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I was so furious this morning.......:dunno:!:dunno: :dunno:

Just wanna check with u folks whether bicycle riders are allowed to ride on passageway???

I tort sometime back they can only ride on roads? Bt I rmb later on government says bicycle

riders can ride on passage way at certain areas....now I already lost track on current ruling...

Anyway, I wanna pour out my woes!

I was rushing to work tis morning and was walking on the extreme left of the passageway and

there is still a lot of space on my right side.

Bt there was tis STUPID Blangadesh bicycle rider without any alerts came crashing and knock into me!

And the best part is the wheels hurt my foot, and he fell on the grass.....My first reaction is to cry out

loud "OUCH"...cos it is so painful and I did not realised tat I was bleeding...

I was very very HOT and shouted at him LOUD LOUD " Can't u c I was walking tis way"???? And guess wat

he answered????? " I could not see u"......THIS IS VERY LAME LOR!

As I realised I am going to be late, I ignore him and walk towards the MRT. And I was limping and bleeding all the way to MRT as I dun hv any plasters with me!

I was wondering if the bicycle rider hit any old ppl or young children or worse still pregnant ladies, the case will be worst off than me and not just bleeding...

Therefore, I wanna check with the folks here whether its legal to ride on passageway. If it is not, wat are the ways I could lodge a complaint as there are a lot of bicycle riders at my area!



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I was so furious this morning.......:dunno:!:dunno: :dunno:

Just wanna check with u folks whether bicycle riders are allowed to ride on passageway???

I tort sometime back they can only ride on roads? Bt I rmb later on government says bicycle

riders can ride on passage way at certain areas....now I already lost track on current ruling...

Anyway, I wanna pour out my woes!

I was rushing to work tis morning and was walking on the extreme left of the passageway and

there is still a lot of space on my right side.

Bt there was tis STUPID Blangadesh bicycle rider without any alerts came crashing and knock into me!

And the best part is the wheels hurt my foot, and he fell on the grass.....My first reaction is to cry out

loud "OUCH"...cos it is so painful and I did not realised tat I was bleeding...

I was very very HOT and shouted at him LOUD LOUD " Can't u c I was walking tis way"???? And guess wat

he answered????? " I could not see u"......THIS IS VERY LAME LOR!

As I realised I am going to be late, I ignore him and walk towards the MRT. And I was limping and bleeding all the way to MRT as I dun hv any plasters with me!

I was wondering if the bicycle rider hit any old ppl or young children or worse still pregnant ladies, the case will be worst off than me and not just bleeding...

Therefore, I wanna check with the folks here whether its legal to ride on passageway. If it is not, wat are the ways I could lodge a complaint as there are a lot of bicycle riders at my area!


There was a debate between TP and LTA, 1 says on the road, 1 says not on the road.

I agree with you those cyclists are idiotic! I hate it when they keep ringing their bell when they are approaching. Hey! Im on the pedestran pavement! Why should I give way when Im not in any other pedestian's way?? Also, there's no way for me to go as there are plants and trees on the side in my neighbourhood, and even if there's anyone who should be going onto the grass on the side, it should be them!

There was once I was holding my 2 nieces' hand, 1 on each side, and I refused to make them go onto the side just because some stupid lazy cyclist decide to use the pavement. He no choice but had to slow down and used the grass patch. He still turn ard and stare at me, I glare back at him.

Maybe you should go log a report with the NPC, hopefully something is done abt all these cyclists!


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think the law still says it's illegal to ride on pedestrian pavements

but the fine is a measy $30 (i think) and it seems no one is enforcing it loh

me also dun give way to cyclist on the pedestrian pavemetns

they should be on the road because of the hazard they pose. cyclists think they own the road coz they totally disregard any rules. think in karen's case there is no recourse as there is no chance of her recognising the bangla. :P


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Neighbour Police Center?


