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  1. Finally sitting down to just pen my thoughts after everything is more or less settled at home. TLDR; Engaged an ID company that had a very egoistic MD, terrible experience dealing with the company, major delay of renovation giving many excuses, their inability to communicate and stay accountable for their actions. I had to basically oversee my entire renovation process, which defeated the purpose of engaging an ID company to do it for me in the first place anyway. I got to know D** via a friend who was starting out as a new ID. I told my friend (ID “A”) that there are no promises that we will sign with them as my partner and I do not like to hire friends. But ID A’s design piqued our interest so they were one of the IDs we shortlisted. After seeing the first design, my partner and I decided to go with ID A’s design and ID company as they offered better designs at a more attractive price point. This was the first mistake, as we did not do much research about the firm that has very little reviews but waved that concern away. Little did we know we were getting ourselves into a nightmare. We decided to sign with this firm, but before we signed, ID A confided in me that the company was not upfront about commission. We told them to discuss with the company and would only sign with the go ahead. Eventually, they ironed out the issue and we signed. Weeks after signing, ID A got terminated from the company. The company’s boss spoke ill of them and we took it as it is as I was not very close to them . Another ID (ID B) came on board the project. Covid hit and our BTO got delayed quite a bit (~ 6 months ish). There was no discussion until a refresher discussion at the end of the year. Only when we got the news of the key collection, another proper discussion was done and our renovation began. Everything went very well with ID B, things were moving very quickly. However, things only went downhill from when ID B got abruptly terminated from the company without notice, with the managing director (MD) personally taking over the renovation (the MD was already part of the contract from the start - mind you, this MD did not appear at our flat at all until the MD terminated ID B). Our renovation from then took from 6-7weeks timeline to a never ending extending timeline, which ended up having the completion almost close to 5 and a half months, with 2 months nothing done. Firstly, my partner called up to ask what was going on. I also proceeded to send a lengthy text asking the MD to let ID B finish the project before terminating as it was very abrupt. The MD proceeded to reply with words like “Let me check with the lawyer firm and get advice...legal actions” claiming that both our initial ID, ID A, and our replacement ID, ID B, had “failed” us, “as the director of the company, our mission is to meet customer’s needs, to provide a pleasant renovation journey”. Basically using big words, they don't mean. MD also kept asking for information that could be found in the group chat which they claimed that they were unable to find, but I was able to dig it out from the chat history with a simple search function. Since our vinyl flooring was halfway done, the MD tried to settle it but kept asking questions about what was the arrangement. Shouldn’t they have spoken to ID B and gotten ID B to hand over things properly before terminating them? We then arranged with the MD for a zoom call as we were unable to meet in person due to covid. The first thing we entered the zoom meeting, the MD DEMANDED an apology from us for “screwing up their company”. Little did we know, this was only the start of this big nightmare. Instead of trying to convince us that everything will be fine, the MD started to scold us? It was at this point I did not want to continue the project with this ID firm. However, ID B assured us that the carpenter (we were left mostly carpentry) is reliable. We thought this would be a one off thing and the rest of the renovation will continue. We were wrong. Proceeding this, the MD sent us a schedule that was clearly dragging the renovation duration and should not take a whole 2 months to fulfill carpentry work, remaining glass works and plumbing. Every time we ask for updates, the MD will claim that they are busy and have other project meetings, and will send us posts about covid so that they can hide behind the excuse of covid whenever there is delay (how convenient). I would also proceed to clarify the existing SMM (Safe Management Measures) at that point of time for renovation work so that they do not have any excuse. I am not sure why it took so long for the carpentry detailed drawings to be done and sent back to us for confirmation as it was already initially discussed in a zoom meeting prior to ID B’s termination which the MD had claimed to be listening in as an attendee of the meeting. Also because I could not trust the MD, I had to make extra effort to scrutinize and double check all the details, to nobody’s surprise, there were details missed out or mistakes made. Which completely defeats the purpose of engaging an ID to oversee our renovation works. Also, when we went down to check the vinyl flooring, we found many gaps and edges that were not flat, that the whole floor was practically marked out with masking tape. The MD also scheduled delivery without informing either me or my partner, and I would get calls from delivery guys, which sometimes I am unable to certify if it is really delivery for us. Honestly this is quite scary because the delivery guys will ask for the passcode, who knows if it is really them? My electrician also mentioned that there were cases whereby people steal items from houses before. But thankfully it was really the delivery guys from the shops. However, the MD claimed that he/she told the shop guys not to deliver the toilet bowls as the size of the trap has not been checked yet, but it still got delivered. When I conveyed this to the sales person, they said