all the time whenever I'm back to my parents home even though I may not be staying with my parents now. I do miss my baby but then my dog would be good company for my parents better now that I'm not around much.

Keke, thanks for the info on the hush puppies dog. Both cockeral spaniel and the basset hound have one thing similar. "soulful eyes" sia.

Btw I just looked hard at donut's pic and realise hor, donut's nose is not so flat as most shih tzus have I wonder why?

so far shih tzu owners i know all say they are one-owner dog

i.e. they'll be loyal to only one owner

my bf used to have a shih tzu, same same only loyal to him nia :yamseng::dunno:

yup the hush puppies dog is a basset hound :P

Edited by BunBun

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