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My Dream House

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ya loh tink better take up the offer hor. try n see how lor. if reali dun like then quit loh. maybe i will like the job mah. anyway reali thx for the advices... :D haiz mon start work liaoz....then maybe cannot chat so often liaoz... u noe lah i rested for 2 yrs liaoz. now gotto start workin so might not be used to it. used to slp untill 11plus everyday. now hv to wake up early liaoz. need some time to adapt. :( but will try to log in if not will get lost ar.

yup bunbun agree wif u too. better earn $ myself... if not everytime spend hubby $ veri guilty one. n apple u r rite!:notti: at least earn some experience. better than nothing...

bunbun, where u workin? ur co transport at where?

LLHome, tried to pm u but it's full... :(

pai sei didnt realise the inbox full liaoz. hv deleted all the msgs ler. u wan ask me bout the wardrobe thingy? u managed to understand wat i tryin to tell u?

Wah LLhome!! your place is so nice!

especially envious of the pool table, was a professional player myself.

it's not too hard to maintain la, just really got to make sure no water come into contact with the cushion and gotta brush all chalk dust after use.

thx thx... no water contact so far. but lazy to brush after the game leh. hv not been playin for a wk liaoz. my hubby played more than me.

so u like pool oso? or billard?

seriously???? wow!! the dentist plucked 2 wisdom tooth without a single jab?! :notti: i find that shocking and unbelievable. keke :D the wisdom tooth is a molar leh! u know how far the 'roots' goes or not? not to mentioned it is located right at the end. its not easy extraction. unless your teeth were already very decayed and shaky and it'd come off easily. mabbe u forgot got jab bah... dun think the dentist wld take this type of risk. if u pass out on his chair due to the pain, he wouldn't wanna be responsible :(

aiyoo.. dun scare her lah. I believe GA is optional to the patient.

heheh....then can start askin for compensation fr the dentist liaoz... :furious::jawdrop:


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LL neighbour: It's like the Jet lag culture so it will take time to adjust but I suspect that you'd prolly become like me. Sleep late, wake up early but running to catch the transport in time unless you drive to work that is. My workplace's somewhere near pasir panjang area :notti: So got to catch the transport at the nearest MRT stop that is. Make a guess to that hehehe :notti:


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LL neighbour: It's like the Jet lag culture so it will take time to adjust but I suspect that you'd prolly become like me. Sleep late, wake up early but running to catch the transport in time unless you drive to work that is. My workplace's somewhere near pasir panjang area :notti: So got to catch the transport at the nearest MRT stop that is. Make a guess to that hehehe :notti:

nearest mrt fr our place? boon lay?

nearest mrt to pasir panjang? dunno leh...

i wish i got the license to drive... maybe hubby driving me bah. coz the workin hrs there quite flexible. as long i can reach before 9 can liaoz. if hubby not driving me, then gotto take 2 buses to reach there. ard 50 mins travelling time.


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Yup nearest mrt from our area is Boon Lay. The nearest mrt for me to catch the co's transport is one thing you got to figure out. :notti: When we meet finally, I tell you. :notti:

Speaking of that, you need to take note of the bus time schedule that goes to the place in case. Otherwise you will find it quite ma fan to take cab everytime you either miss or be late for work.

nearest mrt fr our place? boon lay?

nearest mrt to pasir panjang? dunno leh...

i wish i got the license to drive... maybe hubby driving me bah. coz the workin hrs there quite flexible. as long i can reach before 9 can liaoz. if hubby not driving me, then gotto take 2 buses to reach there. ard 50 mins travelling time.


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bunbun, today finally took the bus. jus gone shoppin wif my cousin wife. meetin her at JE mrt. so i need to take a bus to boon lay interchange. so b4 i leave, i go through "bunbun bus directory" to see wat bus can i take. when i thought i was quite confident... who noes, when i step out fr my lift, i realised tat i dunno which direction to walk to the bus stop. so anyhow walk until i saw a bus stop infront of a sec sch. dun tink tat tis is the bus stop u had direct me. :notti:

quite far fr my place leh. but luckily got bus to interchange so no need to walk all the way back. haiz...next time reali need to walk ard the area. dun even noe which direction to go once step out fr lift. :notti:

Edited by LLhome

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Hmm you want to the bus stop near the coffeeshop behind the MSCP??

