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Anybody In Yung Sheng Rd? (july 07 Ballot)

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Hi Nex, I know of lots of pple who move bcos of their children going to Pri sch. They want their child to go to a specific sch, so move to the 1km radius to b in the advantage. 1 gd example would be Henry Park Primary in Ghim Moh: The 6 blocks of upgraded 3 rooms flat near it, they r priced at least 15 to 25 % higher than those in the same Ghim Moh area. Another is Toh Yi where Pei Hwa is located, theres no MRT near it, yet prices of flats there is incredible. For a 4 room unit, cash over valuation is around 60k to 80k.

U r rite to think about these things, lots of youngsters don't, well, i didn't when i was your age... :P

hmmm.... toking abt pri sch... i plan to let my kids go to Rulang Pri... cos its my mother sch!! haha.... :P thou i havent have any kids yet... :bleah: heard from my cousin whom have 2 kids and she dont stay here, but her kids r able to get in there.. reason is bcos she was last time from tat pri sch oso... so her kids got the priority to get in lor... haha... very heng... if not BP where got any nice pri sch?? :dunno:

my parents live a street across tis pri sch oso, so can help mi take care of my kids when i have any in the future... heehee :notti::notti: so i dont foresee any issues on tat... except for sec sch lor.... anyway my wifey from Yuhua sec... haha... so mayb can get in there when they need to go sec sch?? and have a higher chance of getting in?? :dunno::dunno::dunno: haha....

haha... my wifey still say i think too much lor... haha.... cos she always say she dont think so far one... hai.... tats one thing very bad... :unsure: cos some times she oso a bit blur blur one... haha... :P tats y she leave most of the planning and expenditure wif mi... then she can relax.... sit down shake legs... :furious:


Does anyone have any good ID to recommend? Think will prob need to do up a bit of the house before moving in.

:D hi there...

i wouldn't say my ID is the best. cos reno thingys sometimes got to discuss and compromise a bit when things goes wrong... and more often than not, some things, either big or small do goes wrong... so got to try and understand it lor... :good:

u can check out my t-blog below : a place i always dream of. (click on it) and if u like it then pm mi for his contact no. lor... :sport-smiley-003:


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lolz same here. I will do the plan for the quoting, costing, budgeting etc. She do the approvaling. :drunk:

small things she decide, big things i decide (based on her recommendation). But so far none of the things seem to be big enough for mi to decide. :bow:


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lolz same here. I will do the plan for the quoting, costing, budgeting etc. She do the approvaling. :drunk:

small things she decide, big things i decide (based on her recommendation). But so far none of the things seem to be big enough for mi to decide. :bow:

haha.... then wat is considered a big thing?? buying a house is it big enuff?? haha... :dancingqueen: or like wat?? :dunno:

everything seems big to mi cos all involves a common thing... $$$MONEY$$$ hahaha... :bangwall:


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Hahaha, u guys :rofl:

Tis is somewat a test to your relationship. i've know couples who broke up during reno.... :argue: until cannot resolve then each go their own way.

ahockz, your mrs is a smart girl, cos she do small things like making decisions and u do the big things like paying for them... i like her already :good: .

Nex, according to my mummy network, Rulang is now the most sort after school in our area, Princess Elizabeth Primary is another, cos these 2 schools' standard now very high. btw, sec school is based on your PSLE results, unless your pri school has affliated sec school like ACS, MGS....

My hb jus made a comment few days ago, he said sometimes he feel dat all i want him to do is to pay and jus shut up.... :bleah::notti: . Well, hes the type dat take a while to make any decision, after which he'll asked me opinions and then change his mind another few times type.... so sometimes I feel its jus easier to make the decisions and then asked him about it. He did hv his say in things like TV, home theatre system, PCs, toilets, furnitures, etc, which I had given in, in exchange for my absolute say in kitchen and kitchen appliances.....

No offence to pple living in JW 9++ or 6++, but that area is very badly designed wif no ventilation or closeness to neigbors (who can watch your tv from their house) in mind. If u been there, u would know dat its airplane paradise.... wif Tuas Naval and Airbase nearby, all of which is definately a :no::no: for us.


