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Hi there,

Just want to check with you guys, wat's the avg lifespan of your lightbulb?

My 2 toilets' lightbulbs has fused in less than a yr's time.. and they're supposed to be ENERGY SAVINGS bulb!! gosh.. i thot energy savings bulbs are suppose to have longer lifespan, abt 4yrs! no?? Then my passage way downlight also fused. and my contractor sent the light shop electrican down to check and it turn out to be the lighting point faulty (the bulb was ok). And now, my MBR's light is starting to flash!:wub: and i've moved in only 1yr and 2mths! is this normal????

my contractor recommended us the lighting shop and now say that this is normal wear and tear of the bulb! but seriously, i dont agree with him and is arguing with him that he should pay for the new bulb or the services if it's found to be the lighting point's fault. since he was the one who handle everything for us!

thanks for allowing me to vent. :notti:


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depends on what brand...if you get those kuching kurau brand....then expect "powderful" quality!

Buy only Philips or Osram.

one of my megaman energywasting bulb lasts less than 6weeks!


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My bulb blew after one year as well, what's there to say? If you study statistics, the lifespan of a bulb is modelled by a poisson distribution.

Bulb lifespan is typically calculated, not measured, ie they don't run the bulb for 3,000 hours before they tell you it's 3,000 hours. They just do some engineering calculations and say that the bulb can last 3,000 hours based on the calculations.

How often a bulb is turned on or off, voltage surges, etc. all can affect lifespan.

Hi there,

Just want to check with you guys, wat's the avg lifespan of your lightbulb?

My 2 toilets' lightbulbs has fused in less than a yr's time.. and they're supposed to be ENERGY SAVINGS bulb!! gosh.. i thot energy savings bulbs are suppose to have longer lifespan, abt 4yrs! no?? Then my passage way downlight also fused. and my contractor sent the light shop electrican down to check and it turn out to be the lighting point faulty (the bulb was ok). And now, my MBR's light is starting to flash!:bow: and i've moved in only 1yr and 2mths! is this normal????

my contractor recommended us the lighting shop and now say that this is normal wear and tear of the bulb! but seriously, i dont agree with him and is arguing with him that he should pay for the new bulb or the services if it's found to be the lighting point's fault. since he was the one who handle everything for us!

thanks for allowing me to vent. :(


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we did not take note of the brand of the bulb when we first purchased it... we were brought to the lighting shop then we just pick and choose then settle thru my contractor. Lesson learnt!

as for the usage.. there's nobody at home during the day time on weekdays.. and only home from 7pm onwards... lights off at abt 10pm... it's only 1yr and 2mths time... i feel i havent been abusing the lights leh. not as if i on and off every now and then. :bow:


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^^ My emphathies.

I ask myself why do lighting shops knowingly supply customers with inferior light bulbs that don't last? It's such a horrible thing to do!

I am using Phillips energy saving bulbs, and they have lasted me 7 years! It's only recently that some bulbs startedt to burn out.


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what is the normal watts for bedroom? it's 32W or 40W?

depends on what type of lamp you are using - some pple even put false ceiling in bedroom with 2 stretches of lights - at least 10-15 downlights...very rich.


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