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Post Reno Blues :(

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Speak for youself, look at the list of items you have listed below your signature.

All are of reasonable, if not good quality stuffs. Less your MIC Closet

I am in this industry BUT I am not an Interior Designer. You are causing offences to IDs in here.

OK Wow lets see...

Daikin sys 3 , Why not go for Mcquay? Cheaper

Frankel S/s Basin, why not get those Made in China / Taiwan?

Grohe stuffs not cheap either

Bravia W series 40' Is another good stuff, why not go select the cheaper range?

And lets see, WOW... Serta Louisana, Ikea has a large range at a much cheaper cost. But you know those stuffs are made of pinewood and chipboard.

Why don't you go for ALL the "cheap & good" stuffs?

There are many replicas made in China & Taiwan...

What about electronics? there are cheaper brands that serve the purpose, and some infact look quite nice. Some are even nicer than the expensive stuffs...

But you know they may not last as long as you expect. you knew it.

So reflect on youself before you post comments like that. Appreciate that.

Seems like maybe you were ripped off in a way or another, so thats why you feel sour.

Price cannot bluff, cannot run. To compare prices, why not compare materials first?

Btw, if one already has a concept or design in mind, don't engage an ID.

Engage a contractor instead. It will be much cheaper. But there will not be anyone to oversee and manage the jobs other than youselves. Not a big problem.

While IDs sell you the concept / Idea and manage your project.

People compare prices between IDs and contractors. IDs price can never beat the contractors'. So the engaging a contractor will be cheaper of cos.

Contractors do the same old thing over and over again. They are most familiar with their trade.

Those nice homes you see in magazines are not designed by contractors! they are designed by IDs! But work done by contractors, with the ID to oversee the work.

Get the idea?

So if you already have an idea on how to do ur house... You can play the part of the ID.

Hope it helps.

Do not confuse IDs with Contractors.


Sorry. Feels better? Good. Feeling appeased? Better. Sorry I am not in ID/renovation industry. With design and layout management, is it ID or contractor firm?

wahahaha .. dun think i'm confused. but unfortunately its true that some contractors do slice carrot head. Maybe I shld put it in a more tactful manner. Just wana put some cautionary remark to those who read up, that some blah blah black sheep in the industry (which industry doesnt?) uses ways and means to boost up sales. Few ppl oredi did post remarks regarding that.

I appreciate those IDs who are true to their works, but what i am referring to are those act act sales talk NATO kind. I am not so fussy to the extent that i dun let ppl earn. Its nvr abt cost for me. If you cant do it, just say. dun say can and end up doing something else and salestalk / argue your way around with V.Os.

This is an informative forum i believe. For all to see and compare. Anyway, dun wana start a fire since its nvr gona end. My answers are politically correct as of publishing. My choices of materials and wateva stuff i use are my own preferences. dun think its urs, so dun start such comparison and cheers at the end.

Ps. I believe in my QS's costings and suppliers' quotes. Only economy of scale is different. (read main contractor). Nvr sore abt costs, nvr abt cheap n stuff. I do quote astronomic % profit b4, but to overseas clients. You shld noe beta lah if u are in this industry. I do, how come you dun? :bleah:

just join ah? :yamseng: Jester jesting~! Merry Xmas~!


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Join 46,923 satisfied homeowners who used renotalk quotation service to find interior designers. Get an estimated quotation

You quote astronomic percentage profit to overseas clients.

Astronomic means "extremely large / exceedingly great / enormous".

what makes you different from the black sheeps? As to some vendors at Sim Lim when they see non-locals.

Sorry but I feel its wrong ethics. If you don't charge locals that much, you shouldn't over charge overseas clients as well.

Anyway don't be so sensitive la. Don't take it to heart. Pls do not be offended by my words.

Ending the post with "cheers" to lighten things up and don't take words to heart.

If you don't take a liking to my post ending with Cheers at the end,

Then don't Bitchh about what i've said and cheers at the end TOO.

