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My Dream House

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More or less remember the directions of the area now cos I always take the bus everyday.

Im at the block opp your block at the basketball court. Kekeke. Wah you had a bad 'hair' day that day! Should familiarise yourself with the area and bus schedules. Got SBStransit webby also can look up also.

Next time take cab, if the uncle dunno, tell him its near what identifiable landmark. Before going for interview, make sure you check the street directory, and check the landmarks nearest. Print that out so that can bring with you in case. This is what we usually do when we are not sure of how to get there.

oic..jus walk pass ur blk just now... i'm getting familiar now with the area here. now at least know where to take bus to JP and oso noe where bus 185 go to... :P

will start to draw a map like u... dun tink i will get lost again. thx anyway... :D

Wabiang, LLHome... that wed of yours really power leh...

But how come didnt ask cab uncle how when he couldnt even send you to the place? No % or something? :curse:

Aiya, i pm you liaoz. Nvm, i repost here...

7 ft by 5 ft then doors became 5 ft by 5ft right? But how come the 5ft wardrobe part still have 5 ft of door leh? :dunno: Thot will eat into 1 ft each side? :dunno:

the cab driver said there are 2 sides of jln ahmad ibrahim. so he dunno where to turn. so end up touring ard but still can't find the place loh.

yup mine 7ft by 5ft. 2 ft kena eaten. so both side each 5 ft. u see the pic below ar... both sides got 5 ft and the other 2ft tat is eaten is at the corner btw the 2 sides of door. u noe wat i mean?


wah ... sayang sayang ...

btw did you manage to decide on the job offer ??

btw :curse: for joining the working housewify club 8|:P

ranval, pai sei i haben got the chance to join the club yet. report to work today n found out tat need to work alt sat leh. so i left...heheh

so now come back send resumes again... :(

erhmm.. just realise i din reply to this post ..

me not superwoman la.. many times too engossed with renotalk or playing WOW , also can be super lazy to do housework ... but once i start the ball rolling , i will be siao cha bo .. ending up yellow face wify

and too tired or lazy to go out to meet my friends for kopi .. etc

now i becoming owl or vampire ... loves to stay up at nite, esp to do housework ..

mace bro is goin to scold me for getting my PUB bill so high for electricity.

think your hubby won't be that bad lah ... he will auto help you out with housework ..

dun need to be prefectionist when it comes to houseworks la.. coz it will be very stressful esp when you start

working. e.g: my gf's mum being prefectionist to the max that recently, she got a stoke wor ... lucky, it was a mild one and she managed to recover fully.

thus i hope you can take things easy wor ~

jia you 8|:curse::P wishing you all the best to get your hubby to do the ironing thingy :curse: :curse:

but at least u stay up late to do hse work. dun tink ur hubby will mind lah.

yesterday afternoon ask hubby to help me wif hse work. its reali easier to hv him to help out. less than an hour n everything done. but still can find 1 hair on the floor after he vaccum. but at least he improve... so guess shld'nt be a prob if i come out to work. :curse:


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That's good to hear that you're getting familiar with the area :curse:

You can try www.streetdirectory.com and key in the street name.

Got a mini map of it but means u got to highlight which direction yourself if you can read the map


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Hi LLHome,

I was one of those been to your house, your house really value for money for the amount of work done by Johnny.... :P

I am in the midst of finalising my quote with Johnny. I had been to almost 15 ids for the past 4 months, really tiring but I think one has really to source and listen to different ids before they are convinced on deciding on the right one..... Different people may have different criteria for selecting the right id... I think I really need a responsible person like Johnny to take the job... that will ease my effort to supervise....

I will take the contacts for the bathroom and toilet accessories from you once I commence my reno....

I believe its alot of rackee to be done forthcoming.... :P


i tink its worth the sourcing... u will be living in the hse for years. so its better to get a reliable id and someone who can design according to ur needs n the way u wan it to be. dun worry if u are getting johnny as ur id. he is definitely a responsible id... but be prepare tat no matter how gd is the id, there will tend to be some probs during reno. just tat minor or major... so far johnny nvr give us any major prob. jus tat some things needed to be touch up after the hand over. coz we rushing for CNY so we hv already expected them. no regrets in gettin him as our id. u will be in gd hands.

just let me noe when u wan the contacts. i still hv them wif me.

when u be starting ur reno? hv u collected the keys?

