We just moved into our new home and with everything almost done I just started decorating the baby room . The street where we are staying is pretty dusty and we are planning to get air purifiers . I heard that we have to be extra cautious with newborns since even little bit of dust and pollution can affect their developing lungs .My brother's 2 year old has Asthma ... they stay in a very polluted city and I'm pretty sure the quality of air had a major role to play . My brother feels air purifiers are an unecessary addition so I'm planning to get one for the baby room as well as one for my brother (and prove him wrong). After a bit of online research on room air purifiers under $200 we are considering purchasing either of these air purifiers . Any suggestion ?? 1. Clair Air purifier TD1866 http://go-clair.com/products/clair-td1866-white Price - $199.99 2. Winix FreHome Model P300 https://www.winixamerica.com/products/p300-air-purifier Price - $229.99