Hi all, although I have not received news of when my keys can be collected, however i am already excited about its completion! for one, they are already starting to install the watertank for my block, but there are other blocks which are only around 50% done stacking.. how long more you think it will take to complete? Nevertheless, the optimistic me hopes it will be by end-2014, but ideally 1st quarter of 2015.. hopefully it won't go past mid-2015! I decided to start this and hopefully upkeep this. we are just at the very infancy stage of designing our house. in fact you could say even our "infant" is not born! I am now trying to read up on jargons, deciding on ID/contractor, and of cos shortlisting them. it's really been an eye-opener. everything is new to me, i don't even know if i know where to start. hence i decided to start early. get myself into the world of renovation so that at least i know what i am talking when i meet with the IDs. that's all for now. any feedback is appreciated