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My Dream House

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Hey LL neighbour, sorry for late reply. Didn't see this posting, think it was not refreshed on my browser when I posted in response to greycat's msg then.

Those teenage boys were doing something illegal, not drugs thing but more like those glue stuff if you know what I mean? Yup have to tahan a few more months till I have neighbours. You're lucky cos safer this way. You should try to be on friendly terms with your neighbours in case can look out for each other on the same floor & even chase away any intruders who dare to do anythng funny. The indian family are strange based on what you described them.

As for that indian guy, ahem..! I don't think I wanna come across this bad element also. My hubby also ask me to be careful, so I've been on the lookout everytime I leave the house or come back. Have to bring an umbrella or something handy to whack any intruder in case. Not 100% effective but at least it acts as an immediate defence blocker somewhat. Thanks for your concern also :jawdrop: Don't worry if the co is a registered one but don't let down your guard also.

:( wow so happening here ar? ya i agree here too quiet liaoz so those ppl will choose places like here to do illegal stuffs. u mean the teenage boys oso take drugs? better b careful then since u are the oni unit stayin there. but tahan another few mths n soon u will hv neighbours liaoz.

my floor here total 6 units. 4 move in, 1 still under reno. got 1 unit not taken up n its just opp my unit. so far think 3 chinese n 1 indian. my opp neighbour is fr china. a couple with 2 kids. their daughter still veri young. ard kindergarten bah but his son think ard sec sch liaoz. quite friendly n during their reno we always go into their hse see see one. last week they even ask us to go collect letter box keys. coz the letter box here are change. so still not so bad.

their daughter like to play with my dog but their son nvr bother my dog one. so my ger always bark at the son when he comes back. coz she like attention. so if anyone walk pass w/o calling her then she will start to bark. veri jiat lat one. everytime we go out oso muz either kiss her gdbye or sayang her. if not she start barking until u got to come back.

the other chinese nvr seen them since we move in. oni seen them once during our reno. indian one seen them a few times. once they even scared by my dog while waiting for the lift. but they like enjoy it coz they keep laughing after the scared. :jawdrop:

yesterday i go find out bout the lock thingy. all i find out tat is the co is a registered one. nothing more. but hubby ask me not to worry too much. should be safe. dun tink they will come break in bah coz if tat happens, then they will be the most suspicious ones. somemore a few units hv oso change the lock by them. now just gotto keep this thing out of my mind.

bunbun, touch wood hor... if u happen to see the indian guy again, wat will u do? if i were u i reali dunno how to react. take lift go down immediately or go back hm? or ask him to leave :jawdrop: ? all oso not safe leh.


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R both ur corridor lights bright enuff?

According to my neighbor who stay here for 6-7yrs ored, last time the corridor lights nt bright enuf den she keep on complaining to HDB. Finally they changed as ppl take up the units...thk it helps too. So if u find there's not enuf lights, can complain to HDB oso to change bah.....

Bunbun, better get ur hubby to wait dwnstr for u at nite bah...safer wor. LLhome at least got her GR to protect her wor, I thk attackers will thk twice when they see her girl... :bangwall:


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The lights are hmm those orangey types. But consider well lit with enough lights on my floor at least. My hubby ah, he busy preparing dinner ma by the time I come back & with a hyper dog in the house to look after. Unless he is superman to take care of everything first & wait for me then. I usually am back home later than my hubby so no time to prepare an early dinner unless hubby prefers a late dinner. keke. But thanks for your concern, greycat :furious:

R both ur corridor lights bright enuff?

According to my neighbor who stay here for 6-7yrs ored, last time the corridor lights nt bright enuf den she keep on complaining to HDB. Finally they changed as ppl take up the units...thk it helps too. So if u find there's not enuf lights, can complain to HDB oso to change bah.....

Bunbun, better get ur hubby to wait dwnstr for u at nite bah...safer wor. LLhome at least got her GR to protect her wor, I thk attackers will thk twice when they see her girl... :furious:


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Hey LL neighbour, sorry for late reply. Didn't see this posting, think it was not refreshed on my browser when I posted in response to greycat's msg then.

Those teenage boys were doing something illegal, not drugs thing but more like those glue stuff if you know what I mean? Yup have to tahan a few more months till I have neighbours. You're lucky cos safer this way. You should try to be on friendly terms with your neighbours in case can look out for each other on the same floor & even chase away any intruders who dare to do anythng funny. The indian family are strange based on what you described them.

As for that indian guy, ahem..! I don't think I wanna come across this bad element also. My hubby also ask me to be careful, so I've been on the lookout everytime I leave the house or come back. Have to bring an umbrella or something handy to whack any intruder in case. Not 100% effective but at least it acts as an immediate defence blocker somewhat. Thanks for your concern also :bleah: Don't worry if the co is a registered one but don't let down your guard also.

oic...noe wat u mean...the glue stuff ar... with the umbrella its better than nothing. at least can defend urself if anything happen.

R both ur corridor lights bright enuff?

