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Cyprusblade's Corner

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Finally after much procrastination, we found a place in Toa Payoh and got our keys in August 2007.

Being quite naive since this was our first home, we believed that contractors would be cheaper and didn't look at any IDs at all. We looked at 3 contractors in total. We finally settled on a contractor (again after much procrastination) in December 2007. :unsure:

When I started looking around at renotalk, I realised IDs might not be that expensive but too late...

Edited by cyprusblade

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Finally after much procrastination, we found a place in Toa Payoh and got our keys in August 2007.

Being quite naive since this was our first home, we believed that contractors would be cheaper and didn't look at any IDs at all. We looked at 3 contractors in total. We finally settled on a contractor (again after much procrastination) in December 2007. :lol:

When I started looking around at renotalk, I realised IDs might not be that expensive but too late...

Welcome to Renotalk! :unsure:

Oh wow... 3 mths! But hor, i think i'm almost into 3 mths too. Haha! Can't be helped... work is hectic enough. Gambatte!

Care to share who had you signed up with? :deal:

Where's Apple? :dunno::dunno:


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Thanks. The procrastination was mainly because I was sick and we were almost so sure we were going to sign up with the 1st contractor until we saw his quote *faint*

Yes, I'm actually scanning all the quotes so everyone can take a look for reference.

In the end we signed up with Design 25 but the contractor (like all contractors) can be a bit problematic at times.

Eh, sorry but who's apple?

Contractor A's Quote:





Felt it was very expensive. Even after we told him we didn't need 60 lighting point (we stay in HDB, it's ridiculous), to change a few other things like reduce telephone points, SCV points etc. When the quote came back to us he only deducted 3K off and the things we told him to remove was still in the quote.

We concluded at such an early stage he couldn't understand instructions, how can we trust him with our home.


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Thanks. The procrastination was mainly because I was sick and we were almost so sure we were going to sign up with the 1st contractor until we saw his quote *faint*

Yes, I'm actually scanning all the quotes so everyone can take a look for reference.

In the end we signed up with Design 25 but the contractor (like all contractors) can be a bit problematic at times.

Eh, sorry but who's apple?

Contractor A's Quote:





Felt it was very expensive. Even after we told him we didn't need 60 lighting point (we stay in HDB, it's ridiculous), to change a few other things like reduce telephone points, SCV points etc. When the quote came back to us he only deducted 3K off and the things we told him to remove was still in the quote.

We concluded at such an early stage he couldn't understand instructions, how can we trust him with our home.

did i see wrong? its 97k????

this contractor is really a CON man........

i saw the kitchen cabinet quote....... its really stupid to hire this guy.... obviously he out to slit throats..


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hi my friend..

ended up u didnt sign up with this contractor right? i remembered u telling me that ur quote reduced already?

anyway, whatever decision u made, i will give u moral support de.. good luck

btw..the quote : $2800 for painting is v high..market rate for 4room $1.2k....5room $1.5k

i can pass u other companies quote for u to show ur contractor,maybe u can negotiate it with him? feel free to call me if u need any help



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Thanks. The procrastination was mainly because I was sick and we were almost so sure we were going to sign up with the 1st contractor until we saw his quote *faint*

Yes, I'm actually scanning all the quotes so everyone can take a look for reference.

In the end we signed up with Design 25 but the contractor (like all contractors) can be a bit problematic at times.

Eh, sorry but who's apple?

Contractor A's Quote:





Felt it was very expensive. Even after we told him we didn't need 60 lighting point (we stay in HDB, it's ridiculous), to change a few other things like reduce telephone points, SCV points etc. When the quote came back to us he only deducted 3K off and the things we told him to remove was still in the quote.

We concluded at such an early stage he couldn't understand instructions, how can we trust him with our home.

Hey cyprusblade,

i agree with jusnel. Yang Guo's advice on e pricing esp 'painting' r rite.

The quotation is way too high, considering its from a Contractor, not Interior Design Company.

If u havnt sign e contract, i wld say, DON'T SIGN IT.

If u had signed e contract, i wld say, Please Counter-check With e Contractor e Quotation Again, On Each Individual Items.

- wats e price of tiles?

eg. $3.50 x per sq feet.

- wats e price of carpentry?

eg. $120 x per foot run (kit cabinet in laminate finish), $240 x per foot run (wardrode in laminate finish).

- sliding or casement door wardode? With frosted glass? Aluminium frame?

- if in veneer finish instead of laminates, it wil b +$20 x per foot run externally, +$30 x per foot run internally.

- e types of materials he proposed 2 use?

- e piping pricing is TOO HIGH.

- e electrical pricing is TOO HIGH.

- e painting, plaster, waterproofing pricing is TOO HIGH.

- most of e items, personally i find ITS VERY HIGH IN PRICING.

- e quotation quite detail but its detail til it wil makes 1 blur. Even its really e blur, u stil need 2 go thru every single item, s large amount of $$$ is involved. (if u got tons of $$$ 2 spend, i rather u donate 2 charity).

If u were 2 show dis quotation 2 an Honest Contractor, i guarantee he will :wub::notti:

Aniway, jus my 2 cents worth of views + GST - discount.

The choice is up 2 u.


Edited by jaCKY777

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hehe after scanning thru cyprusblade blog..that quotation is from "contractor A"

so there are more quotes to come right?

if u r rite, then i might had wrote & worried too much liao. :wub:



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apple reporting in :D

i was :(:) :) when i saw the contractor A's quote

how does he come up with such a quote???

it's really :D :D, he thought TS made of money is it???


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Thanks. The procrastination was mainly because I was sick and we were almost so sure we were going to sign up with the 1st contractor until we saw his quote *faint*

Yes, I'm actually scanning all the quotes so everyone can take a look for reference.

In the end we signed up with Design 25 but the contractor (like all contractors) can be a bit problematic at times.

Eh, sorry but who's apple?

Contractor A's Quote:

Felt it was very expensive. Even after we told him we didn't need 60 lighting point (we stay in HDB, it's ridiculous), to change a few other things like reduce telephone points, SCV points etc. When the quote came back to us he only deducted 3K off and the things we told him to remove was still in the quote.

We concluded at such an early stage he couldn't understand instructions, how can we trust him with our home.

She reported in liaoz. :P

No, it's not felt. It REALLY IS expensive!:dancingqueen: My goodness!! I think you can do 3 x 5 rm units liao! :notti: Whd sugg you try out other recommended contractors being discussed in this forum. :rofl:


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The prices is ridiculous!! The electrical quote is 6800, which is crazy!! i had my place hack totally and rewire with lots of point for about 4K which i thot was very expensive!

The tiles laying is also crazy, it comes to about 15K gosh...

Do u mind PM-ing who is this crazy contractor that quoted u?


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