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My Dream House

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last nite a man came to our hse telling us tat the locks for our doors at my area not veri gd. he had receive a lot complaints fr owners bout the locks here. so he ask us whether we want to change to those armour plated padlock or not. oso know as police lock. if want he will change it now with the other units so therefore cheaper. and oni will be collecting payment on the 16th. he said the usual locks for the wooden door by hdb get broken inside easily hence we will not be able to open the door. oso the hdb lock makes the wooden door veri shaky. can break in easily, not safe...

so hubby get him to change the lock for the gate n wooden door. cost $145. we are given a master key for both locks, the wooden door n gate. so more convenient. oso the wooden door not as shaky as before le. now we got 2 padlocks for the gate.hehe like veri kiasu.

dunno if anyone here encounter the same thing? especially bun bun since we staying at the same place. did anyone come to ur hse bout this lock thingy?


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ok here's a pic of my darling...

see i told u! she sleeps on our bed like as if she's the mistress. everytime when she heard us switching off tv n lights, she will rush to our bed. look at her sheepish look. if i go nearer tink she will start to threaten me tat she's goin to pee on the bed.


anyway she wore the e collar coz she just got her surgery. not allow to lick her wound.

i think i'm in love wif your darling already. she's so pretty!:dancingqueen: the GR is my no.2 favourite breed. :rofl: someday i will have one. hehe...

what surgery she had? ... sayang...


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i think i'm in love wif your darling already. she's so pretty!:rofl: the GR is my no.2 favourite breed. :rofl: someday i will have one. hehe...

what surgery she had? ... sayang...

so wats ur no 1 breed?

she jus got steralised. actually should be ok liaoz. but just tat we remove her collar on the veri first day of her surgery coz she like not use to the collar. so she lick her wound n got inflammation. so brought her to the vet n put her on collar again, :dancingqueen:


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hmm, don't think corgis salivate a lot bah, if true how to become royal dog?

can you imagine Queen E II holding the leash of 5 drooling dogs? :dancingqueen::rofl:

:rofl::rofl: I imagine 5 corgi, drolling & running different direction, hahahaha......


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last nite a man came to our hse telling us tat the locks for our doors at my area not veri gd. he had receive a lot complaints fr owners bout the locks here. so he ask us whether we want to change to those armour plated padlock or not. oso know as police lock. if want he will change it now with the other units so therefore cheaper. and oni will be collecting payment on the 16th. he said the usual locks for the wooden door by hdb get broken inside easily hence we will not be able to open the door. oso the hdb lock makes the wooden door veri shaky. can break in easily, not safe...

so hubby get him to change the lock for the gate n wooden door. cost $145. we are given a master key for both locks, the wooden door n gate. so more convenient. oso the wooden door not as shaky as before le. now we got 2 padlocks for the gate.hehe like veri kiasu.

dunno if anyone here encounter the same thing? especially bun bun since we staying at the same place. did anyone come to ur hse bout this lock thingy?

We jus tell them we are veri poor nothing to steal and that uncle jus face black black walk away. :dancingqueen::rofl:


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We jus tell them we are veri poor nothing to steal and that uncle jus face black black walk away. :dancingqueen::rofl:

hahah tats gd idea... but reali ar? the uncle reali came to ur place?


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My labbit super destructive...He destroyed a standing fan b4 (by humping/jumpg on it) & bite thrgh my $20+ telephone cord :dancingqueen: . He also likes to tear up our latest copy of newspapers & mags (old one he dont like :rofl: ).....He "swims" mre than he really "hops"....

As for the door, nobody approach us yet but we oso nt home most of the time. HDB always got alota window/door/curtain ppl come n knock on doors...sounds like a gd deal though. Agree my HDB lock oso shaky le...I always feel dat it might come off anytime cuz the maindoor so heavy... :rofl:

But do keep your own padlock la, on the safe side...canot jus rely on the new lock wor...


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My labbit super destructive...He destroyed a standing fan b4 (by humping/jumpg on it) & bite thrgh my $20+ telephone cord :notti: . He also likes to tear up our latest copy of newspapers & mags (old one he dont like :bleah: ).....He "swims" mre than he really "hops"....

As for the door, nobody approach us yet but we oso nt home most of the time. HDB always got alota window/door/curtain ppl come n knock on doors...sounds like a gd deal though. Agree my HDB lock oso shaky le...I always feel dat it might come off anytime cuz the maindoor so heavy... :(

But do keep your own padlock la, on the safe side...canot jus rely on the new lock wor...

yes we still using the old one. so double lock now.

so ur rabbli oso veri destructive. so guess most rabbits are the same bah. my rabbit got 1 weird habit. he like to chase after my hubby fren. mani frens came over but he oni chase after this particular one. everytime he came over, my rabbit will chase after him. dunno izzit bcoz this fren reali look like rabbit. funni leh...


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so wats ur no 1 breed?

she jus got steralised. actually should be ok liaoz. but just tat we remove her collar on the veri first day of her surgery coz she like not use to the collar. so she lick her wound n got inflammation. so brought her to the vet n put her on collar again, :notti:

wanna make a guess? :bleah: hehe... relative of the retreiver family, also under 'working' breeds.