Edited by cruz

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Sorry. Feels better? Good. Feeling appeased? Better. Sorry I am not in ID/renovation industry. With design and layout management, is it ID or contractor firm?

wahahaha .. dun think i'm confused. but unfortunately its true that some contractors do slice carrot head. Maybe I shld put it in a more tactful manner. Just wana put some cautionary remark to those who read up, that some blah blah black sheep in the industry (which industry doesnt?) uses ways and means to boost up sales. Few ppl oredi did post remarks regarding that.

I appreciate those IDs who are true to their works, but what i am referring to are those act act sales talk NATO kind. I am not so fussy to the extent that i dun let ppl earn. Its nvr abt cost for me. If you cant do it, just say. dun say can and end up doing something else and salestalk / argue your way around with V.Os.

This is an informative forum i believe. For all to see and compare. Anyway, dun wana start a fire since its nvr gona end. My answers are politically correct as of publishing. My choices of materials and wateva stuff i use are my own preferences. dun think its urs, so dun start such comparison and cheers at the end.

Ps. I believe in my QS's costings and suppliers' quotes. Only economy of scale is different. (read main contractor). Nvr sore abt costs, nvr abt cheap n stuff. I do quote astronomic % profit b4, but to overseas clients. You shld noe beta lah if u are in this industry. I do, how come you dun? :bleah:

just join ah? :yamseng: Jester jesting~! Merry Xmas~!

Oh Okay... I happen to come across your other posts and it seems like U had a bad experience with your ID/Contractor.

I can understand how you feel from your point of view. All the NATO and typical sales talk. I feel for you.

But lets be fair and look at things from other angles.

Do not take offence to what i've mentioned earlier on as I felt that your comments were not very fair. Targeted and focused on certain group... I hope not.

Edited by cruz

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There are blacksheeps in every jobs.. civil servant, taxi n bus drivers, property agents, IDs/contractors n etc..

Y u don we just stick to reno blues topic and stop all the arguement? i can c personally attacks which i suppose shouldnt happen in renotalk n any other forums.. cos we are all home owner who are mature enuff to sort things out and handle emotional well at least...

though there are a few IDs/contractors hidding in here as well.. :)

everything can be solve.. any reno mischap just take it as a lesson learnt and warn the people ard especially here.. but not too personal.. :)


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There are blacksheeps in every jobs.. civil servant, taxi n bus drivers, property agents, IDs/contractors n etc..

Y u don we just stick to reno blues topic and stop all the arguement? i can c personally attacks which i suppose shouldnt happen in renotalk n any other forums.. cos we are all home owner who are mature enuff to sort things out and handle emotional well at least...

though there are a few IDs/contractors hidding in here as well.. :)

everything can be solve.. any reno mischap just take it as a lesson learnt and warn the people ard especially here.. but not too personal.. :)

Thank you very much. It was that simple.

Oh Okay... I happen to come across your other posts and it seems like U had a bad experience with your ID/Contractor.

I can understand how you feel from your point of view. All the NATO and typical sales talk. I feel for you.

But lets be fair and look at things from other angles.

Do not take offence to what i've mentioned earlier on as I felt that your comments were not very fair. Targeted and focused on certain group... I hope not.

Np, bro.. :good: We see from different POV, thats all. At worst, its just misinterpretation at its best.


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For all forumers..

Be it ID or contractor tad u're engaging, U're buying their services n knowledges... But not products...

Knowledge in materials, site co-ordination n supervision is a must. Knowledge in Designs is addtional to oneself...

Their services, like gather all infos n materials from sub-con, sell it to u by marking up... Owners engaged them bcs they r layman, need these professionals to perform works done...

Be it hidden/unforeseen cost, high quotes, can't produce work on time, bad worksmanships, poor materials etc... Can be elimated if u engage the right 1... With their experienced, sincerity n honesty, they can guide owners all the way unselfishly... All contractors usually know their costs, the price they deliver to owners derived from their services n appetite... Cheap, expensive or worthiness, Owners do their own judgements ba...

Conclusion, Owners r buying knowledge n personalities of 1self (ID/contractor)

(Cons n cheats case r caused by those idi*ts wif bad ethics n personalities lor... Can be found in every field...)