I pm you the map I did up for your reference.

bunbun, today finally took the bus. jus gone shoppin wif my cousin wife. meetin her at JE mrt. so i need to take a bus to boon lay interchange. so b4 i leave, i go through "bunbun bus directory" to see wat bus can i take. when i thought i was quite confident... who noes, when i step out fr my lift, i realised tat i dunno which direction to walk to the bus stop. so anyhow walk until i saw a bus stop infront of a sec sch. dun tink tat tis is the bus stop u had direct me. :notti:

quite far fr my place leh. but luckily got bus to interchange so no need to walk all the way back. haiz...next time reali need to walk ard the area. dun even noe which direction to go once step out fr lift. 8|


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Hmm you want to the bus stop near the coffeeshop behind the MSCP??

I pm you the map I did up for your reference.

nono...its somewhere infront of the sch n near the expressway. actually i noe where u ask me to take the bus. i seen it b4. but its just tat after i step out fr the lift, i dunno which way to go to the bus stop.

eg: i noe where sheng shiong is. but if i step out fr the lift ar, i dunno which direction to go.

its like dunno turn left or right. here look like a maze leh.


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Oh I got it ah!! U step out from the lift, you look for the block 274C which is opp your block at the basketball court, Then from Block 274C, you go to Block 274D leh... Ta da, you'd be able to find your way out.


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ai yah forgot to tell u all my adventure on wed. i need to go for an interview near my place which is 7 stops away fr boon lay mrt. actually intend to take a bus but raining so no choice gotto take a cab. so i took tis cab n the uncle cannot find the place so end up i ask him to drive me back to boon lay mrt so tat i can take a bus. in the end, end up paying $11 for the fare w/o reaching my destination. :notti:

tats not all... fr the street directory, i will hv to travel 7 stops fr interchange to my destination. who noes the next stop(which is the 2nd stop) is the one i supposed to alight. end up missed my stop. so gotto walk quite far to reach the co. 8|:notti:

then after the interview, since its raining n i need to rush to another interview which is at tuas, i called a cab. the driver suggest to turn back to go by highway instead of goin straight using another route. once he turn back n turn at the junction, we met wif traffic jam. :notti::notti::P after a few mins of jam, the road was smooth. then when we about to leave the highway, jam again. coz the trucks goin towards custom block the exit. all bcoz of tat mas selamat...its a serious jam n the meter keeps "jumping". u can imagine how fed up i am. n tat uncle keep tellin me not to worry. i still got time, wont be late for the interview. but its not the time matter leh, its the meter...u noe now the meter jumps by every 20 cents. :bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall: at last reach my destination liaoz n cab fare $15. total spent on cab $26. so i told myself not to take cab hm later. die die muz take bus. so when i finally board the bus, i feel so relieved. who noes... the bus break down half way. engine cannot start. :bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall: tat day ar reali a bad day for me.

Edited by LLhome

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bunbun, thx for ur map. i roughly noe wat u are drawing n got a better idea now. but guess i gotto draw one too w my block in the map. how did u manage to come up with the map? u go walk ard the neighbourhood then come up with the drawing ar?

Oh I got it ah!! U step out from the lift, you look for the block 274C which is opp your block at the basketball court, Then from Block 274C, you go to Block 274D leh... Ta da, you'd be able to find your way out.

ok get wat u mean... i try next time... btw u stayin blk wat? i forgot agian. i now lookin at the street directory.


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More or less remember the directions of the area now cos I always take the bus everyday.

Im at the block opp your block at the basketball court. Kekeke. Wah you had a bad 'hair' day that day! Should familiarise yourself with the area and bus schedules. Got SBStransit webby also can look up also.

Next time take cab, if the uncle dunno, tell him its near what identifiable landmark. Before going for interview, make sure you check the street directory, and check the landmarks nearest. Print that out so that can bring with you in case. This is what we usually do when we are not sure of how to get there.

Edited by BunBun

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Wabiang, LLHome... that wed of yours really power leh...

But how come didnt ask cab uncle how when he couldnt even send you to the place? No % or something? :dunno:

Aiya, i pm you liaoz. Nvm, i repost here...