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just now johnny came over with his owner to look at our reno n oso to check on the laminate skirting. the worker just left n hv change the skirting. so now got nice skirting again. thought of hanging our wedding pic on the bed head. but johnny said tat the our bedhead made of gysum board may not be able to support. if we said earlier he can ask to place wooden blocks behind the board to support the weight. so now too late liaoz lah. but he said if we reali want, he will ask the worker to come n do it for us.

so now dunno how... a bit troublesome coz need to drill then place the wooden block at the back then paint again. seems a lot of work leh. but he said ok one if we reali want to hang the pic. oso veri paisei liaoz le since he already help us a lot. so gotto discuss with hubby tonight.

the bed head tat i would like to hang the wedding pic:


how ar? should i hang or not? :notti:

wanna make a guess? :bleah: hehe... relative of the retreiver family, also under 'working' breeds.

labrador? husky? alaskan malamute?


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just now johnny came over with his owner to look at our reno n oso to check on the laminate skirting. the worker just left n hv change the skirting. so now got nice skirting again. thought of hanging our wedding pic on the bed head. but johnny said tat the our bedhead made of gysum board may not be able to support. if we said earlier he can ask to place wooden blocks behind the board to support the weight. so now too late liaoz lah. but he said if we reali want, he will ask the worker to come n do it for us.

so now dunno how... a bit troublesome coz need to drill then place the wooden block at the back then paint again. seems a lot of work leh. but he said ok one if we reali want to hang the pic. oso veri paisei liaoz le since he already help us a lot. so gotto discuss with hubby tonight.

the bed head tat i would like to hang the wedding pic:


how ar? should i hang or not? :notti:

labrador? husky? alaskan malamute?

LL, you bedroom got side table lamps. If yes, try not put coz it looks like alter :bleah:


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LLhome : Serious about the lock part??? We didn't receive any visit from such a person yesterday. You better be careful though and did you check the guy's credentials? :notti: Anyway a nugget of info for you abt the wedding photo part. My mum say not good to hang it at the wall where bed head is against at. I don't know the exact reason but seems it is not lucky to put it there.

We intend to hang ours by the wall which is opp the wall with the toilet door.


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just now johnny came over with his owner to look at our reno n oso to check on the laminate skirting. the worker just left n hv change the skirting. so now got nice skirting again. thought of hanging our wedding pic on the bed head. but johnny said tat the our bedhead made of gysum board may not be able to support. if we said earlier he can ask to place wooden blocks behind the board to support the weight. so now too late liaoz lah. but he said if we reali want, he will ask the worker to come n do it for us.

so now dunno how... a bit troublesome coz need to drill then place the wooden block at the back then paint again. seems a lot of work leh. but he said ok one if we reali want to hang the pic. oso veri paisei liaoz le since he already help us a lot. so gotto discuss with hubby tonight.

the bed head tat i would like to hang the wedding pic:


how ar? should i hang or not? :dunno:

labrador? husky? alaskan malamute?

hmm... is your frame bery big? if bery big better not lor, your id is rite, later cannot take the weight. moreover, if u hang now, nextime u dun wanna hang, when u patch up the hole might be able to see the mark? coz its gymsum board, not sure if can use the same filler like we use for walls?

cocker spaniel lah. I juz love the CS and GR, coz they got those really affectionate looking eyes. but seriously, doesn't your GR shed alot of fur? u let her sleep on the bed, the bedsheet sure lotsa fur one :dunno:


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LL, you bedroom got side table lamps. If yes, try not put coz it looks like alter :)

did u see any??? no intention at all. we got more than enough lights for the room. n btw do u mean altar?

LLhome : Serious about the lock part??? We didn't receive any visit from such a person yesterday. You better be careful though and did you check the guy's credentials? :P Anyway a nugget of info for you abt the wedding photo part. My mum say not good to hang it at the wall where bed head is against at. I don't know the exact reason but seems it is not lucky to put it there.

We intend to hang ours by the wall which is opp the wall with the toilet door.

like tat ar...then got to double check bout e company liaoz. but now got double lock so will be quite safe bah. actually for the wedding pic rite, we oso heard tat not gd for feng shui if hang at the bedhead. so since not gd for fs n so much hassle then better dun bah. oso agree wif phoenix tat it may not be able to hold the weight. if drop then jiat lat liaoz. gotto find a place to hang maybe study room. if not veri waste money.

hmm... is your frame bery big? if bery big better not lor, your id is rite, later cannot take the weight. moreover, if u hang now, nextime u dun wanna hang, when u patch up the hole might be able to see the mark? coz its gymsum board, not sure if can use the same filler like we use for walls?

cocker spaniel lah. I juz love the CS and GR, coz they got those really affectionate looking eyes. but seriously, doesn't your GR shed alot of fur? u let her sleep on the bed, the bedsheet sure lotsa fur one :jawdrop:

so its CS... should hv guess tat. a lot of ppl like CS. my 2 other fren oso got 2 each. as for the fur part? yes!:P shed quite a lot. tats why we always go for those silk type comforter. so easier to clean the fur. just sweep away the fur will do. but if she happen to lie on the bedsheet instead of the comforter, then gotto clear the fur with a brush. :jawdrop:

Edited by LLhome

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I'm sure there are better alternatives to hang your wedding frame elsewhere if not in the MBR. Must check the company credentials or else if the company sounds fishy, you run a higher chance of having this possibility that they could as well be holding duplicate keys as well. Better safe than sorry.


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