That's good to hear that you're getting familiar with the area :P

You can try www.streetdirectory.com and key in the street name.

Got a mini map of it but means u got to highlight which direction yourself if you can read the map

yup i went to streetdirectory... but gotto print out the map n draw all the bus stops n where they are goin.. will do it these few days. :curse: at least now i noe where is the "east meet west". heheh

Edited by LLhome

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Hehehe :P

Find a job which you'd like, slowly no rush as long as you're comfortable with the job

yup...if not everyday go work oso sianzz...

tomo the v-hive will deliver my study table. instead of end april, they will be sending tomo nite. soon will hv our study room. will post pic once its ready. haizz... gotto pack again. :curse:


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That's fast, I also haven't unpack my stuff haha all messy messy in the other 2 rooms hidden now from prying sight


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That's fast, I also haven't unpack my stuff haha all messy messy in the other 2 rooms hidden now from prying sight

hahah... at least now i left 1 rm wif 5 boxes... hope can finish tis wk... all the best to our unpacking. :notti:


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Yup yup all the best to our unpacking! :notti::notti:

hahah... at least now i left 1 rm wif 5 boxes... hope can finish tis wk... all the best to our unpacking. :notti:

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Skywolf: I think you can do a similar L-Shape wardrobe with sliding doors just like LLhome's if you want only sliding doors. You can show the carpentry guy this and say that this can be done with no questions asked. keke You can give it a try


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yup mine 7ft by 5ft. 2 ft kena eaten. so both side each 5 ft. u see the pic below ar... both sides got 5 ft and the other 2ft tat is eaten is at the corner btw the 2 sides of door. u noe wat i mean?


hee~ LLhome, you make me regret of gettin WIW leh .. should have done sliding doors leh ..

and me dun have euff space for everything wor ...

seen cantona's and ah Kiat ( fellow JWers ) liao, i wan to :~ :~

those are huge n very nice ..

ranval, pai sei i haben got the chance to join the club yet. report to work today n found out tat need to work alt sat leh. so i left...heheh

so now come back send resumes again... :(

how come never tell you b4 hand abt the need to work during sats ??

but at least u stay up late to do hse work. dun tink ur hubby will mind lah.

now he nags at me for not sleeping early at night

yesterday afternoon ask hubby to help me wif hse work. its reali easier to hv him to help out. less than an hour n everything done. but still can find 1 hair on the floor after he vaccum. but at least he improve... so guess shld'nt be a prob if i come out to work. :)

jia you :unsure::P

i'm sure u able to train him well :D

Yup yup all the best to our unpacking! :D:notti:

same here :) :)


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Cantona7: Try telling that to my hubby and he'd will give you the crap look 'cos he'd wouldn't want to throw away his books which is more than what I have in the house now. 8|:(

Ranval: You haven't unpacked yet??? :jawdrop:


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Oh. Understood-ed liaoz.


How come got to work on alt Sat but it was not told during the interview? :rofl: So weird.

the HR told me mon to fri during interview. but he made a mistake... :(

WIW can oso be veri big... jus tat the oni diff is one w doors, the other w/o. at first thot of doin WIW. but jus tat we are afraid of ginger's fur... so we got built in instead. at least walk in no need to do the sliding when u gettin ur things.

The fastest way to unpack is to throw everything away. :P:):rofl:

i agree!8| hehheh 8|


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Cantona7: Try telling that to my hubby and he'd will give you the crap look 'cos he'd wouldn't want to throw away his books which is more than what I have in the house now. :jawdrop::dribble:

Ranval: You haven't unpacked yet??? :notti:

haha .. you should see my house now lor .. my storeroom still stacked up to the max ,

some boxes in the studyroom .. ran calls it an eye sore ..

and nags almost everyday coz everything belongin to me .. still dun understand myself , why i collect this n

that and unable to just throw away ... :notti: cantona for teasing me again ...

well, limited storage space mah .. coz down by one room le ... i always use this excuse ...

Edited by ranval9

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