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Everything posted by Angel81

  1. hehe icic. cools~ tml muz rem to take pic!
  2. hehe wun lar. i'll start simple. i promise. hehehehehehe ooo, u no take pics of the orange one to show us arh? or izit the corner pic with some orange coloured sqiggly?
  3. hehe, see got ani interesting gossip mah. got take pic of where u hang it anot? hehehe, can show us b4 we go. hehehehe, okok, if got time i'll drop by and c. haha, proud of u mah. of cuz muz go there tell pple i know the artist. heheheh tks dear! i go search search. my walls super duper plain man. buey dahan
  4. hehe, she went to SIM for her 'entrance' woh.. no wonder no come here. heheheh wah! SIM library not open to public rite? too bad.. if not i'll go there and proudly tell passerbys that I know this painter. wahahah wah.... got like tat one arh? then i also wan! I'll go search for some painting ideas tat i like and show u and ask u to paint.
  5. Now 4plus liao, and new still haven make her appearance.. Ur everytime at nite chat chat so much. I rarely online at nite, always miss all the fun.
  6. Haha, no leh. U very bad and fierce to new one leh. I just like to tease her, and I'm very nice to her one woh.
  7. Congrates tulip! Show us some pics after u guys settle down k?
  8. But u still love me rite? Think muz b she do one. That green colour looks like the exact colour of her kitchen wall. New: the colour is nice. Where u gg to hang these?
  9. Haha, yah, there's lots to buy at this time. Pocket's hole gets bigger and bigger. Haha, cuz I 'recite' them whenever I hear the garang guni pple. hehehe... Only thing I dun have is the 'pi por pi por' Lemon bawu? *maybe that's why ur plants are still green, cuz they 'turn green' with the smell*
  10. Hahahah! I actually like some of their basins, but rather x. U splurge on one for ur MBR toilet lar. The rest of the toilets use normal taps loh.
  11. aiyo.. we very nice liao leh... We didn't ask her if she wants our gu po zhua, gu sa kor.. pai lelio dian xi ki (in hokkien). hehe, nice rite? So next time housewarming muz invite us go c ur blings blings precious treated us lychee champagne, so u muz treat us sth equally nice!
  12. Hahahaha! I think new is going to beat us left right. hehehehhe.. But then hor, see, we're so good to you.
  13. Haha icic. It's nice de woh. Save on buying those glass bottles some more. Have u painted any of them? I saw pics of bottles painted internally. Very nice decor pieces. Haha, I only got 1 liqueur bottle for new leh! Where got collect for her? hahahahaha.. But seriously new, if u wan those normal dark glass wine bottles, I have lots. My FIL drinks red wine mah. *wave* I got plastic bottles... U wan? hahahaha.. We drink lots of bottled green tea.
  14. Welcome! Hehe, ur kitchen idea sounds like mine, except that I didn't use black trimmings, and my cabinets are bright red.
  15. Nice place u've got there. Think I won't be able to bear to sell it if I'm in ur shoes.
  16. Hehe, nice to see lots of happy pics from u. Think u made a right choice by prying away the skirting; less dust collected behind the shelves. And ya, the line doesn't matter lar. After putting the shelves and stuff, will not be able to see the line liao. Haha, u really have lots of bottles. But those sake bottles look so similar, are they all the same ones? Wah lao, ur ah lao's undies super colourful sia. And I like the mirror in ur toilet! Matches ur kim kim shelf.
  17. Haha, where got so fast got news one? Haiz, seems like ur house got lots of pblm with reno. Tink after everything end, ur gota "cleanse" the house to get rid of all the negative feelings.
  18. we wait for ur pics till flowers also wilted liao lar.... If u're doing strips for ur house nw, does tat mean that u r "stripping" hahahahahahhaaa... lalalalalllalalala~ Hehe, I rem u collect empty glass bottles leh.. If not I will juz throw away one woh. Mine is a pear liquor, and the glass bottle is in a pear shape. One dae I take pic show u, c if u wan anot.
  19. Congrates on ur new home! Hehe, love those bay windows. Can foresee that it'll be a very cozy area to chill. I like the colour combi too, esp the red and glass wall at the dining room.
  20. AJ: Ur place is looking great! More pics please. Hehe, only my kitchen is red/white leh. The rest all white white one.. U come my house do my kitchen ones for mi lar, and I give u one chio chio glass bottle for payment. hehehhee.. Speaking of glass bottles, do u still collect them?
  21. Congrates on ur new home! Nice layout u've got there.
  22. Congrates on ur new place! Looking forward to the transformation.
  23. Wah, those few units should be quite hot in the evening. Hehe, $450k is quite ok. Wondering how much is the val. hehe.. Time flies, next mth due liao. Rest more in the meantime! Welcome and congrates! The windows replacement does sound rather expensive. Why dun u try getting quotes from outside?
  24. Harlow! Haha izit? Any idea how much? Curious to know wat's the market like now. A forumner emailed me to sae that she juz bought a unit at 470. Looks like we'll have new neighbours How's ur wife's preggie so far? Think her due date is next mth izit?