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lolz. Ai yo, don wan her to do too much. I just gather all info, then see waht she like, don like, then decide, but mostly will take her decision mah. if she choose it, then next time regret will not quarrel mah :disturb: . If the decision is way of what i intend, just mind-posion her lor. :sport-smiley-004:

$$$ wise i didnt pay for everything. i'm a poor soul too. We try to split the cost . . . But now for start we create a combine acct and use from there lor. :deal::deal:

9++(new) ok lah. then quite nice bah. near MRT lor. :unsure:

6++(new) the design not favour by a lot ppl due to the slant living room. But those live there they manage to reno such a way that it will not be so slant. @ first my gf prefer there due to high floor, lucky i manage persude her. :yamseng:


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Hahaha, u guys :rofl:

Tis is somewat a test to your relationship. i've know couples who broke up during reno.... :argue: until cannot resolve then each go their own way.

ahockz, your mrs is a smart girl, cos she do small things like making decisions and u do the big things like paying for them... i like her already :good: .

Nex, according to my mummy network, Rulang is now the most sort after school in our area, Princess Elizabeth Primary is another, cos these 2 schools' standard now very high. btw, sec school is based on your PSLE results, unless your pri school has affliated sec school like ACS, MGS....

My hb jus made a comment few days ago, he said sometimes he feel dat all i want him to do is to pay and jus shut up.... :bleah::notti: . Well, hes the type dat take a while to make any decision, after which he'll asked me opinions and then change his mind another few times type.... so sometimes I feel its jus easier to make the decisions and then asked him about it. He did hv his say in things like TV, home theatre system, PCs, toilets, furnitures, etc, which I had given in, in exchange for my absolute say in kitchen and kitchen appliances.....

No offence to pple living in JW 9++ or 6++, but that area is very badly designed wif no ventilation or closeness to neigbors (who can watch your tv from their house) in mind. If u been there, u would know dat its airplane paradise.... wif Tuas Naval and Airbase nearby, all of which is definately a :no::no: for us.

hmmm.... ya, tats wat i heard from my sis and cousins, regarding the pri sch thingy... as for sch sch wise... hope my kids can get in next time lor... haha... cos my sec sch is Nan Hua High (fka Nan Hua sec)... onli offer Express and Special nw... and heard tat entry requirement quite high... hai... :dunno:

as for the 9++ one, i had a few of my friends who lives there... and their ID were able to design in such a way tat the odd angles can be utilised as well... :good: so i think it still boils down to whoever is designing the hse bah?? :notti::notti::notti: thou the floor area is 110 to 114 for the 5-rm... but somehow it sont seems like tat big... and after some thinking, i come to the conclusion tat its bcos their pipings and elect trunkings r concealed, so tat takes up quite some area of the house le... good and bad for it lor... :bleah:

oh yah, toking abt the airbase, even mi living at my parents' place nw, at JW 5++ ones, especially when nearing NDP, the airplanes like no need money like tat one... haha... very noisy... :help: for 6++ mayb not as bad bah, cos its considered the furthest away from tat airbase, compared to the 9++ ones... :dunno:

lolz. Ai yo, don wan her to do too much. I just gather all info, then see waht she like, don like, then decide, but mostly will take her decision mah. if she choose it, then next time regret will not quarrel mah :disturb: . If the decision is way of what i intend, just mind-posion her lor. :sport-smiley-004:

$$$ wise i didnt pay for everything. i'm a poor soul too. We try to split the cost . . . But now for start we create a combine acct and use from there lor. :deal::deal:

9++(new) ok lah. then quite nice bah. near MRT lor. :unsure:

6++(new) the design not favour by a lot ppl due to the slant living room. But those live there they manage to reno such a way that it will not be so slant. @ first my gf prefer there due to high floor, lucky i manage persude her. :yamseng:

hmmm.... most of the time is i tell my wife my decision, then she filter and audit it one... haha... :bleah: as for our reno... the onli thing tat i bought by installment is my sofa and coffee table set, cos its interest-free and no up-front admin charges... tats y i pay by installment... heehee... :sport-smiley-004: cos nw no spare cash in hand... got to wait until EOY BONUS!!! :bow::bow::bow: hopefully its fat enuff for mi to buy some other things bah!! haha... :dribble:

at first i oso told my wife tat i wanted to take 9++ one... cos a few of my friends live there... but in the end, thinking of her convenient sake of going back my PIL hse, so end up taking YS estate... but oso quite heng la, cos of the up coming Jurong Development, the 2nd Biz District... :notti: heehee... so the value of our hse will definately get affected in a good north price... heehee :dancingqueen:


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like to ask all who have done their reno, or have decided on their reno.

Noticed our MBR entrance have a pretty long corridor.. Anyone managed to install a wardrobe at the side of the MBR entrance? Some of the ID i consulted said its too narrow to fit a standard wardrobe



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like to ask all who have done their reno, or have decided on their reno.

