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Inconsiderate Neighbours

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haiz, it's all about HENG+SUAY when comes to neighbours....

but if they blocked any corridor areas or rubbish disposal area....this is fire hazard, can call civil defense hehehe :(

Ya lor...it's heng suay one lor....haiz....they didn't block the corridor but sometimes they just hang their clothes at the rubbish chute area....i mean rubbish chute area not very hygenic to hang clothes right? If they find their clothes so difficult to dry then get a dryer for goodness sake....u look at their clothes outside already is very obvious fire hazardous liao lor.... :bangwall:

But how to approach them nicely and tell them??

not say block lah... but without their things, wun be so eyesore... and also will have more spacious walkway mah... somemore the plants dun look very healthy... sigh.

Cornetto, I understand how you feel. It's like having to pass a jungle everyday. Check that they don't breed mosquitoes though....nowadays dengue fever very common sia...


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dengue? maybe not so easy cos we stay 13th floor, seldom kena mozzies. it's irritating...cos they are not tt good gardeners... the plants are dying & some of them are really BIG pots man... and shoe cabinet? 3-4 children's bikes? 2 big furry dirty chairs? walau... their interior worse lah. like a dirty garage with loads of dusty barangs. newspapers pile up high high... see liao wanna puke. how come they dun even do spring cleaning for cny one?!


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dengue? maybe not so easy cos we stay 13th floor, seldom kena mozzies. it's irritating...cos they are not tt good gardeners... the plants are dying & some of them are really BIG pots man... and shoe cabinet? 3-4 children's bikes? 2 big furry dirty chairs? walau... their interior worse lah. like a dirty garage with loads of dusty barangs. newspapers pile up high high... see liao wanna puke. how come they dun even do spring cleaning for cny one?!

Wah that sounds even worse than my case....it's very unhygenic to pile up things in the house cos cockroaches might breed...they are old couple??


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another way is to dirty or set fire to all these rubbish wakakaka....but then...you are looking for trouble.

arson is consider a serious crime.

if it's me, before doing anything below - go fix a security camera outside your house first(dummy also can).

1) me will go tell neighbour not to hang their laundry there(SMILING all the way), cos me hor very clumsy one scarli spill my garbage on your clothes hor, sorry leh.

2) they insists on hanging their laundry there, then me gonna purposely spill some overnight foodwaste or wat rubbish on their clothes then go knock on their doors and tell them in a smiling manner " wah sorry leh, just now i fell down near your laundry - your laundry dirty liao - sorry sorry...bye! walk quickly back to house.

3) they still insists on hanging their laundry there....sorry man then me realli a SUPER CLUMSY person who is going to spill garbage/rubbish EVERYDAY!:bangwall:!:(!

side note : nobody can SUE you for dirtying something at a public area. they were not suppose to leave their personal belonging at the public area in the first place.


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another way is to dirty or set fire to all these rubbish wakakaka....but then...you are looking for trouble.

arson is consider a serious crime.

if it's me, before doing anything below - go fix a security camera outside your house first(dummy also can).

1) me will go tell neighbour not to hang their laundry there(SMILING all the way), cos me hor very clumsy one scarli spill my garbage on your clothes hor, sorry leh.

2) they insists on hanging their laundry there, then me gonna purposely spill some overnight foodwaste or wat rubbish on their clothes then go knock on their doors and tell them in a smiling manner " wah sorry leh, just now i fell down near your laundry - your laundry dirty liao - sorry sorry...bye! walk quickly back to house.

3) they still insists on hanging their laundry there....sorry man then me realli a SUPER CLUMSY person who is going to spill garbage/rubbish EVERYDAY!:(!:)!

side note : nobody can SUE you for dirtying something at a public area. they were not suppose to leave their personal belonging at the public area in the first place.

Hahahaha.....Mace, I like your idea...in fact I would love to try :dunno:

But problem is every unit is very near to each other....if they come over and make noise we would be worse off leh...wait they tit for tat how?? :bangwall:


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Wah lau, diagonally opposite me is an indian family and they keep their huge curry pounding dont-know-wat-is-that-called thingy with some abandoned rack and bamboo poles with/without laundries outside. It's those spread out bamboo hanging system. When we were moving stuff in, was kinda worried the poles will hit u in the eye lor. They think they are in the open field or live in landed property meh, hang their sarong outside. right beside my door, consider my space right?


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Hahahaha.....Mace, I like your idea...in fact I would love to try :(

But problem is every unit is very near to each other....if they come over and make noise we would be worse off leh...wait they tit for tat how?? :bangwall:

precisely if you take action against them whether it's a just a complaint to town council or spill garbage on their laundry you have to prepare for war.

but you first 先礼后兵. buy cakes go give them during your reno.


ask them if they know any security camera contractors(to let them know you intend to fix one), then go fix a camera outside your house(to prevent revenge). And at the same time tell them your darling very clumsy one, always walk never open eyes...bla bla bla...

then, you know what to do liao.


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Hahahaha.....Mace, I like your idea...in fact I would love to try :(

But problem is every unit is very near to each other....if they come over and make noise we would be worse off leh...wait they tit for tat how?? :bangwall:

Violence to Violence is no good. Why not make use of the free Town concil removal service in good use.

Purposely call TC up and give your neighbour address to them by mistake. Of course you must have something outside to clear.

So arrange a time when they are around and the TC will come and do the collection.

