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Home Sweet Home For Ranval ~

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erhmm.. fruits or the chocolate bits for fondue...

but no fifi, ginger, yuki, baby, summer, baileys to play with my donut n oreo wor

Btw .. my tenent has moved out le ~

I got mixed feelings wor :(

great to have more storage spaces :rofl:

but also means another room for me to do housework :lol:

got back our privacy, can wear anyting we wan :dribble::P

lastly really opt to look for more ways to save money for our wedding while paying all the bills :notti::notti:

Hai tenant move out mean less $$$ in ur pocket, :( do u need me to find for u a new tenant? :dribble:


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YOz, is there anything that we can buy to share?!

Durians again? lol

should be okay ba .. ran loves durians :D

not sure abt everyone else ~

might be gettin broyz over to "explain' why n how he did up my place ,

what do u think ??

i'd love to... unfortunately, cant make it on 13th april coz we're having my nephew's 1 yr old bday celebration!!

say, probably find sometime where we can meet up with our dogs?? :good:

but fifi is not a very gentle lady :~

can i spam here with my fifi's photos too?? :D:lol:




aiyooooo fifi your fifi ger is so cutie .. can poise for the camera somemore ~

see ya on 31st apr wor ... we goin to have another gathering at compass green ( SK ) for BBQ ..

no worries abt BBQ doggies ~

Hai tenant move out mean less $$$ in ur pocket, :( do u need me to find for u a new tenant? :good:

nono i can't le ~ thanks for your offer ...

ran is guarding his privacy fiercely and so happy that he can wear whatever he wans now ...

Your dogs are so cute! They look great together as well. :good:

Too bad my girl does not like any other dogs.

Btw... how did you toilet train your Shih Tzu? It's been almost 4 years and I still can't trust my dog when I leave her alone in the house...sigh. :notti:

hihi max

huh you yet to train your ger ger ... what's her name ??

1stly get some of her pee on tissue , place it among some newpapers,

coo her to the newpapers and tell her nicely that her pee place wor ...

let her be herself ... then when she really pee there ..

gives her pats n tell her good ger or give her some treats ...

wish you all the best and good lucks :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by ranval9

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hey greycat,

i think the flooring of the void deck was warm and yuki dun like to be leashed thus y she din wan to walk ...

it happened to donut when i intro him the void deck. he just walked a few steps and lay flat , refusing to move ... all the ppl walked by, found him amusing ...

Mini Gathering on 13 Apr Sunday

high tea starts on 3 plus pm ~

Apple jie

Angelwrath and hubby

Bluberi (hubby)


Deathcoth and wify with BB ???

LLhome and hubby

Mr n Mrs Compassvale (fifi)

Greycat and hubby

Jaren and wify

Mace with wify will go but will bring home 2 dogs. :notti: ( another dognapper )

Phantom and wify (baileys)??

Skywolf and Mr Cat Charmer

Xlan (baby)

thanks for the invite... lol.. didn't realize until someone sms me.. kekeke..

i'll need to check with my wifey.. she going overseas tomorrow and back on following monday.

anything.. get cantona to sms me.. lol..

eh.. cantona.. wanna watch man utd vs Chelsea boh? kekeke..


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thanks for the invite... lol.. didn't realize until someone sms me.. kekeke..

i'll need to check with my wifey.. she going overseas tomorrow and back on following monday.

anything.. get cantona to sms me.. lol..

eh.. cantona.. wanna watch man utd vs Chelsea boh? kekeke..


i almost wan to PM u leh .. let me know .. and u coming with baileys anot ar ??

Kam Sia Cantona :rofl::good:


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thanks for the invite... lol.. didn't realize until someone sms me.. kekeke..

i'll need to check with my wifey.. she going overseas tomorrow and back on following monday.

anything.. get cantona to sms me.. lol..

eh.. cantona.. wanna watch man utd vs Chelsea boh? kekeke..

Man U Vs Chelsea Shiokkk..... but I dont know when leh? 8|


i almost wan to PM u leh .. let me know .. and u coming with baileys anot ar ??