I guess karen might not recognise but at least let the police in the neighbour know that there is this kind of danger lurking around.

nowadays report police NO POINT one...waste time.

go direct to meet MP.

poor cyclists - go pavement kena chased by pedestrians, go roads kena chased by drivers.

anyway i dont like them in either place - East Coast Park + all other parks should be the only place for cyclist!:P:)


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this kind of menace is all over singapore

although it's a good thing to cycle, our roads are simply not built for cyclists.

they either endanger others (by cycling on pedestrian walkways) or are endangered (by cycling on the road) :P:)


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this kind of menace is all over singapore

although it's a good thing to cycle, our roads are simply not built for cyclists.

they either endanger others (by cycling on pedestrian walkways) or are endangered (by cycling on the road) :paint::good:

personally i am not a cyclist but i know many friends who are. i guess those who are ringing their bells are just trying to warn u that they are coming.

on the road, do u tink that other drivers will give way to them ? sorry to say that it is not happening. so cyclists are realli stuck.

nowadays report police NO POINT one...waste time.

this one is i agree. the other time FH wanted to make a police report becos some of his things gt stolen from the bike. the NPC gt no pen and paper leh ! wah lau ! like that also can ah.. win liao lor..


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this one is i agree. the other time FH wanted to make a police report becos some of his things gt stolen from the bike. the NPC gt no pen and paper leh ! wah lau ! like that also can ah.. win liao lor..

like dat also can??? :paint: no pen???no paper???


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like dat also can??? :paint: no pen???no paper???

No pen, no paper but they got gun. Maybe they can just shoot bullets onto any wall and inscribe your report there? Like typing like that mah....save pen save paper. Must save the environment you know?!? :good:


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Neighbour Police Center?


I guess karen might not recognise but at least let the police in the neighbour know that there is this kind of danger lurking around.

Ok thanks.... i am really v furious cos till now I am still limping around....

like dat also can??? :bangwall: no pen???no paper???

Tax us bt no money to buy stationery bt gt money to buy TV to watch!

nowadays report police NO POINT one...waste time.

go direct to meet MP.

poor cyclists - go pavement kena chased by pedestrians, go roads kena chased by drivers.

anyway i dont like them in either place - East Coast Park + all other parks should be the only place for cyclist!!! :furious:

Mace, u got the link for emailing to MP cos I really got no time to go meet the MP.



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actually it's not so much they don't bother

but it's more of they can't do anything

the police can only catch people who have committed an offence,

in karen's case, technically no offence had been committed

remember the case of the guy who got punched? the police can't even arrest the culprite coz the law says so

as long as the law is not clear on this, there's nothing much the police can't do !! !!


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ya, idiotic cyclists... not only those foreign workers (indians etc.), those from china also.

bloody fools... just cycle on road and weaving out and in, turning etc. without checking if there are oncoming vehicles. they thought this is india or china...

i also almost kana knock down by cyclist ever. came so fast from behind me without braking or ringing the bell. lucky hb saw in time and pull me aside and that person is a Sporean uncle who still turn around and stare at us and kana hb shouted at him. my hb is vy fierce as he even step 1 step forward and the uncle must be scared and quickly cycle off.

and for me, i just stunned and stood there looking at both of them silly... :lol:


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Ok thanks.... i am really v furious cos till now I am still limping around....

Tax us bt no money to buy stationery bt gt money to buy TV to watch!

Mace, u got the link for emailing to MP cos I really got no time to go meet the MP.


go to your town council website...should have the MP's email.


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think the law still says it's illegal to ride on pedestrian pavements

Yup it is against the law to ride on pavements. But it is not ENFORCED as the Govt (i.e. the Police and relevant govt bodies) thinks it is not a major problem yet (i.e. not enough complaints or incidents). To be fair, pedestrains should have the right of way on pavements, cyclists should give way to pedestrains on pavements. But nowadays it's like "ring, ring", and you are expected to give way to cyclists. It's been like this in Toa Payoh (and perhaps in other towns?), where bicycles are everywhere.

It will become a major issue when a pedestrain DIES because of inconsiderate cycling behaviour.

I guess the best thing to do when kena hit by bicycle on pavement, call the police if injuries are bad. MaCe's suggestion isn't bad either; but it's gonna take a lot of effort for it to be enforced, especially if the town is TPY. Why? Just look at people smoking at eating areas...in fact I got scolded and was challenged to call the police for asking an old man to put his cigarette away (while the food stall owner just stood one side and watched...and he knows him)...and also got shouted at for walking into the way of a PRC cyclist ... inconsiderate people :yamseng:


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