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About nath.adrie

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  1. Hi hi... Which Blk & floor did you purchase? You may email me at nath.adrie@gmail.com to find out more.
  2. Renovation. Mine is more or less done... just some minor touch up here and there and lots of cleaning up to do. This weekend will be my first delivery. Only thing that hasn't finalize is installation of curtains, which is not on my critical path
  3. No problem. just asking only... I think I shall just settle with the Ikea one... hopefully can last at least 3yrs.. hee
  4. hee... does he mind doing another table? can pay him some bucks for workmanship
  5. Wow. Tat's good. How big will your table be; now that you going to custom made it? =) Hee, where you getting the wood from? Your hubby's dad? I also thinking of that, but no resource to do it.
  6. You mentioned that a wall has to go, right. That means must get HDB's approval to hack down the wall, which takes time. Thus, if you still aiming to move in before 2009, you will have to confirm the contractor and get them to send in the renovation permit fast. =) I guess you will already more or less done a preliminary layout for all the rooms before you draw out the electrical pts. If so, it might be good to add in those things (e.g. beds, study table, wardrobe, TV, etc) in to your layout, then you can see if the electrical pts are sufficient or not. Btw, your electrical pts don't include light switchs location right? Coz, those are usually found near the entrances. Hee, no lights for store room?
  7. I've been eyeing the 2m table top with 5 "curry" legs. Total costs will be $80 w/o delivery and fixing up. Until my friend tell me that the Ikea table cannot carry much weight, and will warp after some time. She is using the 1.5m length table, w/o much load. Hmm, was thinking of using that table to put 1pc, 1laptop, 1 laser printer, network equipments etc... so very worried that it will collapse suddenly or warp badly. Dun know where else sell simple white and big study table that isn't too costly.
  8. Almost everything is done except for one more window panel at the recess area. Installation of new WCs and basins will be done this Sat (15 Nov). Delivery of furniture and home appliances over the next two Sat. Hopefully things bought from Red Apple will come as promised. Photos... (some repeated but with painted walls) Grilles and windows at Recess Area General View of Living Area Another view (with cosy area at the back) "Featured wall" Grilles at staircase area changed Handrailing painted Entrance to MBR MBR (view 01) MBR (view 02) MBR (view 03) Study Room (view 01) Study Room (view 02) Study Room (view 03) Bed Room (view 01) Bed Room (view 02) Staircase area (General view)
  9. Well, there's no black and white to show that it's our requirement that the remaining space must cater for a single size bed. However, we did have an agreement on the dimension of the wardrobe. Thus, nothing much we can do abt it now. ID said he can modify the wardrobe, but cutting a corner of the wardrobe so that it can be pushed below a beam on the side; However, we think that it will look ugly and thus drop the idea. We can still have a bed fitted in the room, but not in the ideal corner / location that we wanted initially lor.
  10. ID told me shld be able to handover by Thursday. Arranged for painters to go do up the 2nd coat on Wednesday. Hopefully can finish painting on Sat. Next week will have to go full swing with cleaning up and moving already. Some more photos... Wrought Iron Gate Hmm, dun know should I get the Town Council people come and paint our external door or just ask my painter to paint it with white paint. The last time, the painter told me they aren't painting the external wall. Or I just DIY. Wardrobe in BedRoom 2 The wardrobe was built in accordnace to the dimension we agreed; but after building, we realize can't put any bed at its side, which we wanted initially The cabinet / wall featured under the staircase Raised platform at the Cosy Area
  11. I also afraid that my ID will charge me $120 for shifting the location of an partition, which his guys already installed. The question is they didn't really ask me if the position they install is what I wanted. He told me need $120 if shifted... I told him i wanna shift, but I also told him that I didn't confirm the position when he installed it.
  12. Some photos Shoes Cabinet (with doors installed): Remaining Wardrobe in Bedroom: Lightings in MBR: Lightings at Staircase area: Cosy area behind shoes cabinet. Will have a raised platform (yet to install): That's all for now. Personal checklist Yet to complete: Renozone 1) Raised platform for cosy area 2) Install windows grilles and windows 3) Shelvings @cosy area & kitchen 4) Piping and drainage for Washing Machine 5) Remaining Carpentry work 6) Skirting in way of previously hacked wall 7) Drill holes for bathroom accessories 8) Final Inspection 9) Handover Others: 1) Install wrought iron gate @main entrance 2) Painting (2nd coat / touch up) 3) Painting of exsiting handrails, pipings etc 4) Installation of WC, Basin, taps, etc DIY: 1) Washing / cleaning 2) Install bathroom accessories Yet to firm up: 1) Curtains / roller binds
  13. Ha... mine is one day after you. Now sending out invites... Waiting to collect album... meet up with hotel rep, etc... busy busy...
  14. Hi... Hee... visit your T-blog only now though u'd started in May No wonder my progress so slow; Miker spending more time at your place. Ha... just joking. Mine is mainly carpentry work. I still waiting for his reply when he can finish off the remaining works coz I need to get my painter to come in and do the final coat of painting. I've schedule delivery of furniture / electrical appliances, etc over 3 Sat (8, 15 & 22 Nov). Still need to clean up the house before, during and after. * Tired * So, when your AD going to be? Mine is early Dec.
  15. Paid $2200 for everything including removal of the old unit. But mine is R22 type one.