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:lol: not really. When im on the comp surfing RT, he will sometimes see what im posting. It's the first he'd ever post in RT seriously. When he saw what you reply, he go post what he say after what I posted already. :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

both of you go thru RT together at the same time ar ???


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:lol: not really. When im on the comp surfing RT, he will sometimes see what im posting. It's the first he'd ever post in RT seriously. When he saw what you reply, he go post what he say after what I posted already. :rofl: :rofl:

haha and he changed his mind ar ...

hope he din add any pressure on you ... coz my case is different ...

:sport-smiley-003::sport-smiley-003: with your cooking sessions ...

my hubby is my chef too ... at times only ... :rofl: :rofl:

btw it's Mr bun's 2nd posting wor :lol:


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:rofl: he didn't add any pressure on me. In fact he saw your reply just now & he laugh also.

My hubby is 90% my chef 'cos I can't cook much. Still in the process of learning. But Im a little better at baking cupcakes & cookies than cooking? No idea why but I reckon that baking is not so difficult as can do experimenting with the flavour, while for cooking, got to be creative to come up with at least 2-3 diff dishes everyday. How hard it is? :dunno: Only consolation is that there are a few things I can still cook. :sport-smiley-004:

haha and he changed his mind ar ...

hope he din add any pressure on you ... coz my case is different ...

:sport-smiley-003::sport-smiley-003: with your cooking sessions ...

my hubby is my chef too ... at times only ... :rofl: :rofl:

btw it's Mr bun's 2nd posting wor :lol:


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:rofl: he didn't add any pressure on me. In fact he saw your reply just now & he laugh also.

My hubby is 90% my chef 'cos I can't cook much. Still in the process of learning. But Im a little better at baking cupcakes & cookies than cooking? No idea why but I reckon that baking is not so difficult as can do experimenting with the flavour, while for cooking, got to be creative to come up with at least 2-3 diff dishes everyday. How hard it is? :dunno: Only consolation is that there are a few things I can still cook. :sport-smiley-004:

phew :P

mine says that he cooks better etc

i dun have a proper oven thus can't do any baking ... used to be in Home Econ class.

me always cook simple wor .. depends greatly on what I wan to eat and hoping he will eat all up ..

:rofl: :rofl:


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I sucked badly in Home Econ class leh, that why I'm making up plenty for it in baking. Must be the karma coming back to me for that period in Home Econ. 8|

PS: your dogs are starting to grow on me based on your description. :lol:

phew :P

mine says that he cooks better etc

i dun have a proper oven thus can't do any baking ... used to be in Home Econ class.

me always cook simple wor .. depends greatly on what I wan to eat and hoping he will eat all up ..

:rofl: :rofl:


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I sucked badly in Home Econ class leh, that why I'm making up plenty for it in baking. Must be the karma coming back to me for that period in Home Econ. 8|

PS: your dogs are starting to grow on me based on your description. :lol:

me had no choice but to take up Home Econ class as me sucked with other subjects ..

Home Econ is easy to score ... without much effort for the written exams .. i got B3

while all my classmates got A1 ... :notti:


2 boys mah .. sure to have lots of actions n drama


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Agree. But you got 3 males in the house ley. Having 2 males in the house is enough(summer & my hubby)

me had no choice but to take up Home Econ class as me sucked with other subjects ..

Home Econ is easy to score ... without much effort for the written exams .. i got B3

while all my classmates got A1 ... :notti:


2 boys mah .. sure to have lots of actions n drama


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Agree. But you got 3 males in the house ley. Having 2 males in the house is enough(summer & my hubby)

muhaha ... your summer is not even half power as to mine

:rofl: :rofl:


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Now my summer is very good with the ocassional pee-ing. But nothing major cos Im now being a doting 'mummy'. Wonder if summer will get jealous if there's a baby next time?

muhaha ... your summer is not even half power as to mine

:rofl: :rofl:


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Now my summer is very good with the ocassional pee-ing. But nothing major cos Im now being a doting 'mummy'. Wonder if summer will get jealous if there's a baby next time?

that's interesting .. guess boys are still boys .. can't do away with the markings ...

dun think so .. my gf has no problem wor


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Try to take your doggies out for walks as often as you can, perhaps it might eliminate less chances of markings though.

that's interesting .. guess boys are still boys .. can't do away with the markings ...

dun think so .. my gf has no problem wor


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Try to take your doggies out for walks as often as you can, perhaps it might eliminate less chances of markings though.

hubby dun allow .. saying i'm inviting fleas n ticks


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Correction. If you take the doggies out onto the grass, they can get ticks & fleas that way 'cos ticks are in the soil thats what I know.

If you take your doggies out on dry ground like pavement, should not be an issue.

hubby dun allow .. saying i'm inviting fleas n ticks

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Correction. If you take the doggies out onto the grass, they can get ticks & fleas that way 'cos ticks are in the soil thats what I know.

If you take your doggies out on dry ground like pavement, should not be an issue.

well, my boys very active and mainly curious .. they surely aim the sands n grass .. if i dun allow it , esp donut will just sulk n lay flat onto the ground and refuse to move at all ...



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Wah, your Donut sure is a big baby. Dogs are always curious ma, its a normal thing. Maybe take it go to a basketball court where can take them walking a bit over flat ground?

well, my boys very active and mainly curious .. they surely aim the sands n grass .. if i dun allow it , esp donut will just sulk n lay flat onto the ground and refuse to move at all ...



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