Noticed our MBR entrance have a pretty long corridor.. Anyone managed to install a wardrobe at the side of the MBR entrance? Some of the ID i consulted said its too narrow to fit a standard wardrobe


hmmm... i rem i came across abt this wardrobe along the corridor... the depth will b shallower so hanging of clothes is quite limited and will eat into ur doorway, so u might have to change to a smaller door to compensate it... u can do a rough calculation; the depth of the wardrobe is abt 2feet, so u c for urself how much it will eat into ur doorway bah! :notti: oh yah, rem to put 1 to 1.5 inch allowance, cos its always not so zun zun one... haha 8|

. u can request ur carpenter to place the rod for hanging clothes one facing "towards ur view" juz like how some fashion shop do when displaying their clothes, and not the standard way of having the rod across the wardrobe. (u get it??) :dunno:

juz some reference fot u!! :yamseng:


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like to ask all who have done their reno, or have decided on their reno.

Noticed our MBR entrance have a pretty long corridor.. Anyone managed to install a wardrobe at the side of the MBR entrance? Some of the ID i consulted said its too narrow to fit a standard wardrobe


actually quite a number of us choose the option of hacking away the wall and building a wardrobe in that place ...

It turns out to be nice and good in terms of our MBR look more spacious ..

but the bedroom 3 space become slightly smaller ...

its worth considering :)


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actually quite a number of us choose the option of hacking away the wall and building a wardrobe in that place ...

It turns out to be nice and good in terms of our MBR look more spacious ..

but the bedroom 3 space become slightly smaller ...

its worth considering :)

hey felix,

initially i wanted to do tat too... heehee... but wife say BR3 too small if do tat... next time got kids, then a bit cramp... :bangwall:

check wif u, so ur wardrobe back is the "false wall" for ur BR3?? cos if construct the wall behind the wardrobe will deginately make it look smaller one.... :dunno:


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actually quite a number of us choose the option of hacking away the wall and building a wardrobe in that place ...

It turns out to be nice and good in terms of our MBR look more spacious ..

but the bedroom 3 space become slightly smaller ...

its worth considering :)

thanks.. will consider that


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Thank Nex, MLR,

hee hee manage to visit both flats, both look so differen. give us a lot of ideas of what can be done. :good:

the place in mbr we might be doing bookshelf there instead, cause both of us read a lot of comic since that side is too small to build a warerobe and don wan to waste the space there, i might as well do a build-in book shelf. :paint::paint:

But guess all the design part better wait until i got the key and take a look first . . :drunk:


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Thank Nex, MLR,

hee hee manage to visit both flats, both look so differen. give us a lot of ideas of what can be done. :good:

the place in mbr we might be doing bookshelf there instead, cause both of us read a lot of comic since that side is too small to build a warerobe and don wan to waste the space there, i might as well do a build-in book shelf. :paint::paint:

But guess all the design part better wait until i got the key and take a look first . . :drunk:

Hi hock, u r welcome.

Hahaha, from your description of Nex's place, its very nicely done up whereas mine looks like nothing has been done to it. Hopefully when all furnitures are in, it will look better, less naked. :sport-smiley-004:

As for the coridoor in the MBR, we tot of making it into another storage area, cos the store area is jus too small for all our junk collection over the years.

Edited by MLR

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hey felix,

initially i wanted to do tat too... heehee... but wife say BR3 too small if do tat... next time got kids, then a bit cramp... :bangwall:

check wif u, so ur wardrobe back is the "false wall" for ur BR3?? cos if construct the wall behind the wardrobe will deginately make it look smaller one.... :dunno:

yup ... false wall for Bedroom3 ...

anyway i only planned to make Bedroom 3 my study room or so called relax room bah

Hi hock, u r welcome.

Hahaha, from your description of Nex's place, its very nicely done up whereas mine looks like nothing has been done to it. Hopefully when all furnitures are in, it will look better, less naked. :sport-smiley-004:

As for the coridoor in the MBR, we tot of making it into another storage area, cos the store area is jus too small for all our junk collection over the years.

I haven got the chance to see :(


hope the chance will come soon


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I haven got the chance to see :(


hope the chance will come soon

Hi Felix, sorry my time is very much restricted bcos of my boy, got to pick him up from childcare. I will be around tis afternoon and Thursday from 3 pm onwards, so if are able to make it, jus give me a call. Anyway, we are moving in tis weekend and u guys are welcome to drop by. Just give a call/sms.



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