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Everything posted by charlotte11

  1. Hello Latley I have been doing some research about the feng shui flying star technique and I would be very greatful if you could answer these few questions: So i calculated my flying star chart with the facing and the direction. So now i have my water star, mountain star, base and annual star. I know how to weaken a single energie with the five elements. But how do I deal with the combination of all 4 stars? More concretly, what if both the annual and the water star are untimely and the mountain star is timely, do i have to remedy every energie or can i activate the timely mountain star? If the mountain and the water star are timely can i activate both or do i have to choose between health and wealth? There are also the 81 combinations but sometimes there are negative and positive effects within one specific combination. How do i know when the combination is positive or negative? And if there is only a negative description for this combination, do i have to remedy this? I would really appreciate a response. It would mean the wourd to me if you could help me out. I'am a bit lost. Thank you so much. Charlotte