Hi Everyone,
We finally collected our keys at the end of March and we hurriedly carried out all the necessary rituals (door opening & 动土) so that technically we have done what we should before Qing Ming festival. Hacking started on last Monday and we are so looking forward to completion and moving into our own place.
My fiancé works in the architecture industry so he’s the brainchild of our place’s design. We will only be engaging contractors and doing all the coordination on our own. In order to get me involved and make me have a “we created this place together” feel, he asked for my inputs and we'll be doing some DIYs for our home as well.
Our journey starts from here….
Draft design by the fiance:
Original condition of the house. Good thing that it’s chui since we will hack everything away:
Original condition of Living Room:
Original Condition of Hallway to rooms, dining area and kitchen entrance:
Original Condition of Kitchen:
Original Condition of Master Toilet:
Since we are the one doing all the coordination work, the poor fiance had to do all the measurements and works himself
Self measurement indications for the reno contractors:
The works has started and all the floor tiles are gone by now. We are currently waiting for the rest of the permit to go thru before further demolition can be carried out. Can't wait!!!!