Hi All,
I am in the midst of newly erecting a semi D (about 3360 sqft)
I have undertook foundation system on my end away from my main builder (D&B) due to rising cost and uncertainty of the foundation system. The foundation system designed are RC piles which will be using total of 44 piles (250 X 250mm) .
My main con has came back with a pilecap cost of 61K for the 44 piles (mixture of 2 piles , 3 piles ,4 piles and 5 piles to a pilecap).They have sighted pricing of pilecap is due to rising cost of raw materials, labour cost increase and large amount of manual work needed.
Appreciate any advise if 61K is the fair amount for the cost of pilecap (for 44 piles) at current market.
Thanking all in advance.