7 ft by 5 ft then doors became 5 ft by 5ft right? But how come the 5ft wardrobe part still have 5 ft of door leh? :( Thot will eat into 1 ft each side? :)


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ai yah forgot to tell u all my adventure on wed. i need to go for an interview near my place which is 7 stops away fr boon lay mrt. actually intend to take a bus but raining so no choice gotto take a cab. so i took tis cab n the uncle cannot find the place so end up i ask him to drive me back to boon lay mrt so tat i can take a bus. in the end, end up paying $11 for the fare w/o reaching my destination. :)

tats not all... fr the street directory, i will hv to travel 7 stops fr interchange to my destination. who noes the next stop(which is the 2nd stop) is the one i supposed to alight. end up missed my stop. so gotto walk quite far to reach the co. :furious::curse:

then after the interview, since its raining n i need to rush to another interview which is at tuas, i called a cab. the driver suggest to turn back to go by highway instead of goin straight using another route. once he turn back n turn at the junction, we met wif traffic jam. :notti::notti::notti: after a few mins of jam, the road was smooth. then when we about to leave the highway, jam again. coz the trucks goin towards custom block the exit. all bcoz of tat mas selamat...its a serious jam n the meter keeps "jumping". u can imagine how fed up i am. n tat uncle keep tellin me not to worry. i still got time, wont be late for the interview. but its not the time matter leh, its the meter...u noe now the meter jumps by every 20 cents. 8|:P:P:) at last reach my destination liaoz n cab fare $15. total spent on cab $26. so i told myself not to take cab hm later. die die muz take bus. so when i finally board the bus, i feel so relieved. who noes... the bus break down half way. engine cannot start. :bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall: tat day ar reali a bad day for me.

wah ... sayang sayang ...

btw did you manage to decide on the job offer ??

btw :yamseng: for joining the working housewify club !! !!

Edited by ranval9

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wow u reali like superwoman leh. how i wish i can be like u.... i'm quite a lazy person so i reali cannot imagine myself gotto do hse work after i knock off. my job will defintely be a 9-6 kind of office job. i reali wish tat i can jus laze ard after work. my hubby? i dun reali trust him in doin hse work. he like veri sui bian like tat. or i'm i too perfectionist? dunno leh... n tink the hse will become a mess if i not at hm. my hubby used to be veri gd at hse work one when i first noe him. on the other hand, i dunno how to do hse work one. but since i started learning n start doin hse work, he start to stop n everything rely on me. saying tat i'm the one who spoilt him. i just hope that he can maintain the cleanliness, tats all. but if i reali tired then ask him do loh. better than nothing bah.

but i hv already told him to do the ironing if i were to work coz its all his clothes n i hate ironing too compare to all the hse work. guess the oni thing i can do is get use to doin the hse work after work, rite?

erhmm.. just realise i din reply to this post ..

me not superwoman la.. many times too engossed with renotalk or playing WOW , also can be super lazy to do housework ... but once i start the ball rolling , i will be siao cha bo .. ending up yellow face wify

and too tired or lazy to go out to meet my friends for kopi .. etc

now i becoming owl or vampire ... loves to stay up at nite, esp to do housework ..

mace bro is goin to scold me for getting my PUB bill so high for electricity.

think your hubby won't be that bad lah ... he will auto help you out with housework ..

dun need to be prefectionist when it comes to houseworks la.. coz it will be very stressful esp when you start

working. e.g: my gf's mum being prefectionist to the max that recently, she got a stoke wor ... lucky, it was a mild one and she managed to recover fully.

thus i hope you can take things easy wor ~

jia you :curse::):furious: wishing you all the best to get your hubby to do the ironing thingy :notti: :notti:


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Hi LLHome,

I was one of those been to your house, your house really value for money for the amount of work done by Johnny.... :bangwall:

I am in the midst of finalising my quote with Johnny. I had been to almost 15 ids for the past 4 months, really tiring but I think one has really to source and listen to different ids before they are convinced on deciding on the right one..... Different people may have different criteria for selecting the right id... I think I really need a responsible person like Johnny to take the job... that will ease my effort to supervise....

I will take the contacts for the bathroom and toilet accessories from you once I commence my reno....

I believe its alot of rackee to be done forthcoming.... :bangwall:



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