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Everything posted by Angel81

  1. Hee.. Spam Chop! Congrates on ur new home! Looking forward to more pictures and details.
  2. OMG.. Love ur sofa! Yah loh.. I'm in service line, and will try to be nice to pple when I'm a consumer. But sometimes pple are really too much. Signz... Hope that the rest of the deal will go smoothly.
  3. Wow! Seems like ur reno is going pretty fast! Congrates, and staying tune for more pics.
  4. Very nice place u got there! And the common toilet's basin is very cool.
  5. Wow!!! Congrates to ur cousin and the new auntie! Hehe.. BB boy or girl? Wah.. he reali waiting for 336 ah? Then where will he be staying since he sold his flat le? Signz.. somehow wonder if that HK seller is reali interested in selling anot... waste ur cousin's time.. drag here & there... signz..
  6. Tink recently lots of agents are getting from bad to worse. Very bad service from lots that I've encountered. Good to read that you are standing up for your own rights!
  7. By the way.. how's ur cousin's search coming along? Did he go view the mid flr 336 unit or 340 unit?
  8. Hehe.. can just imagine the stress that you and some other forumers are going thru. Just hope that everyting will be smooth sailing and done swee swee from now on.
  9. Hope that ur sofa will be fine and not give u anymore pblms. Ya, nw quite afew places got such type of coffee tables. Can try IFC also.. tink saw some there b4. U looking for glass & steel dining tables as well? I saw a round one at IMM 3rd flr.. cant rem whh shop thou.. can go walk walk ard c c.
  10. Yah.. water seepage can become a big pblm. Really should send email to them after calling. If not they can say that they did not receive the call/msg/etc. I tink the solid surface will look very nice after cleaning up and putting some bright colored decorations!
  11. Congrates! Very nice house u got there. Love the movie posters and the bedroom settee. Definitely should have some cushions to hug there!
  12. Hi Jeddie, Aiyo.. sorry to hear that! Hope that the pblm will be rectified asap.
  13. Oh no! So sorry to hear that! Then u guys will have to wait for them to deliver new ones again? Signz.. how come got pple like that one?
  14. Aiyo.. wat happened? Sad leh.. tot u moved in happily le, and now gota take away some of ur furniture. Hope that everything can be rectified soon!
  15. Hahaha.. virgo.. go c Jessie's t-blog.. We r now camping here to give u pressure to show us pics! Yeah.. just show us which ever rooms that are completed.. We are easy to please pple.. heheh
  16. Mi and my tent! Jessie.. where r u?
  17. Hahahaha! Jessie, how about we go camp at virgo's t-blog then? She still owe us the pics of her completed house! Virgo... we're going over with our tents!
  18. Congrates! Ur MBR looks big in the layout, so nice! Looking forward to more pics.
  19. Haha Jessie, no worries la! Take ur time. We'll just camp here and wait for ur pics
  20. Heheh.. nuting is cheap nowadays Tink with kids, maid is good. If kids big le or no kids, PT helper will be better. hehe.. So wen r u gg back to ur EM to take a pic of the staircase to show us?
  21. Hehe.. can get those part-time helpers to help clean the house. My HB and I intend to do that in future, cuz both of us dun like to have maids in the house (abit weird.. not family after all). And like wat virgo said.. EM is reali a big place to handle all chores. We tinking of asking the helper to come once every 2 wks to help with the bigger chores like washing curtains/bedsheets/clean windows etc. Maybe u guys can consider that.
  22. Haha! Agree with virgo.. dun need to waste $$. And the grills look like it's in gd condition.
  23. Nice layout! Looking forward to mre pics
  24. Yay! Pics! More pls It's not that bad la.. Just paint the grills and door and it'll be very nice. Or will you be changing the grill?
  25. Haha.. agreed. Tink the older gen rather sensitive on lots of issues. Muz thread carefully when bringing up our concerns. Both my FIL & MIL smokes.. and my FIL drinks beer.. Headache headache..