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Hd Or Hd Ready?

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guess it's really a personal choice

i believe in paying for something your eyes can discern, not follow the specs

to my eyes, the PQ for the pioneer plasma is better than the samsung one, HD or not

so forking out for it is reasonable for me

also, i don't really like korean products :) (prejudice on my part)

that's why i always say, go to all the stores and watch all the tvs there

you'll find out what your eyes like best :dancingqueen:


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guess it's really a personal choice

i believe in paying for something your eyes can discern, not follow the specs

to my eyes, the PQ for the pioneer plasma is better than the samsung one, HD or not

so forking out for it is reasonable for me

also, i don't really like korean products :notti: (prejudice on my part)

that's why i always say, go to all the stores and watch all the tvs there

you'll find out what your eyes like best :dancingqueen:

Agree agree, me also Pioneer :dancingqueen::furious:


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Agree agree, me also Pioneer :dancingqueen::dancingqueen:

if some1 could post some pics of the PQ of the Kuros, it'll be gr8~! (esp from free-to-air prog) :dancingqueen:

coz when i see from stores, the PQ no reali fantastic leh... & e saleperson will say it's because the signal was spread over many tvs... duno hw true is it... :sport-smiley-004:


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eh, unless we have a HD camera, upload it to a HD-compatible website and you have a HD monitor

otherwise can't really tell the difference wor :furious:

like what everyone says, go into the shops and watch all the tvs

buy the one that you feel has the best PQ

me cannot watch LCD, watch 30min eyes start to water liao :bangwall:

as for the kuro, i bought it at the roadshow after watching many many many hours of tv in BD, HN and courts :dunno:

Edited by applefreak

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It's very difficult to compare at shops unless the settings are almost similar.

I was once shown by the Sale person of how good one brands looks compares to another brand but later when checking the settings, it was very bias.

Also shops usually have a very bad light envirnoments and do no justice for Plasma screens. They usually set the contrast too high to attract customers. Also shops sometime may not have a good signal so do no justice for local air channels.

So my suggestion just buy what you need (Plasma or LCD). No point buying Full HD (if you are sitting quite far back, the tv size is quite small or not watching HD materials liek Blu-rays or HD-DVD) and other new technology if you are not making full use of it.

If can affort Full HD or Kuro then go for it and start enjoying the tv. Else HD Ready is usually good enough and also start enjoying it. Cos there will be better model just around the corner. it's a never ending and no point waiting for the ideal tv for you.

I waited 2yrs to get a HD Ready TV :notti: just to compared diff models and waiting for new technology.


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kuro also have hd ready or full hd leh

i can only afford the smallest hd ready :curse:

guess you got to go to many many different branches of different stores to get a good feel of the PQ

think now i'm a familiar face at all the tv sections of all the stores liao :notti: :notti:


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At least you got the Kuro..best black color (BMW)...me only got the best selling TV (Toyota) :curse:

Yup me too...most store recognised my face. I think one store even black list me (i.e not serving me) :curse: cos i ask too many good questions :notti: everytime.

Yes, agree with you to visit many different store for comparison and listen to many diff sale person talk...by then you will be confuse :notti:

kuro also have hd ready or full hd leh

i can only afford the smallest hd ready :fire:

guess you got to go to many many different branches of different stores to get a good feel of the PQ

think now i'm a familiar face at all the tv sections of all the stores liao :notti::fire:


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kekeke think they'll remember me coz i just refused to talk to them

i just stand there and stare at the tvs for 30min then i leave

they must be thinking - 'this one is one siao za bo' :bow: !!


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kekeke think they'll remember me coz i just refused to talk to them

i just stand there and stare at the tvs for 30min then i leave

they must be thinking - 'this one is one siao za bo' !! :dunno:

haha.. tink they dun dare to talk to u lar... coz they scare u gt more knowledge than them mah.. last wk went to HN JP... i ask if the lcd support 24 fps.. guess what? he looked blurred sia... :bow: ayo~


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Hi all... I came across the samsung roadshow at marina square which seems to offer quite a gd deal, but am not sure if i shld get it nw since i only need the TV in mid march...

The models i m looking at are

1)LA40N81BX at $2789

Contrast ratio of 10000:1

2)LA40M81BX at $3169

Contrast ratio of 15000:1

3)LA40M81BDX (not sure of the exact price)

Contrast ratio of 15000:1 and comes with iDTV

All 3 model come with a free 26' LCD, 5yrs warranty(3 frm agent n 2 frm gaincity), n $160 voucher if i m not wrong... The warranty period is usually 3 yrs only, so the 5 yrs warranty given nw reali tempts me...

The dilema nw is shld i get it during the roadshow nw? N if i were to get it nw, which model shld i go for?

Hope someone can share their experience n knowledge with me :dribble:


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Hi all... I came across the samsung roadshow at marina square which seems to offer quite a gd deal, but am not sure if i shld get it nw since i only need the TV in mid march...

The models i m looking at are

1)LA40N81BX at $2789

Contrast ratio of 10000:1

2)LA40M81BX at $3169

Contrast ratio of 15000:1

3)LA40M81BDX (not sure of the exact price)

Contrast ratio of 15000:1 and comes with iDTV

All 3 model come with a free 26' LCD, 5yrs warranty(3 frm agent n 2 frm gaincity), n $160 voucher if i m not wrong... The warranty period is usually 3 yrs only, so the 5 yrs warranty given nw reali tempts me...

The dilema nw is shld i get it during the roadshow nw? N if i were to get it nw, which model shld i go for?

Hope someone can share their experience n knowledge with me :notti:

i tink end of e dae, u gota let ur eyes b ur judge, dun depend too much on the spec... (of coz within ur budget la...) get e saleperson to input watever available source they hv; ie; HD5... FTA... HD DVD... etc... buy wat ur eyes feel good coz it'll be thr for @ least 7yrs... :dribble:


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