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Everything posted by Angel81
Ooo! I'm glad there's this topic! I wanted to connect my laptop to lcd tv to watch anime, but a fren of mine told me that sometimes the electric current may "shock" the laptop and fry it. True anot? Till now dun dare to connect to lcd tv and can only watch it on the small laptop screen.
Think the oven sounds good. Was consider an oven from Rinnai too wen I was renovating. In the end got HOBZ, since it's a set. Sometimes oven too chim no use, cuz duno how to use and in the end the extra functions become redundant.
Wah~ 45 downlights arh? That's like quite alot. U do downlights in 2 bedrms and upstairs corridor? Cuz I see only 1 bedrm ceiling lights, and no lights for upstairs corridor. I only have 27 downlights at my place. No lights for staircase?
Haha, they tell u liao then there will be one less customer for them mah.
Haha, long long once buy B&J loh. It's worth it. Yeah yeah. Fav leh. I like their atap ji flavour, and sweet corn. Once I ate b4 honeydew, and peanut flavour. Very good. I love their strawberry cheesecake flavour too! And cherry garcia, dublin mudslide and vanilla. So far their vanilla is still the best I've tried.
Hee, true. I tried searching near the swimming pool too! Even those terok reno ones asked for rather high cov. No wonder lar, I tot why such a big difference btw Jurong and Hougang. I also think that it's good to stick to the same area. Think I will be super not used to it if ask me to shift to North or East side.
Hee, then source for the cheapest price for the brand u're aiming at bah. Think by the time u get ur EM, it should be around Great Singapore Sale liao. Then can get lots of good stuff at cheap price. Icic. Then how come Hougang? Near parents place? Hee, tink it's really fated to get an EM tat u like.
Haha, just went to check HDB webbie for recent transactions. Not very x leh~ It ranges from $440k - $478k. There's even one that's sold at $428k! But wah, just found out that there were 7 transactions at my area of 4 EM blocks fr Sept - Dec! Lily, did u check my area (st 41)? PS: I just check the few EM blocks surrounding my block, didn't include those further away.
*Hi-Five!* Which flavours do u like?
Same here! I like baking and cooking, but it's only after getting my own place that I can do all these stuff. Very happy spending time in my kitchen now. Wah, west and Hougang very far leh. How come u were looking here and in the end chose Hougang? Hee, that means u like the rectangle balcony EM layout instead of square balcony ones? Hehe, same same.
Taste wise it's different mah. Those "home made" ones are nicer. I've seen pple use those for sandwich ice cream too. Nicee~
Haha, can consider posting at the Baking Clubby tblog. Or start ur own tblog to share ur reno experience with us! Then can post ur creations for us to Hmm, there seems to be lots of EM sales/purchases at Hougang. The rest of the areas seem lesser, esp my area.
Hmm~ I dun eat those boxes one. The only type I eat from those carts are those ice cream that the uncles do themselves one. At Orchard got alot leh, and my house nearby got 1 uncle that sells that too. Other than that, it's B&J. Absolute favourite.
Haha, that's a very big compliment. Thanks Chinchye, but I'm just someone who likes to play around in the kitchen. Hee~ Most welcome! Which recipe u going to try? Post pics ya? There's lots of other good recipes in both webbies, can try them out too. And congrates on getting ur new EM! Think Hougang is a very hot place for EMs.
$80 worth of donuts??? That's alot leh.. Spare some for ice cream bah~ I LOVE ice cream
Haha yah loh.
Haha, everything must try. No worries lar Ice cream! YES! :D
Why last 2 toes? We don't cross the last 2 fingers also wat. Normally it's the middle and index, so it's the 2 largest fingers.
Haha, wonder wat to call this new dish. Anione got any ideas? Mickey, think this dish should be sold at the Lion King area (cuz jungle mah). Hehe, thanks thanks. It's very simple to do, can try it out for your hb! The only thing I would change is to omit all seasoning for the potatoes, cuz it's abit too salty with the seasoning and the chicken's drippings.
wahahhah~ I'll ask if my hb is interested in chocolate leaves anot. Cuz I dun eat chocolate.
wah~ If got different themes in each room, tat will be cool. Heheh, like going to a different world each time. haha, reminds me of Kingdom Hearts (the game). try www.etsy.com and search for tree decals. There's lots of large tree decals there. Only thing is that it's in USD. Can try to find those from China, there're slightly cheaper.
Haha u mean those stir fry pasta arh? Hmm, I guess should be ok bah. Put abit more sauce when u stir fry, then it should b ok bah. haha
Wah~~~~ I love ur display cabinets and ur kitchen! Love the long worktop. Can imagine all the good food being made there. Very lovely.
Haha, I tink new will salivate over ur grills then. Haha, so there's nuting to be amazed about crossing toes wat rite? wonder why ron was so surprised. hahah