they were not being told. Clearly there was some miscommunication ongoing already. We also had some changes to our lighting, but since ID B got terminated and things were not moving even after asking multiple times for the changes, my partner and I decided to head down to the shop to do the changes. Again, not sure why we engage the ID firm to oversee our renovation, when we have to keep doing things ourselves. When I finally met the MD in person at my flat, it was the very first time I saw them at the flat. The MD ended the meeting trying to convince me that ID B was incapable and trash-talked about them, and hoped that my partner would stop being unhappy. I mean, too late for that right, you already shouted at us. At this point, shower glass and window grilles were up. Also we met with the supplier for the vinyl to explain why there were gaps and edges of the vinyl flooring not flat. They claim that it is like that and will settle down in time, these vinyl flooring that we requested are not interlocking, but higher premium, softer and bendable. The supplier said they will ask the worker to come and flatten the edges and also fill in the gaps with silicone. The MD claimed that our master bedroom, toilets and kitchen carpentry was already done. All stuck at malaysia customs (this was the weekend that Malaysia announced their lockdown and everyone was apparently rushing to get things out at customs). MD said that they will source locally for the carpenter/workshop to do the living room carpentry. But every phone call I made to the MD , they were always telling us a different story. Either busy finding or wanting to wait for Malaysia to end the lockdown, basically citing covid as an excuse for all their ineptitudes. Every single time I asked for an updated schedule, the MD will say “send you ASAP” but the MD’s ASAP is not “As Soon As Possible” but “As Silent As Possible” because we had to constantly chase for an update - and the MD sending updates of the given deadline at 2359. It was very frustrating to keep chasing for updates and on the other hand, having to reschedule our own deliveries again and again. I also informed the MD that if they want to install anything, to inform us to see if we are okay before going ahead. Once again, what is the point of us engaging an ID to oversee our renovations, when we as the homeowners have to keep chasing for answers? Like that we might as well just oversee our own renovations right, what is the use of the ID as a middleman? We tried to be nice to the MD but they were clearly taking advantage and delaying for no reason. At this point, there was no work done for 1 month plus. My partner and I had enough and we questioned the MD, who claimed that we were on the #1 priority and #1 queue number for carpentry, but needed 1 whole month to complete carpentry. During that phone call, the MD out of spite challenged us to find our own carpenter and said that they will refund us. We were also in contact with the carpenter who told us that the MD has not been paying the carpenter fully for their work and we were NOT #1 priority and they had another project to fulfill first. Carpenter also mentioned that the MD expected the carpenter to absorb the extra cost (the carpenter had to re-order materials to redo carpentry over in Singapore when some were already done in Malaysia) . Meanwhile, my partner and I were already looking for alternatives, another ID from another company to complete the job. The next phone call was the day after the MD challenged us to find our own carpenter. My partner demanded a refund and it was a shout fest. The MD challenged us to send a lawyer’s letter and kept asking the carpenter to stay on the phone call when it did not concern the carpenter. The MD also kept mentioning that my partner was not happy with the MD, in the exact words of “你不爽我是吗? (translation: you not happy with me is it?) “In the background we could hear another voice guiding the MD on what to say. Until my partner asked, who are you talking to? Proceeding the MD said this is my partner and also the boss of the company, show some respect. This person then told my partner “Let’s be educated people ''. In which my partner replied “Who is the one not being educated”.Following that, the MD’s partner said, “You’re not in the right attitude to talk now, you’re scaring my kids, we will talk together with your partner” and they hung up. We waited over the weekend, no call. On Sunday, the carpenter texted to inform that the lorry guy will be able to bring the completed and half completed carpentry as well as the materials over. On the following Monday, I texted the MD to inform them about my given timeline as they now should not have any excuse to further delay and I gave a deadline. The MD read my message but did not reply. I gave a warning saying that I know that my message has been read, and if there isn't any reply by 12 noon I will take it as the company does not want to continue to do our project and will refund any uncompleted work. At 12 noon, still no reply. I called the MD and my call was not picked up. I tried again at 2pm and finally my call was answered. The MD was giving an excuse saying they were in a meeting and would get back to me after discussion with the company and carpenters the next day. I emphasized that if they have read my messages but are unable to give an answer immediately, basic courtesy is to acknowledge the message right? On that same evening, the carpenter told us that they argued very badly with the MD that morning. It was basically the MD and their ID company blaming the carpenter and team. The next day, the MD called me while I was unavailable. The carpenter told us that during the discussion, the MD and company have decided to refund us whatever is not completed. The following day, the MD called me to inform us that they will be refunding us for the incomplete work. We agreed and I told him/her that since they are refunding us, I want to see and walk through the house to check 2 