Hi All, Above is total a time consuming action required from hectic working adults like us. However we tend to rather absorb this additional task to our already stressful life in turn to save $ to engage the subject matter experts thinking we rather save the money for other things which need to be purchase upon getting keys! Now my question to you all out there is, how many have you all tried to do this on your own and yet realised there was oversight/overlooked detailed things due to lack experience and ended up paying more after the warranty period to get the renovation company to resolve your issues???????????????????? Would you have engaged the service before after going through the difficulties for NOT engaging one after your key collection and rushed into staring the RENO works???? Some defects list can go up to 80+ defects. Should one consider this a little investment for the long run? Defects here can be so detailed that we can realise them only after moving into your new home during rainy weathers such as where the floor leveling problem surfaces for an instance.