Edited by de_Pierre

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Seriously speaking, I dunno if I shld be listing my woes here as well. But since I'm free at the moment and reading this, I shall highlight some situations I had.


1) Sketches in pencil by the carpenter for WIW, kitchen cabinet. I had to provided drawings from another customised closet designer to give him an idea what we want and need. Still ... without doubt, he used his own idea of stable, good solid wood. Ply is still ply when u use laminates. I give up talking to him after the first installation mentioned in (3). It was juzt not what we wanted. I told him we pay him comm to get our carpenter to come in. He just shrugged off 'can la, sure same.' I don't mind paying higher for wat I want.

2) Rush job, demands of payment and pushing for handover. Laminate flooring not done, WIW done on hard cement screed. End up dismantled and left outside till laminates done and REINSTALL again.

3) Cement screed not levelled properly, hollow and creaking sounds heard with every step. No joke. I wasnt the only one who commented. This probably the worst defect I had. After i did the cleaning up, I saw scratches and really big gaps at the skirtings. Offered to reimbursed the cement screed he said he FOC for me as long he redo the whole laminate flooring again and he goes, "nevermind, can la. Bear with it. You put heavy items such as your bed and bookshelf, 1 - 2 weeks no sound for sure." If got heavy stuff, how to walk. No one walk, of course no sound la.

4) Homogenous flooring through his expert recommendation, 600 x 600. I asked for his recommendation coz I thgt he could give better suggestions based on supplier and make. This is to prevent quality issues since he should noe or experienced b4 in previous jobs. Still there was uneven issues and jagged edges. He commented that the China quality is such. His tiler did a good job liao to minimised. If supplier got problem, get it changed. Simple as it is. I doubt if I get the best tiles as in marble from italy oso will have prob. If you dun do a good job in pegging 'waterlines' ur screed is nvr levelled. Worse when u start levelling with cheap cement sand screed. At conservative estimation, I have 30% affected tiles which is either uneven, misaligned, scratched and sharp edges. (figure based on affected portion / total square area)

5) If any ID/contractor forumer can comment that flooring are subjective and quality differs, then wonder if any1 will accept water backflow from kitchen to living room. I realised it when I washed the flooring as the so called 'acid washing aka unit cleaning' was not done in my presence. I did a water test b4 and told him during initial stages. He say no prob. Water time to flow. I flooded my living room to see it flow the other direction.

I only stated what I thgt was major. If really need to highlight all defects, no end liao. I wasnt even prepared to go further till kana provoked by the ID aka contractor.


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Thank you very much. It was that simple.

Np, bro.. :good: We see from different POV, thats all. At worst, its just misinterpretation at its best.

Np, bro... Am glad no offence taken. Apologies if my comments were kinda harsh earlier on. I didn't mean it.

All the best for your reno blues. Sorry to hear about that. Hope you get things sorted out if it haven't been done so.



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Hi all

I have post reno blues too.2 months already I am still waiting for my ID to fix the outstanding defects. I have gave up calling him as he always said will follow up but no actions. I am more upset when i get to know thru renotalk that he is very active handling other new projects. I pray hard for them and also not dare to tell my hubby as I am the one recommending the reno ID. I really regret to give him 95% when move in n should hold more.

My maindefects

1) Painting not completed for main door

2) Cracks on wall after plastering. Cracks still recurred after several painting touch up (He claimed this is expected and normal due my flat is alrd 25 yrs old) is this true? Any recommended solution?

3) Water slip in thru living window. My wall is white so can see the yellowish wet patch after raining day. his guys came several times but problem still not solve.

4) Kitchen floor tile crack after movein. He said i damage it but the tile is at the edge of my cabinet..how to damage... Is he responsible to fix it at no cost?

Appreciate if someone can advise me the next move. I really sad to see new cracks on walls almost every week. So desperate tt i may wan to engage other contractor to fix at any cost.

Pls help to advise me. Thks


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3) Water slip in thru living window. My wall is white so can see the yellowish wet patch after raining day. his guys came several times but problem still not solve.