According to my neighbor who stay here for 6-7yrs ored, last time the corridor lights nt bright enuf den she keep on complaining to HDB. Finally they changed as ppl take up the units...thk it helps too. So if u find there's not enuf lights, can complain to HDB oso to change bah.....

Bunbun, better get ur hubby to wait dwnstr for u at nite bah...safer wor. LLhome at least got her GR to protect her wor, I thk attackers will thk twice when they see her girl... :)

lights are bright enough. luckily our cousin gd at complaining. b4he move in, he started to complaint to town council liaoz. tink last 2 wks he just complaint to them bout the insufficient carpark lots for season parking n the vandalism. coz b4 we move in, the doors for all the units at my block were all spray with red spray. n jus told him bout the flies flying ard. he oso complaint liaoz. haha... veri gd neighbour to hv. :bleah:

but greycat think u overestimate my ger liaoz. she not as brave as u tink lah. tink anything happen she will be the first to run away. :dancingqueen:

The lights are hmm those orangey types. But consider well lit with enough lights on my floor at least. My hubby ah, he busy preparing dinner ma by the time I come back & with a hyper dog in the house to look after. Unless he is superman to take care of everything first & wait for me then. I usually am back home later than my hubby so no time to prepare an early dinner unless hubby prefers a late dinner. keke. But thanks for your concern, greycat :)

wow bun bun great leh! u got urself a great hubby... come back got hubby cook 4 u. until now my hubby oni cook for me once. n taste... :bleah: if u noe wat i mean... nowadays wife dun reali cook for hubby liaoz somemore ur hubby cook for u. reali hard to find.


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Hahaha....LLhome, Im sure ur ger wont run away if got attacker come la...U just need to train her to sit can liao, her size will scare them away... :P

U so lucky, got a cousin to help u draft complain letter, :P:~:~

Oh yah, btw, I recall (but nt 100% sure so will go hme to check tonite) my corridor lights is white color leh. Its those tube white color, look like T5 type. As all our units got no window facing corridor & corridor quite wide (abt 2m), its mre effective I find. I thk the orangey light is the older version, can consider draft a letter to change, :~:)

Insufficient season carpark lots how to complain? My side like oni 1st floor 1 row is normal parking...all the rest season parking liao still no enuf wor & there's 2 MSCP side by side smemre. :sport-smiley-003: HB has to park at 3A/4A smetimes.... :(

If can, I wld like to propose to get a lift at carpark though, hahaha.... :notti::notti:


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Hahaha....LLhome, Im sure ur ger wont run away if got attacker come la...U just need to train her to sit can liao, her size will scare them away... :P

U so lucky, got a cousin to help u draft complain letter, :P:~:~

Oh yah, btw, I recall (but nt 100% sure so will go hme to check tonite) my corridor lights is white color leh. Its those tube white color, look like T5 type. As all our units got no window facing corridor & corridor quite wide (abt 2m), its mre effective I find. I thk the orangey light is the older version, can consider draft a letter to change, :~:)

Insufficient season carpark lots how to complain? My side like oni 1st floor 1 row is normal parking...all the rest season parking liao still no enuf wor & there's 2 MSCP side by side smemre. :sport-smiley-003: HB has to park at 3A/4A smetimes.... :(

If can, I wld like to propose to get a lift at carpark though, hahaha.... :notti::notti:

hehhe hubby oso gotto park 3A and above. nvr reali check out the 1st floor parking. maybe cousin want the whole 1st floor to be season parking bah. but to me i find it still ok lah. coz last time stayin woodlands hv to park all the way to the roof. carpark too small liaoz...


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i told u guys i hv a hard time maintaing the cleaniness of my hse. show u all some proof...

pic of the paw prints on the balcony wall and floor:



can u see the paw marks? can find paw marks on almost all the walls near the window.

gotto mop n wipe the wall every now n then. :furious:

Edited by LLhome

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:notti: hahaha....so cute...the pawprints look like cartoon... :notti:

And a sheepish looking GR there....her tail looks like an exquisite feather-fountainpen, :furious::P

How come her front legs look so thin neh? Oh yah, why got black pawprints? Me no understand....isit becuz of the dust frm balcony?

Mabbe becuz I keep my Yuki in cage nw & always wipe her paw w wet tissue, so I dont see the pawprints yet. But I always see saliva/wet-marks wor cuz she got a wet nose & like to lick the floor.... :furious:


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awwwww your girl is sooooo sweet :furious::P:notti:

maybe you can get those edible dye and ask your girl to decorate the balcony wall

like graffiti but by your talented girl :furious:


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:rofl: hahaha....so cute...the pawprints look like cartoon... :D

And a sheepish looking GR there....her tail looks like an exquisite feather-fountainpen, :P:notti:

How come her front legs look so thin neh? Oh yah, why got black pawprints? Me no understand....isit becuz of the dust frm balcony?

