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About andryyy

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  1. Hi all, I think everyone here is familiar with moving. You have to agree, it's such an arduous process. Whenever I've moved, those days have been awful. I was nervous a lot. It's especially hard to get all my stuff together and move it. How do you react to moving?
  2. https://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/85487-betting/?_fromLogin=1
  3. Це непогана ідея! До того ж, у мене є декілька запасних акумуляторів. Дякую за підказку!
  4. Всім привіт. Шукаю альтернативу під час відключення електрики. Повербанками все не зарядиш, потрібно щось більш потужне. Які варіанти можете порадити?
  5. The CDC helped me a lot with my back pain
  6. I think that games have a great effect on the mental state. Many games are very violent, it definitely affects the psyche