Dear all! I need your guidance and feedback on a new venture in bringing Singaporeans good value home appliances that are brand new, with scratches and dents, at big discounts.
My team and I are supported by the National University of Singapore, and have just started working with major brands to list these items for consumers to purchase. For e.g. a fridge or washer with a scratch or dent at the side, may fetch discounts of 30-40% discounts, and with warranty included! We have already sold 2 items since our start a few weeks ago, but we seek your feedback on:
1) whether you as consumers, would buy such discounted items, and what other concerns you may have with such items.
2) what other items with cosmetic flaws, or returned/refurbished non-flawed items you would accept, for a big discount of 30-50% off
3) what we as a new startup can do to provide great value and service to consumers
:))) hope you all out there can help me out! and let me know how I may help you as well:)
You may also visit our temporary store listings at to get yourselves a good deal too, or visit our FB page at to find out more about us:)
Thank you!