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Your ID outstanding issues seems pretty serious ... 0.0

ya lor i oso duno how :(

btw, any kind soul here has electrical drill to lend to me? has been without a clock for 4 wks already. finally last sun managed to find a clock i've been lookin for at molecule :wub: but dun have drill to drill a nail onto the wall to hang it up :(

thought id wil b comin this wk or doing some rectification. then can get him to help me fix my things. but who knows, he's gone missing :~


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finally pics of my kitchen cabinets which has been changed. recall tat the colours was wrong initally. top cabinets shld b of a lighter shade and bottom darker, but the opposite was done. now it has been rectified. but i'm stil waitin and hopin tat my dish rack wil b done :bow:

my "95%" completed kitchen :(


view from kitchen entrance


close up of top cabinets


close up of bottom cabinets


Edited by shutiao06

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this is where our dish rack is supposed to be installed. original idea by id was to make use of this recess area to do a dish rack, so tat we can utilise the space n not to box up the recess area. dish rack supposed to b pull out kind, for easy access. but now can only "see" it on paper :( wonder when it can b materialised :unsure:


with the sliding door closed



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nice house there :dribble:

i like your kitchen.the rustic feel :wub:

btw how much did u spent on your reno?

Edited by Yang Guo

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hi all,

As u all have read in my previous postings, my id has gone "MIA" and wasnt able to get him for 2 wks. since then, i've given up tryin to contact him. have to live wif the incompleted place :(

anyway, we've got a prob now. cos previously when he brought us to buy hod and hob, he told us to get a storage heater too. however, when the plumber came to install it, he told us the storage heater cant b installed cos our bathroom walls cant take the weight. end up we have to go out to buy 2 instant heaters. then id told us he'll bring the heater back to the shop and then get a refund for it which subsequently he'll give it to us. however, end up this was never done. the heater has been sittin in our house for 2 mths already. i've nearly forgotten abt it cos kept it in the bomb shelter. now would like to sell it away..so anyone who is lookin for one can let me know. it's ariston dove climber 25L. thanks :)

tink i'll try to post it in the suitable section of RT too.


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nice house there :dribble:

i like your kitchen.the rustic feel :wub:

btw how much did u spent on your reno?

thanks Yang Guo :)

i like the kitchen too... hee. would have been perfect though if the dish rack have been done :(

anyway, we spent abt 15k excludin grilles. got someone else to do grilles & curtains :)


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nope, it's nippon velvet dream :sport-smiley-004:

yap, it's been painted over already after the 2nd round of rectification on the paint job :)

I painted velvet dream for my living / dining room.... actually not everything in velvet dream... I love this colour too... very nice!!!

Anyway.. I painted my living / dining room in 4 colours.... My bedroom with my wife will be in purple tones too.... Think I will start my T-Blog soon too...


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And more importantly, can see that she is a very serious cook, judging from all the items in her kitchen... ^_^

haha henry, u r wrong then :P i know nuts abt cookin haha. but now gota learn slowly i guess. kinda sick to always eat outside food :bangwall:

those items r juz for display to make my kitchen look more complete haha :notti:

I painted velvet dream for my living / dining room.... actually not everything in velvet dream... I love this colour too... very nice!!!

Anyway.. I painted my living / dining room in 4 colours.... My bedroom with my wife will be in purple tones too.... Think I will start my T-Blog soon too...

yap, it's a nice colour hee. wow ur living/dinin room alone wil have 4 colours? i believe ur place wil b very vibrant and colourful.. nice! :sport-smiley-004: lookin fwd to ur t-blog.

but before tat, u can join us in the JW St 64 thread too :yamseng:


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I installed a 30L storage tank!

Hubby was complaing that it was too big! Cos the door will knock onto the "protruding" of the tank..

We went Daiso to get $2 soft rubber meant for chairs legs to prevent scratches onto flooring and pasted onto the tank...

I think some forumers install 25L or even 30L tank....I guess the plumber which the ID engage more brave!


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I installed a 30L storage tank!

Hubby was complaing that it was too big! Cos the door will knock onto the "protruding" of the tank..

We went Daiso to get $2 soft rubber meant for chairs legs to prevent scratches onto flooring and pasted onto the tank...

I think some forumers install 25L or even 30L tank....I guess the plumber which the ID engage more brave!

OMG! then we reali kena cheated :furious: stupid plumber whom the ID engaged told us wat crap tat this kinda wall cant install the storage heater la, wat not stable, later the whole thing might drop in future blah blah blah. so we had no choice but to hurry go buy 2 instant heaters back for him to install. tat's y til now the storage heater stil sittin in our storeroom wif my money down the drain! :furious::furious:

if i cant sell it away then reali gota waste our money..and duno wat to do wif it..throw it away? arrgh :bangwall:


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OMG! then we reali kena cheated :furious: stupid plumber whom the ID engaged told us wat crap tat this kinda wall cant install the storage heater la, wat not stable, later the whole thing might drop in future blah blah blah. so we had no choice but to hurry go buy 2 instant heaters back for him to install. tat's y til now the storage heater stil sittin in our storeroom wif my money down the drain! :furious::furious:

if i cant sell it away then reali gota waste our money..and duno wat to do wif it..throw it away? arrgh :bangwall:

Er...dun mean to add to your pain but i had 30L storage heater installed to my place too. :(

But on the bright side, it's quite ma fan to have to on the storage heater for 10 to 15mins before u have hot water running, instant heaters have no such problem.

If u sell it cheap on the forum here, maybe there will be buyers, after all, it's brand new mah... :unsure:


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oh ya...

I read abt water and electricity article done by NEA..

It was quoted that instant heaters consumed less electricity than storage tanks!

Oh my.....

Hubby wanted instant heaters initially but scared all the drillings on the walls so bot the tank instead...


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Hi shutiao06, I like your sofa, looks very classic and simple. Can you let me know where you bought it from and how much is it? Thanks!

BTW, I think you can sell the Ariston heater easily.. most pple nowadays prefer hot water w/ mixer taps and prefer getting the storage heater instead of instant heater. But I think your ID & his plumber really lying to you when they say they cannot install it.

I also installed a 25L storage heater in my common toilet, no issues.


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