Kam Sia Cantona :D:P

No need to Kam Sia I jus send Phantom's my song lyrics only. :sport-smiley-004:

As for Deathcoth jus post ur namelist in Apple Jie thread and Xlan PM her well do. :sport-smiley-004:


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gam siah 8|

she's a maltese 8|

Hi Everyone!

Can I join your doggie talk?

I have a maltese as well... Say hi to Ember :lol:


Looks like a piece of carpet here


Sulking here as she can't come down from the sofa... 8|


Nice meeting all the dog lovers here! 8|

Edited by shivan

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cute maltese, shivan!:lol:8|

she's afraid to jump down from the sofa??

er... ranval, do u mean a side doggie talk here? or shall we continue at the sports and hobby section?? 8|


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cute maltese, shivan!:lol:8|

she's afraid to jump down from the sofa??

er... ranval, do u mean a side doggie talk here? or shall we continue at the sports and hobby section?? 8|

Yup! She can jump up but don't dare to jump down... haha... 8|

Sometimes I let her roam the house while me and wifey go out for awhile but she keh kiang go and jump up the sofa and get stuck there. When we come home, we find her lying on the sofa waiting for us. 8|

So we have to lock her up in 1 room using a baby gate when we go to work everyday instead of letting her have freedom in the house in case she goes and jump to the sofa and get stuck there for the whole day! 8|


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hihi shivan and ember :lol:

ember has very long fur, how do you manage her flying furs ??

haha doggie talk here no prob 8| if not, my t-blog here goin to "die" slowly ...

btw i dun get to see my fave vet today coz she busy out station at bird park ...

donut has eye infection while oreo now still undergoin the neuter Op. tink he should be

ready to be pick up by 6 plus.

broke all over again .. and more hard work ...


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Yup! She can jump up but don't dare to jump down... haha... 8|

Sometimes I let her roam the house while me and wifey go out for awhile but she keh kiang go and jump up the sofa and get stuck there. When we come home, we find her lying on the sofa waiting for us. 8|

So we have to lock her up in 1 room using a baby gate when we go to work everyday instead of letting her have freedom in the house in case she goes and jump to the sofa and get stuck there for the whole day! ;)


seems like my gal is more gung ho...

my gal can even jump up my bed that is higher than the sofa. and the way she jumps, is like climbing stairs 8|

probably she got used to "falling" from steps sometimes when she missed her steps when going up to our rooms 8|

gee... thanks, ranval!:lol:! :(

for maltese, they dun have much problems with shedding. in fact, they do not shed much... only occasionally u can find chunks of fur on the floor. but that is really rare :)


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Yup! She can jump up but don't dare to jump down... haha... :lol:

Sometimes I let her roam the house while me and wifey go out for awhile but she keh kiang go and jump up the sofa and get stuck there. When we come home, we find her lying on the sofa waiting for us. 8|

So we have to lock her up in 1 room using a baby gate when we go to work everyday instead of letting her have freedom in the house in case she goes and jump to the sofa and get stuck there for the whole day! 8|

heehee .. my oreo now also daring to jump onto the sofa ..

can you show me what type of baby gate you got ?? i need to get one very soon ...

brb need to go to compasspoint ... 8|


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can you show me what type of baby gate you got ?? i need to get one very soon ...

Me too!:lol:

Lovely doggie there 8| ....very well-maintained wor! 8|


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heehee .. my oreo now also daring to jump onto the sofa ..

can you show me what type of baby gate you got ?? i need to get one very soon ...

brb need to go to compasspoint ... 8|

Hi Val,

this is the baby gate I got... Just put it across the room door and use 2 stools to hold it up. Must make sure the stools are sturdy and heavy enough to prevent the doggies from crashing through the gate... 8|




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oh!! this is the fence that i used for my gal's playpen...

my gal knows how to open this kind of fence if the stoods are not sturdy enuff...

she even opened my balcony grilles before!! and she can jump over the fences that reaches her neck when she's sitting down....


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