days later. They agreed and we arranged to meet 2 days later at the house. I invited my friend who has a lot of knowledge about renovations to come along to help check. When I first walked into the flat, I was already upset because the floor is still covered with cardboard. How was I supposed to check the tiling? I let my friend do most of the talking because my friend knew the proper things to check. And to nobody’s surprise, the MD also tried arguing their way out of not completing items and things not done up to standard. With excuses like blaming ID B for not doing it properly (bear in mind, this is about 2 months after ID B got abruptly terminated by this MD, why are they still accusing ID B when ID B did not even get the chance to properly handover?), saying it's my electrician’s fault, it’s supposed to be like that, if you want me to do this I will charge etc. Also, the MD instructed his plumber to install my new toilet bowls and the heater and charge for the work done without informing us first. I was lucky to have my friend as this friend helped me draft a settlement agreement to protect both parties and the refund amount was also discussed on the spot. The MD asked for a soft copy of the settlement contract to ask the company’s lawyer to read through. The rectification would begin 2 days later as the MD claims they only can clear trash and cardboard then. Fine, fair enough. The next day I was talking to my new ID (lets call them ID “C”) and discussing the work to be done. ID C also found out that measurements from the detailed drawings (provided by MD) are wrong. All the measurements from the detailed drawings could not be trusted anymore. On the first rectification day, the MD was not around but sent the second in command person to oversee. The painter was there and we asked about the “wet” looking patch in one of the rooms that the MD claimed was not the painter’s fault but blamed my electrician (but there were no electrical works done in that room?) The painter replied that the MD does not know and gave a stupid reason because the painter remembered he painted halfway then went off thus the uneven paint but assured us that the final coat will cover. We proceeded to check the other rectifications while the painter rectified some unsatisfactory places for painting. The second in command person also rectified anything we were unhappy with e.g. masking tape marks and took notes and pictures of other things that needed to be rectified. It was mainly the tiling, grouting and cabinet base and some vinyl issues. The MD also replied saying the lawyers are busy. MD also told me the company would only refund $250 for half the paint job done which was ridiculous because we were quoted so much more and it was really just not acceptable. My friend called and spoke to the MD regarding this. 2 days later, the tiler was doing some rectification of the tiles, but according to the MD, the tiler could not understand what we wanted about the kitchen tile base which we earlier explained to the second in command guy. So we agreed to meet the tiler and the MD next morning to explain what we wanted done - basically to even out the tile base, rectify some gaps, and also to complete the tile base that was halfway done - which when my friend called the MD to explain, the MD claimed to have told us that it was only supposed to be done before the cabinets went in but it was never communicated to us at all. (more lies and deceit by this MD) The next morning, my partner and I arrived and explained to the tiler what we required. At the same time while the tiler was rectifying the base and completing the base, we checked the tiles for the rectification. However, the MD was not present and only the second in command person was around. We waited 2 and a half hours for the MD to come and I kept asking when the MD was coming. (Once again, isn’t it common knowledge and courtesy to INFORM the client that you will be late??) Finally, the MD shows up after the tiler has long left completing the job. The MD only came for barely 5 minutes, saying that they are asking the lawyer to get back soonest by end of the day and if there are no more rectification, they don’t want to come back into the house anymore. I was being informed that the vinyl rectification was to be done on the same day but in the late afternoon we were informed that the vinyl installer does not want their worker to come up to the flat by himself and asked if it can be postponed to another day. That same evening, I chased the MD for the lawyer’s comments and asked for it not to be sent 2359 as I would need time to read through and discuss with my partner if it is acceptable for any changes to the settlement agreement. The MD sent the lawyer’s comments back and when I looked at it, it was clearly not a lawyer’s doing as the comments had very bad english and unnecessary repeated comments. After looking through and making final discussions, we arranged to meet 2 days later to sign the updated settlement contract and to collect our refund cheque. 2 days later, to no one’s surprise, the MD was late. (Is it even surprising at this point?) Settlement contract was signed with 2 witnesses. I requested for my cheque, but the MD said the company can only issue cheques 2 days in the month, which one of the days was the following day. I said ok, then I want you to inform me when the cheque is ready. We will go down to the office to collect. 2 days later, I asked for my cheque, but the MD only replied late in the evening that the office was busy and writing the cheque. (Again, as much as you are busy with your ongoing projects, is it that difficult to just inform us rather than waiting for us to chase?) We told the MD that we will collect the cheque the next afternoon. Luckily the cheque went through and we got our refund back. I will never recommend this company to anyone as I would not want them to experience the horrendous experience my partner and I had. If anyone wants to know, they're located at Ubi.