Just being noti to counteract the noti :)

If this is not working I have a more lagi 绝招

Edited by TPY

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Wah lau, diagonally opposite me is an indian family and they keep their huge curry pounding dont-know-wat-is-that-called thingy with some abandoned rack and bamboo poles with/without laundries outside. It's those spread out bamboo hanging system. When we were moving stuff in, was kinda worried the poles will hit u in the eye lor. They think they are in the open field or live in landed property meh, hang their sarong outside. right beside my door, consider my space right?

Hey Angelwrath! You are in the exact situation as me leh!:bangwall: My corridor full of those clothes rack and sarongs lor!! And my direct opposite neighbour also starts to hang their clothes beside my door lor! Initially they just hang at their space then duno why suddenly one day we went up to our flat then see them hang beside our door!! Wah now I think of it nia I very du lan!

If they start to hang underwear outside I must go to war liao!! Sigh...y can't ppl be more considerate....your area is your area, my area is my area leh?!? Very sickening leh...

precisely if you take action against them whether it's a just a complaint to town council or spill garbage on their laundry you have to prepare for war.

but you first 先礼后兵. buy cakes go give them during your reno.


ask them if they know any security camera contractors(to let them know you intend to fix one), then go fix a camera outside your house(to prevent revenge). And at the same time tell them your darling very clumsy one, always walk never open eyes...bla bla bla...

then, you know what to do liao.

I got same thinking....use goodies to "bribe" them first then talk nicely to them...hopefully they will behave better on the account of our generosity...hehe...

Haha....Mace, you very funny sia....my hubby will probably kill me if I say he's clumsy, I'm more of the clumsy one....maybe ask my hubby to say that instead cos I can walk walk then duno why go and knock into some poles or pillars one...i can do the same at our house also...shd be not much of a problem...this kinda thing comes naturally to me... :)

Violence to Violence is no good. Why not make use of the free Town concil removal service in good use.

Purposely call TC up and give your neighbour address to them by mistake. Of course you must have something outside to clear.

So arrange a time when they are around and the TC will come and do the collection.

Just being noti to counteract the noti :dunno:

If this is not working I have a more lagi 绝招

I very very interested to know your 绝招. Pls impart to me shi fu!:(

Edited by Air

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precisely if you take action against them whether it's a just a complaint to town council or spill garbage on their laundry you have to prepare for war.

but you first 先礼后兵. buy cakes go give them during your reno.


ask them if they know any security camera contractors(to let them know you intend to fix one), then go fix a camera outside your house(to prevent revenge). And at the same time tell them your darling very clumsy one, always walk never open eyes...bla bla bla...

then, you know what to do liao.

以和为贵, That is the Way to live with each other. Always work in this way.


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Haha....Mace, you very funny sia....my hubby will probably kill me if I say he's clumsy, I'm more of the clumsy one....maybe ask my hubby to say that instead cos I can walk walk then duno why go and knock into some poles or pillars one...i can do the same at our house also...shd be not much of a problem...this kinda thing comes naturally to me... :notti:

I very very interested to know your 绝招. Pls impart to me shi fu!:thumbs up:

Air, soon or later(especially when you have kids), one of you got to play the devil, the other play the angel.

As long as both of you knows that. There wont be any conflict between both of you.

FYI, this devil/angel thing works in almost all kinds of situation as long as you are dealing with human beings.

I learned this while I was working in China years ago.


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Air, soon or later(especially when you have kids), one of you got to play the devil, the other play the angel.

As long as both of you knows that. There wont be any conflict between both of you.

FYI, this devil/angel thing works in almost all kinds of situation as long as you are dealing with human beings.

I learned this while I was working in China years ago.

Hmm.....now that you mention it, I realise it's quite true also....thanks for the wisdom....think me and my hubby have to take turns being the devil and angel...


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Haha....Mace, you very funny sia....my hubby will probably kill me if I say he's clumsy, I'm more of the clumsy one....maybe ask my hubby to say that instead cos I can walk walk then duno why go and knock into some poles or pillars one...i can do the same at our house also...shd be not much of a problem...this kinda thing comes naturally to me... :notti:

I very very interested to know your 绝招. Pls impart to me shi fu!:thumbs up:

I aways like this way be it a t work or personlly, soft approach first bottom up. If it is not working then I use top down authority to get things done.

Another way is to create some smoke outside your unit using the "Kan bin xiang" then call fire bridge to come.

When they arrive see so many smoke, tell them you trigger alarm because of the smoke and they will start to investigate. Once they see so many garrbage outside your unit, they will sure advise your neightbour to clear out.

阴招 and no good.Alway used it as last resort. Cake still taste better, every body likes carrot not hammer


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I aways like this way be it a t work or personlly, soft approach first bottom up. If it is not working then I use top down authority to get things done.

Another way is to create some smoke outside your unit using the "Kan bin xiang" then call fire bridge to come.

When they arrive see so many smoke, tell them you trigger alarm because of the smoke and they will start to investigate. Once they see so many garrbage outside your unit, they will sure advise your neightbour to clear out.

阴招 and no good.Alway used it as last resort. Cake still taste better, every body likes carrot not hammer

Haha....ok good idea...I will definitely ask my hubby try the soft approach first...I can't do it myself cos i surely explode....guys are usually more patient....i will lun for the time being....grrr....

Edited by Air

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Some ppl useless to talk nicely to. At my old house, there is one senile old man. He is staying right above my unit. Always getting into fights with the neighbor opposite cos he would spray insectide to the neighbors house from his kitchen window which is facing the neighbor's.

Then he also always always spit down to my unit :thumbs up: Talk and argue also no use cos he always acted dumb :bangwall: ... Put up with this for yeaaarssss. So glad we finally moved.

Now at the new place, my new neighbor just moved in. They also occupy my space with their plants. But as you can see, this time I don't mind lah :notti::P



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