I have this problem currently and I call up Town Council because it is exterior. HDB only handle interior. I call up Town Council, told them about my wall paint suddenly like popped. I believed should be some same problem, so they will come and apply 3 layer of paint (waterproof, weatherbond) outside your living hall to prevent watering slipping through... and also sealant the Windows frame. This one, you can call 100 times your contractor to do, but the problem will still surface.. call Town Council.. not HDB.. HDB will refer you to Town Council because Exterior mah.. not interior


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Hi all

I have post reno blues too.2 months already I am still waiting for my ID to fix the outstanding defects. I have gave up calling him as he always said will follow up but no actions. I am more upset when i get to know thru renotalk that he is very active handling other new projects. I pray hard for them and also not dare to tell my hubby as I am the one recommending the reno ID. I really regret to give him 95% when move in n should hold more.

My maindefects

1) Painting not completed for main door

2) Cracks on wall after plastering. Cracks still recurred after several painting touch up (He claimed this is expected and normal due my flat is alrd 25 yrs old) is this true? Any recommended solution?

3) Water slip in thru living window. My wall is white so can see the yellowish wet patch after raining day. his guys came several times but problem still not solve.

4) Kitchen floor tile crack after movein. He said i damage it but the tile is at the edge of my cabinet..how to damage... Is he responsible to fix it at no cost?

Appreciate if someone can advise me the next move. I really sad to see new cracks on walls almost every week. So desperate tt i may wan to engage other contractor to fix at any cost.

Pls help to advise me. Thks

Suggest you take pictures showing the defects. Comparision of before and after is best with close-up shot. Then send to Small Claim Tribunal. CASE and RADAC cant do much though. They have no powers unlike SCT which is by appointment of court.

Anyway, I suggest you :

1) DIY. Get some paint/ Lacquer and DIY.

2) Cracks are common. Even new units have. Unless otherwise proven that it is due to poor workmanship, else cant see why it a 20yo flat have no cracks and a new wall does. I constructed a new wall. It have cracks too. Its proby due to work method and materials in my opinion. Unless they redo and add fibre mesh in-betw, I dun see how more ppl can avoid this prob.

3) Water seepage is best left to TC. Ask HDB oso will be directed to TC. It is best to deal seepage from outside. Usual practice anyway for HDB to TC. Agree with Kewin.

4) I have a CERTIFICATE OF WARRANTY FOR WORKMANSHIP from my ID. It is nothing more than a pc of paper when they dun even pick up ur calls or follow-up as initial agreement. All verbal. NATO.

Hope it helps.

Edited by Jester28

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Suggest you take pictures showing the defects. Comparision of before and after is best with close-up shot. Then send to Small Claim Tribunal. CASE and RADAC cant do much though. They have no powers unlike SCT which is by appointment of court.

Anyway, I suggest you :

1) DIY. Get some paint/ Lacquer and DIY.

2) Cracks are common. Even new units have. Unless otherwise proven that it is due to poor workmanship, else cant see why it a 20yo flat have no cracks and a new wall does. I constructed a new wall. It have cracks too. Its proby due to work method and materials in my opinion. Unless they redo and add fibre mesh in-betw, I dun see how more ppl can avoid this prob.

3) Water seepage is best left to TC. Ask HDB oso will be directed to TC. It is best to deal seepage from outside. Usual practice anyway for HDB to TC. Agree with Kewin.

4) I have a CERTIFICATE OF WARRANTY FOR WORKMANSHIP from my ID. It is nothing more than a pc of paper when they dun even pick up ur calls or follow-up as initial agreement. All verbal. NATO.

Hope it helps.

Thanks Kewin & Jester for your wonderous advise.

1) I really want to DIY but he used a special grey paint. Asked him where to get it and till now no response.

2) I know cracks are common especially new walls. I have a total of 15 long visible cracks in my house so obvious that my frens can see the cracks once they step in my flat.

3) I have called TC and they will take a look on Mon. Kewin, will TC push the problem back to my contractor as my reno was done 2 mths ago and the seepage is thru window?

4) Anyone know the alternative way to handle the cracked tile asap as i hve kids?

Wish both of u a happy wonderful new year


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