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Wedding Luncheon On Weekend

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Got. I attended one before at Fort Canning, The legends.

I got this problem, when does it ends? Cos at those 8-course meal, you will know when to finished (upon recieving of the 8th course/dessert).

Also quite pai seh to keep going to the buffet table to reload -> buffet = self-services.

But hong bao, I give the normal rate. So the bride & groom earn $$$ from it. Cos I also pai seh to give so little for such an occasion (in spite of the venue).

Edited by raincole

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Got. I attended one before at Fort Canning, The legends.

I got this problem, when does it ends? Cos at those 8-course meal, you will know when to finished (upon recieving of the 8th course/dessert).

Also quite pai seh to keep going to the buffet table to reload -> buffet = self-services.

But hong bao, I give the normal rate. So the bride & groom earn $$$ from it. Cos I also pai seh to give so little for such an occasion (in spite of the venue).

Actually if you state in your invitation card that your event will be from say, 12pm - 4pm, then i suppose your guests would know aga aga what time to leave....cos u also dun expect to stretch beyond 4pm and hardly ppl will stay till the end....maybe abt 1 or 2hours, ppl start to leave already...

Actually buffet still ok, cos no one will really notice how many rounds you have gone....less pai seh than say, reaching over for more food on a sit-down 8 course dinner...usually for sit-down dinners, ppl tend to be more pai seh to reach for extra portion after they have finished theirs on their plates...so end up always got leftover food to throw away one...

Ya ang bao still give normal rate cos must think for bride and groom also....also pai seh to give too little...


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That time invitation card never say. And when it is time for certain event, need to make annoucement first to get the guest to sit at their places (eg. toasting time).

That time I stayed till they clear the buffet table (take away the food) and I still saw people still going for the food (no announcement for last taking, so dunno stop already). Needed more alignment with guest ba.

But good point, seating no need round table. That time sit in those benches, so if group of friends more than 10 also sitted together. Photo-taking also faster, cos in groups not tables.

Atmosphere more relaxed too. Dressing also smart casual.


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Y not hold it buffet style at your church right after the ceremony?? That way, guests can mingle around and you can hv a relaxed atmosphere....can do up your own decor too...shd be quite fun...

Disclaimer: seen those in ang moh movies...hv always liked this idea....but duno whether anyone practised holding buffet at church here in sg before... !!

hi, i got a colleague whose daughter hold her wedding at church and follow by buffet lunch for all who attend the church ceremony and those who only cum for the buffet lunch. and the buffet is in the church. quite a gd atmosphere coz they gotten the choir to sing and my other colleague help by being the painst for the day and keep playing while other ppl eat.

in her invitation card, she state that wedding is church type + wedding lunch buffet and no wedding dinner. so ppl who go generally give more ang bao.

for my colleague, juz like you, church wedding ceremony is vy impt for them.

maybe you can ask around and find alternative if above is ok with you, your hb and both sides family and friends. btw, my colleague ask family and friends before going ahead with their plan, kinda like gather a rough survey lor...


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Y not hold it buffet style at your church right after the ceremony?? That way, guests can mingle around and you can hv a relaxed atmosphere....can do up your own decor too...shd be quite fun...

Disclaimer: seen those in ang moh movies...hv always liked this idea....but duno whether anyone practised holding buffet at church here in sg before... :dunno:

Ya, also like those seen in the ang moh movies, like those buffet held in the open in Four Weddings and A funeral. But I doubt how many would enjoy a buffet in the open, given our hot and humid weather. Any you got to plan for continency if the sky opens up. If wedding luncheons are not seen as glamorous as a wedding dinner, then i think a buffet would even be further down the pecking order for the older folks.


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Ya, actually my dream wedding is more towards ang-moh style...

In the morning, hold the church wedding with choir (I was a church choir too), pianist, flower girls and flower boy.

At the end of ceremony, take photo together with friends and familty in front of church. Then, do the flower bouquet throwing to unmarried ladies. (The lady that can catch the bouquet is believed to be next-in-line to get married). Then whisked away in a car with 'just married' sign.

Followed by lunch wedding banquet in hotel, so hoping to be able to book a place with lots of windows for natural light to go in. Started with wedding march and first wedding dance, followed by champagne toasting, before commencing the lunch. Then the usual speech, and video/picture montage. The usual round the table to take picture and congratulates. At the end of the lunch, hopefully people will join us in the dance floor.

Hehe... dream too much... thanks for reading this :sport-smiley-004:


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