Mabbe becuz I keep my Yuki in cage nw & always wipe her paw w wet tissue, so I dont see the pawprints yet. But I always see saliva/wet-marks wor cuz she got a wet nose & like to lick the floor.... :furious:

yeah yeah she always look sheepish... u are reali observant... she veri small build so her legs n paws are not veri big. n guess the dust comes fr the balcony bah. coz she likes to look down fr the balcony and all the windows in the hse.

tink wet nose is gd. heard fr others tat dogs wif dry nose not veri healthy. so when buyin dogs, best is to get dogs wif a bit wet nose.

awwwww your girl is sooooo sweet :P:) :)

maybe you can get those edible dye and ask your girl to decorate the balcony wall

like graffiti but by your talented girl :notti:

cannot lah. she will make a mess one. then it will become vandalise liaoz. dun dare to try... she no contribution one. i'm already happy if she guai guai dun make the hse dirty or messy. everytime gotto keep her toys in a basket. but she likes to play with more than 1 toy each time. so keep gettin her toys out fr the basket. ppl dunno thot i got kids. so mani toys ard the hse. :furious:


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Thanks for the wet-nose info, I was quite worried initially as not sure if it was flu...permanently wet nose... :P

Hahhaa....I imagine a wall full of color pawprints nw....mabbe can get her to do on paper & frame into painting? :~ Oh yah, ur balcony got no windows will be dusty wor....Jurong area near Tues, I neber open window oredi v dusty liao...can imagine ur balcony mre dust....When ur ger stand up, is she taller than the balcony ledge? She's a little Kpo wor :P

Nw when I scold Yuki, I thk my neighbors oso thk I scolding little kid cuz I will shout louder to "hang" her...I den sound exactly like those yellow-face-hsewife, very evil & fierce :P:P


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Hello ladies! I see you all so active during the day! :yamseng:

Today's a cold day and all I could barely keep my eyes wide open since its best to sleep in during cold weathers heh.

Neighbour ah, Umbrella only the weapon I ever bring out. :) I'm quite a bochap person at times so always a bit heck care but this time got to be really alert until my future neighbours move in. My hubby is better than me at cooking, I know nothing about cooking personally 'cos I never go near the kitchen when my mum is cooking when I was younger. :dribble: Now I'm trying to make up for lost time by learning cooking slowly 'cos I realised that cannot afford to keep eating out too much + not healthy with MSG in outside food. (Not very successful with food attempts :dribble: ) Your dog is very cute. Got soulful look somemore even when looking very sheepish.

Greycat, it looks orangey but not the darker orangey light. It's lighter and I guess closer to a T5 after staring hard enough at the lights. :yamseng: Your cousin is your neighbour also? Power leh. Can have a 'complaint' king/queen in this case. !!


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i told u guys i hv a hard time maintaing the cleaniness of my hse. show u all some proof...

pic of the paw prints on the balcony wall and floor:



can u see the paw marks? can find paw marks on almost all the walls near the window.

gotto mop n wipe the wall every now n then. :yamseng:

hey, you have the same problem as me :) !!

:yamseng: to our hard work and endless housework

and your ger looks great with her greenie ~ :dribble: :dribble:

Edited by ranval9

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Harlow Bunbun...notice dat u oni come in at nites wor... :P:dunno:

No lah, my cousin not my neighbor...its LLhome cousin is her neighbor....

My family all stay very far, except for my in-laws in west side....


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Thanks for the wet-nose info, I was quite worried initially as not sure if it was flu...permanently wet nose... :sport-smiley-004:

Hahhaa....I imagine a wall full of color pawprints nw....mabbe can get her to do on paper & frame into painting? :dunno: Oh yah, ur balcony got no windows will be dusty wor....Jurong area near Tues, I neber open window oredi v dusty liao...can imagine ur balcony mre dust....When ur ger stand up, is she taller than the balcony ledge? She's a little Kpo wor !!

Nw when I scold Yuki, I thk my neighbors oso thk I scolding little kid cuz I will shout louder to "hang" her...I den sound exactly like those yellow-face-hsewife, very evil & fierce :notti::notti:

dun mention...share share info mah... :jawdrop:

yup no window for balcony. but weird is the living not dusty. oni the balcony leh. we always like to open the windows here to let the air circulate. coz we scared the hse will hv doggy smell. last time in woodland our unit is corridor one. so seldom open the window. oso air there not easily circulate so the whole hse tend to be humid n full of doggy smell. so now gotto open up the windows here. luckily air is well circulate here so no more tat kind of smell liaoz. :sport-smiley-004:

oso i used to hv veri sensitive nose. almost everyday got running nose/flu, no matter if living in my parents place or woodlands. but since i move in here, no more running nose liaoz. quite surprise leh. dunno y?

my ger is slightly taller than the ledge. so she can oni view the further part but not directly below. tat day she even bark at the 3 birds flying across the balcony. she quickly take her toy to the balcony. but too late...the birds flown away liaoz. u can imagine her disappointed face. will try to snap a pic when she look down fr the balcony.

as for the scolding part, i totally understand ur feelings. ppl might think tat how come their neighbour so fierce one. like abusing her child. i always feel the same whenever i raise my voice. bot bo bian leh. tats the oni way to handle them bah. coz guess dogs listen to the tone more than the words. can't expect us to scold them softly rite?


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